What is Criminal Justice? 1/21 The Crime Picture 1/23 Flashcards
What is the difference between Criminology and Criminal Justice?
Criminology is concerned with explaining why individuals engage in criminal behavior.
Criminal Justice is concerned with explaining how the system works and its effects on behavior.
Explain the Consensus Model of the criminal justice system.
Assumes all components of Criminal Justice system work together towards common goal.
–Process is “smooth.”
Explain the Conflict Model of the criminal justice system.
Suggests the interests in Criminal Justice agencies make actors within the system self-serving.
–Goals of individual agencies conflict with one another.
What amendments does the Due Process perspective derive from?
5th Amendment
6th Amendment
14th Amendment
What does multiculturalism in criminal justice refer to?
“a society that is home to a multitude of different cultures, each with its own set of norms, values, and routine behaviors”
What are the most common concepts that are the most studied in multiculturalism?
Race and Ethnicity
What are the problems with crime statistics and social policy?
- Social events, including crime, are complex and difficult to quantify.
- Bias of policymakers
- Public opinion is misguided by the media reports.
What is the Crime Index within the Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR)?
The summation of occurrences of the 8 crimes based on the population.
What are the 8 offenses within the Crime Index that UCR identifies or what are known as Part I offenses?
- Murder
- Rape
- Robbery
- Aggravated Assault
- Burglary
- Larceny
- Motor Vehicle Theft
- Arson
What does UCR stand for?
Uniform Crime Reporting
What does NIBRS stand for?
National Incident-Based Reporting System
What is the goal and purpose of NIBRS?
To enhance the quality, quantity, and timeliness of crime data collection by law enforcement.
The NIBRS is NOT a separate report, rather, it is the new methodology to the UCR program.
What were the enhancements of the UCR/NIBRS that the traditional UCR did not have?
The UCR/NIBRS features:
- Reports ALL offenses, not just the most serious offense.
- Consists of individual incident record for the 8 major crimes AND 38 other offenses.
- Includes details on offense, victim, offender, and property involved.
- Distinguishes between attempted and completed crimes
- Records rape of BOTH males and females, not just females.
- Restructures definition of assault.
- Collects weapon information for ALL violent offenses, not just murder, robbery, and aggravated assault as provided in the UCR.
- Provides details on arrests for the 8 major crimes and 49 other offenses.
Are Part II offenses recorded in the number of crimes reported or in the number os arrests.
Part II offenses are recorded in arrests, not crimes reported.
Part II offenses are generally more serious than those that make up Part I offenses.
Part II offenses are generally less serious than those that make up Part I offenses.