Cosmology - Essential Flashcards
What is the Universe
The Universe is all of Existence - All of Space space and time,matter and entergy within it

How old is the Universe
13.7 Billion Years
How fast is the speed of light
186,000 miles per second, 670,616,629 mph
How many Miles does light travel in a year
5,878 Billion Miles (5.8 Trillion)
How many times would light travel round the Earth in 1 second
What is the Diameter of the Earth
480,000 miles
How long does it take a space probe to get to the moon
3 days
How many miles is Neptune (furthermost planet) from the Sun
2.8 Billion miles
What is the closest star system from the Sun
Alpha Centauri
How far away is Alpha Centauri
4.35 light Years (25 Trillion Miles)
How many Star Systems are there within 20 light years
79 (containing 106 stars)
How long ago did the Solar System Form
4.6 Billion Years ago (with the collapse of a molecular cloud)
the Solar System contains how many Planets
The Solar system contains how many moons
The Solar System contains how many comets
Name the Planets
Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, Pluto
The four smaller inner planets, also known as the “terrestrial planets”, are primarily composed of________
Rock and Metal
The two innermost gas giants, Jupiter and Saturn, are the largest of the four outer planets and are composed mainly of _____________
hydrogen and helium.
The two outermost gas giants, Uranus and Neptune, are composed largely of________ Together they are referred to as the “ice giants“.
ices (water, ammonia and methane)
The size of the Solar System extends to how far
2 light years
what are the two regions of asteroids similar to the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter
Kuiper Belt
How large is the OBSERVABLE universe
93 Billion Light Years
How many Galaxys are estimated to be in the observable universe
200 Billion to 2 Trillion (2000 Billion)
How may stars could there be in the observable universe
1 Septillion
what is the distance between the Milky way and Andromeda
2.5 Million Light years
How far is the Sun from Earth
93 million Miles (8 light seconds)
How far is Mars from Earth
140 million miles
What is the diameter of the Solar System
18.6 Trillion miles (3 light years) to the oort cloud
How far is Jupiter from Earth
365 million miles
How big is the Milky Way
100,000 light years (600,000 trillion miles)
How many stars are there in the Milky way
Between 100 and 400 Billion
How long does it take the Earth to orbit the Milky Way
230 Million Years
How far is Sirius from Earth
8.6 light years
What type of Galaxy is the Milky Way
Bared Spiral Galaxy
How long would it take to fly to the sun in a commercial jet travelling at 525 mph
19 Years
What is the name of the furthest galaxy ever detected