what is conformity? Flashcards
what is conformity?
a form of social influence that results from exposure to the majority position.
leads to compliance with that position
- a change in a person’s behaviour or opinions as a result of real or imagined pressure from a person or group of people
what are the three types of conformity?
what is compliance?
when individuals change their behaviour / attitudes the voice IN PUBLIC so they’re in line w the majority
NO CHANGE TO PRIVATE views - only lasts while the group is present
superficial and temporary
example of compliance
a person laughing at a joke they don’t find funny because everyone else laughs
what is internalisation?
individuals change their behaviour in public so they’re in line w majority
they decide the majority is correct - ACCEPT GROUP’S BELIEF PRIVATELY also
deeper and more permanent
example of internalisation
a student about to vote for head boy but classmates then explain why another candidate would be better. the student believes this and changes their mind to vote for the same candidate as classmates
what is identification?
moderate type of conformity
conform to the beliefs of the group because WE VALUE THE GROUP and IDENTIFY with the group (eg friends)
we may disagree privately but it can also lead to internalisation
example of identification
becoming a vegetarian because all your friends are but still liking meat
who identified two reasons for conformity?
Deutsch and Gerard (1955)
- two-process theory
what are the two reasons for conformity?
the desire to be ACCEPTED - NSI
the desire to be RIGHT - ISI
this model views conformity as a … process
what is ISI?
informational social influence
- person conforms because they are UNSURE of the correct answer
- look t others for information
- need to be RIGHT
Informational Social Influence is most likely when …
the situation is AMBIGUOUS
situation is DIFFICULT or complex
situation is a CRISIS - rapid action is required
we believe others to be experts
what type of conformity is ISI more likely to lead to?
what is NSI?
normative social influence
- copy the behaviour of others to FIT IN
- need to be LIKED and accepted in the group
- avoid behaviour that will make others reject / ridicule us
Normative Social Influence is more likely to occur …
in situations with STRANGERS - concerned about rejection
STRESSFUL situations - greater need for social support
what type of conformity is NSI more likely to lead to?
strength for the two process theory
there’s RESEARCH SUPPORT for both NSI and ISI
research support for ISI
Lucas et al (2006)
- asked students to give answers to mathematical problems
- conformity occurred more to incorrect answers when problems were more difficult
- those who were poor at maths looked to others - felt thy had more knowledge
research support for NSI
Asch (1951)
- many participants went along with a clearly wrong answer because other people did
- participants feared rejection - went along w wrong answer
- answers were not ambiguous or difficult - people still conformed due to NSI
weaknesses for the two-process theory (2)
many supporting studies are lab studies - ack ECOLOGICAL VALIDITY
individual differences in NSI
- some are not concerned about being liked
- nAffiliators - people who have a greater need for affiliation - being liked
— more likely to conform (McGhee and Teevan - 1967) - suggests that NSI explanation nay lack POPULATION VALIDITY
- doesn’t apply to everyone
individual differences in ISI
- does not affect everyone’s behaviour in the same way
- Asch - students were not as conformist - 28% compared to 37%
NSI and ISI lab studies lack ecological validity
- lab conditions
- cannot ensure participants’ behaviour in the lab will mirror the same behaviour in the real world