WH- Prenatal, Abortion Flashcards
A few meds that ARENT pregnancy safe
Advanced maternal age
> 35YO
UTD on immunizatoins?
MMR and Varicella especially bc these are LIVE and cannot be given during pregnancy
Start Folic acid + DHA 1 month before trying to get pregant
neural tube closes by 4th week
help ward off post partum depression
Folic acid
0.4-0.8 mg
4 mg if hx of NTD
Exam for Preconception care
Dental caries (can put mom at risk of preterm delivery)
Pelvic exam
when to use OTC Ovulation predictor kits
days 10-20 of cycle
Timed intercourse
Day 11,13,15,17 of cycle
day 14 is ovulation
1st visit
between 8-10 wks of pregnancy
best for 1st Ultrasound
Obstetric history
Gravida= # of pregnancies Para=TPAL T: births after 37 wks P: births prior to 37 wks A: abortion L: # of living children
G2= 2 pregnancies P2002 "TPAL" 2: births after 37 wks 0: preterm 0: abortions L: 2 living children
1st day of last menses
Naegele’s Rule
add 7 days to LMP and subtract 3 mo
to predict Estimated Delivery Date (EDD)
Est date of confinement
confinement- concluding phase of pregnancy, onset of contractions to the birth of baby
Breast exam
Montg tubercles
Dilated veins
Enlarged breast, expanding areola
Chadwick’s sign
Blue to purple tint of vaginal walls/cervix
Hegar’s sign
Palpable softening of isthmus
Montgomery tubercles on breast of pregnant women
oil glands on pregnant women’s breasts to keep breast tissue supple as it expands in growing breasts
to keep from cracking
prep for breastfeeding also
Prenatal care first visit
Hcg: pregnancy test! Specimen from pelvic: Pap, Gonn, Chlam CBC Blood type/ Rh Rubella/Varicella Syphilis (RPR) Hep B HIV UA and culture
+/- TSH, Cystic fibrosis, TB, HA1C
Transvaginal US can visualize cardiac activity as early as 5.5-6.5 wks BUT
best to wait until 8-10 weeks
1st US
R/o Ectopic!!!
Common items to avoid:
Tuna, shark, swordfish, king mackerall, Tillefish (high mercury)
Raw meet/eggs
Hot dogs, deli meat
No More than 200 mg caffeine daily (one 12 oz cup coffee)
What sports to avoid
contact sports
hot yoga
How much weight should you gain?
25-35 lbs
Prof recommends no more than 30 lbs