What is a Business Flashcards
What is a Business?
Any organisation that makes goods or provides services.
What are Customer Needs?
The wants and desires of buyers.
What is a Business Startup?
A new firm operating in a market for the first time.
-There’s nearly half a million start ups a year, most are very small and operate in the service sector.
What are Suppliers?
Firms selling products to other business and selling to customers.
What is a Market?
Any place where buyers and sellers meet to trade products (can be a high street or a website).
What is Adding Value?
The process of making the product more valuable to the purchaser. In each stage of the production process more value is added to the product.
How can you Add Value?
-Speed and excellent service
-Product features
Why does a business Add Value
A business adds value when the selling price of an item is higher than the costs of all the resources used to make it.
What is Primary Production?
This involved acquiring raw materials. For example, metals and coal have to be mined, oil drilled from the ground, rubber tapped from trees, foodstuffs farmed and fish trawled, This is sometimes known as extractive production.
What is Secondary Production?
This is the manufacturing and assembly process. It is involved in converting raw materials into components. For example, making plastics from oil. It also involved assembling the product, eg building houses, bridges and roads.
What is Tertiary Production?
This refers to commercial services that support the production and distribution process, e.g. insurance, transport, advertising, warehousing and other services such as teaching and healthcare.
What Aims can a business have?
-Expand stores
-Employ more staff
-Increase market share
-Good customer services
-Good working environment
What is a Mission of a business
A mission of a business is its overall purpose or main cooperate aims (to motivate/putting corporate aim into fancy words).
What is an Aim?
Overall what a business wants to achieve.
What are Corporate/Strategic objectives?
Goals of the business as a whole.
What are Functional/Department objectives?
Objectives for each department.
What is the criteria for the most effective business objectives?
Specific - objectives are aimed at what the business does.
Measurable - the business can put a value to the objective.
Achievable - by all those concerned in trying to achieve the objective.
Realistic - should be able to be achieved by the resources available.
Time specific - should have a deadline to achieve it by.
What Objectives can a business have?
-Social and Ethical
Should there be a good balance between long-term and short-term objectives?
What is Profit?
The financial growth a business makes from providing goods and services.
Profits occur when the revenue of a business is greater than the costs it incurs.
What is Revenue?
The money the business makes from sales.
How does the costs of producing products help make business decision?
-Supports budgets
-Employee pay
-How many people are employeed
-Changes in production methods
-To hit new targets
-Profit margins
Why is profit important?
-Profit isn’t the return for taking a risk.
-Profit measures the success of an investment .
-Profit is an important source of finance.
-Profit can motivate people.
Which two ways can profit be used?
-The owners may take profits out of the business for their own benefit.
-Profits may be retined in the business.