WHAP Terms Flashcards
Name this philosophy:
system of government, under authority of a dictator, through suppression of the opposition by means of terror and censorship
Name this philosophy:
a political philosophy supporting the right and power of the people in their struggle against he privileged elite
A system devised to protect international interests?
Collective Security
revolution in that allowed the increasing availability of information due to the use of things like computers, internet and other technologies
Information Revolution
founder of the Bolsheviks and leader of Russian revolution, first leader of USSR
Vladimir Lennin
Who is Margaret Thatcher
first woman to serve as a prime minister, of England, conservative – symbolized shift away from welfare economy
Who is Nasser?
Led social revolution in Egypt in 1952 And was an army officer and politician who servedAs both prime minister (1954-56) and president 1956-58). His nationalism of the Suez Canal precipitated an international crisis in 1956.
Akio Morita
Founded Sony after ww2 epitomized the success of capitalism in places like Japan and Western EU
What were the Allied Powers?
Ironically the Allied Powers were Germany, Italy, and Austria-Hungary which was established by Otto-Von Bismarck in 1880
Pressures from high officials in Austria and Germany led to the annexation by the Germans in 1938
What were mandates
Governments in Middle East given to European powers after ww2
Example British Mandated Palestine
Who was involved in the Pan-Slavic Movement?
Movement in 1800s to unify the Slavs in Austria and the Ottoman Empire. Showcased the use of nationalism to unify in EU
What was the Potsdam Conference?
Allies came together at the end of the summer of 1945 to discuss punishment for germany and the division of regions. Ended with the soviets agreeing to enter war in japan.
What is Russification?
A form of nationalism that took place to unite the different cultures of Russia into one and revere the tsar
What is the Brest-Litovsk Treaty
Treaty that heavliy favored the Germans. Got Russia out of war but gave the Germans a lot of land
What was the Yalta Conference?
Meeting between USSR, US and Britain, demanded Germany’s unconditional surrender and called for the division of Germany. Held before the end of war
What is an Afrikaner
An Afrikaans-speaking South African of European ancestry, especially one descended from 17th-century Dutch settlers.
What was the Alliance For Progress?
U.S. assistance program for Latin America to counter revolutionary politics (1961)
What is brinkmanship?
introduced during the Cold War, policy or practice, especially in international politics and foreign policy, of pushing a dangerous situation to the brink of disaster in order to achieve the most advantageous outcome by forcing the opposition to make concessions. During the Cold War, the threat of nuclear force was often used as such a deterrent.
What was the cultural revolution?
Goal was to discourage a privileged ruling class from forming, he instituted reforms that erased any influence from the West, intellectuals were sent to collective farms for “cultural restraining”, political dissidents were imprisoned or killed. Mao’s Little Red Book became a symbol of the forced egalitarianism.
What was the Geneva Conference?
After France lost the battle at Dien Bien Phu, they signed the treaty in 1954. Nations of Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam were created and Vietnam was divided into north/south – elections in a 2 years.
What is glasnot?
When Mikhail Gorbachev came to power in the Soviet Union in 1985, he instituted policies of glasnost or openness and urged a perestroika (restructuring) of the soviet economy.
What is Guamindang?
The Chinese Nationalist Party founded by Sun Yat-sen in 1919, it drew support mainly from local warlords. It initially formed an alliance with Communists in 1924, and after 1925 was dominated by Chiang Kai-shek.
Russian agricultural entrepreneurs who used the Stolypin reforms to increase agricultural production and buy more land. Resisted stalins reforms. Resistors to collectivization were killed or sent to labor camps
What was the May 4th Movement?
In 1919 – resistance in China to Japanese encroachments began. This generated a movement of intellectuals aimed at transforming China into a liberal democracy (Confucianism was rejected, etc)
New Economic Policy
Instituted by Lenin in 1921 – the state continued to set basic economic policies, but now efforts were combined with individual initiatives. This policy allowed food production to recover
Mikhail Gorbachev’s policy calling for economic restructuring in the USSR in the late 1980s. This included more scope for private ownership and decentralized control in the areas of industry and agriculture
Prague Spring?
In 1968, Czechoslovak Communist Party leader Alexander Dubcek tried to liberalize the country’s communist regime by introducing democratic reforms such as free speech and freedom of assembly. The period came to be known as the Prague Spring, but it was ended when Warsaw Pact (Soviet) troops invaded in a military crackdown.
Showed desire to separate from Stalinist form of idolatry.
Red Guard?
Student brigades utilized by Mao Zedong and his political allies during the Cultural Revolution to discredit political opponents/enemies
Similar to Stalin Purges. Conveyed the power that Mao had with communism
Members of Nicaraguan social movement named after Augusto Sandino – during the 1980s successfully carried out a socialist revolution in Nicaragua
association of manufacturers with the purpose of maintaining prices at a high level and restricting competition. In Latin American nations- large foreign debts, huge international drug cartel that threaten government stability.