wh questions Flashcards
what is that?
he aha tērā?
what should (we) look at?
me titiro ki te aha?
as a result
me te aha
better than nothing/never mind/at least thats something
mā te aha (i tērā)
anything (after negative)
i te aha
at least they came to offer their support
mā te aha i tae mai rātou ki te tautoko
i didnt see anythin
kāore au i kite i te aha
what should we do now?
me aha tātou ināianei?
what happened to your leg?
i ahatia tō waewae?
who carved this house?
nā wai tēnei whare i whakairo?
how did you get there?
mā hea koe haere mai ai?
when did they leave?
nō nahea rātou i wehe atu ai?
how were the children treated by the teacher?
i pēheatia ngā tamariki e te kaiako?
how did the money get lost?
i pēhea rā te moni e ngaro ai?
how did people cook food in the days before electricity?
i pēhea te tunu kai i ngā wā o mua atu i te hiko?