clin med- hepatitis lectures Flashcards
At what point can you still reverse liver damage (alcohol related)
reversible after 4-6 weeks of abstinence
Alcoholic Liver Dz 3 main patterns of injury
Fatty liver (simple steatosis)
Alcoholic Hepatitis
Chronic Hep w Fibrosis or Cirrhosis
ALD risk factors
> 1 drink/day for women, >2 drinks/day for men
Pattern (daily, binge, fasting)
Fatty liver
A-sx, reversible and self limited (after 4-6 wks of abstinence)
Tx: lifestyle (weight loss and exercise) stop drinking
Alcohol Hepatitis
Necrosis and fibrotic scarring
Sx can be none —-> severe
AH severe manifestations
Hepatic encephalopathy jaundice Hepatosplenomegaly Edema Ascites Variceal bleeding
AST/ALT ratio in Alcoholic Hepatitis
> 1.5
Mallory Denk body
Alcoholic Hepatitis
Histology of Alcoholic Hepatitis
Neutrophilic lobe inflammation
Clumps of Mallory Denk
Degranulation and fibrosis
Definite dx of Alcoholic Hepatitis
Liver biopsy
Confounding factors
reasons why Alcohol might not be the cause of the liver damage
Lilie Model
response to Steroid
Hepatic Encephalopathy
Ammonia travels to brain: neurotoxin
Tx: Lactulose
Sx: EKG change, tremor
4 grades of Hepatic Encephalopathy
syndrome of impaired brain fx w/ advanced liver dz
Asterixsis (hand tremor)
a sign of Hepatic Encephalopathy
Severe Alcoholic Hepatitis
Variceal bleeding
Tx of Severe Alcoholic Hepatitis
Hepatic Enceph: Lactulose, Rifaximin
Severe Alc Hep diagnostics
MDF >32
Tx of Severe Alc Hep
Steroids, but stop if not effective after 7 days (using Lilie score)
Liver transplant if meds fail
Liver cirrhosis
Process of destruction, regeneration, necrosis, fibrosis and progressive deterioration
Compensated cirrhosis
12 yr survival
Portal pressure is not an issue (<10)
AST elevation
Uncompensated Cirrhosis
<2 yr survival
Porto-systemic shunting
Dupuytren's contracture Spider nevi Hepatic enceph Jaundice Muscle wasting Portal HTN Asterixis
Decompensated Cirrhosis
3 possible sites of obstruction causing Portal HTN
Prehepatic: Portal vein clot
Intrahepatic: Cirrhosis
Posthepatic: CHF, constrictive pericarditis
HCC surveillance
Hepatocell CA
US every 6 mo and AFP
Transjugular Intrahepatic Portosystemic Shunt
Tx if you have decompensated cirrhosis and MELD score >15
Liver transplant
HepatoRenal syndrome
Inc BUN (Azotemia) prog rise in Cr
HepatoRenal synd
two subtypes
Type 1: rapidly progressing, multi organ failure (survival <4 wks)
Type2: assoc w refractory ascites (longer survival about 6mo)