What do you look for? Flashcards
In a general examination, what do you look for in the hands?
Colour - i.e tar staining? Hand warmth (cold vs hot?) Nail changes Capillary refill time Shapes of joints Muscle wasting Palms (creases colour / palmar erythema) Contractures Radial pulse Tremor
What nail changes do you look for?
pitting, Splinter haemorrhages, Leuconychia, Peripheral cyanosis, Anaemia, Koilonychia, Finger clubbing
What are the types of tremor seen?
What should you look for in the arms in a general examination?
Joint deformity Tattoos/bruising/rashes/pigmentation Spide naevi Scars or wounds Track marks (venous damage due to needles) Skin turgor
In a general examination what should you look for in the face?
Facial symmetry Specific facies (facial expression due to disease) Ears - shape/swelling Eyes - Lips (angular stomatitis, lip colour Buccual mucosa (ulceration/pigmentation) Malar flush
In a general examination what do you look for in the anterior chest area?
Skin lesions (spider naevi) Gynaecomastia
In a general examination what do you look for in the lower limbs?
Skin - colour, hair, varicose veins, ulceration? Temperature Swelling (pitting oedema) Deformities (hallux vagus?) Joint swelling, skin thickening Inspect toes
What are the signs of CO2 retention?
Palmar warmth and pinkness
Flapping tremor
What are the signs of clubbing?
Loss of nail angle
Nailbed fluctuation
Increase in nail curvature (longitudinal)
Finger swelling (soft tissue)
What do you look for in the neck for a respiratory exam?
Tracheal position
Cervical lymph nodes
When auscultating the chest ina respiratory examination, what are you listening for?
If breathing is vesicular or bronchial
Intensity of breath sounds
Any added sounds (cackle, wheeze, rub?)
Abnormalities on inspiration, expiration or both?
What are the parts of the pulse that should be noted?
Rhythm (regular, irregularly irregular, regularly irregular)
What are the different characters of pulse?
Slow rising
Collapsing (hold hand up)
What are the different volumes of pulse?
Normal Thready Bounding Full Low volume
What do you look for in the eyes?
unequal pupils,
corneal arcus