7.3.1 complementary clauses Flashcards
its right that s/he should stand to speak
e tika ana kia tū ia ki te kōrero
its said that he is very knowledgeable about carving canoes
e kīa ana he tino mōhio ia ki tēnei mahi ki te tārai waka
Hone said that he was going to the meeting
i kī mai a Hone kei te haere ia ki te hui
Rangi asked me if i was going to the meeting
i pātai mai a Rangi mehemea e haere ana au ki te hui
the chief said that the oven should be opened
i mea atu te rangatira kia hurahia te umu
he instructed the children to take away the rubbish
i whakahau ia kia kawe atu ngā tamariki i ngā parapara
i am worried that it might rain tomrrow
kei te āwangawanga au kei ua āpōpō
they are afraid that the job might not be done
e mataku ana rātou kei kore e oti te mahi
they were worried that she might not arrive at the correct time
i āwangawanga rātou kei kore ia e tai atu i te wā tika
where are you going
kei te haere koe ki hea?
he asked me where i was going
i pātai mai ia kei te haere au ki hea?
it has been decided that the application should not be accepted
kua whakatauria kia kaua e whakaaetia te tono
Hone wants to become an MP
e pīrangi ana a Hone ki te haere hei MP
Hone wants to be elected MP
e pīrangi ana a Hone kia pōtingia hei MP
Hone wants Tio to become an MP
e pīrangi ana a Hone kia haere a Tio hei MP