Western Path 1 Midterm Flashcards
Type 1 Diabetes
- insulin dependent
- can occur at any age, but more common in children and young adults
- insulin deficiency resulting in autoimmune destruction of insulin secreting beta-cells within the pancreatic islets of langerhans
- 5-10% of all cases of DM
Type 2 Diabetes
- previously known as non-insulin dependent, generally occurs in adulthood-but can happen at any age
- most patients have: a relative with dm and are overweight, generally with a central pattern of obesity
- insulin resistance- inadequate response of metabolic processes to physiologic insulin concentrations
medications commonly used to treat diabetes
type 1- long lasting insulin injections ( typically insulin glargine); fast acting insulin (lispro or aspart),
type 2- sulfonylureas ( effective glucose-lowering agents); , thiazolidinediones(glitazones) reduce cardiac risk; long actin insulins primarily nph & glargine to decrease glucose level
thyroid is unable to produce enough thyroid hormone to meet the body’s needs
- thyroid stimulating hormone (tsh or thyrotropin) stimulates the synthesis and secretion of thyroid hormones and stimulates every facet of thyroid iodine metabolism and promotes thyroid growth
- primary (most common cause of thyroid failure)- low serum thyroid hormone with elevated TSH, loss of fx thyroid tissue and interference of thyroid hormone production
- myxedema coma, cold intolerance, delayed deep tendon reflexes, decreased metabolic rates lead to cold and tendency to increased weight, failure to absorb fluids creates non pitting edema (myexdema)
- goiters develop with hashimoto’s, iodine def
common drug used to treat hypothyroidism
Levothyroxine (L-T4) is the drug of choice, which will produce normal plasma levels of T4 & T3
Hyperthyroidism (Thyrotoxicosis)
sustained increases in thyroid hormone synthesis and secretion
- most common causes are graves’ disease, autonomous single nodules and thyroiditis
- graves’ is most common TSH receptor autoantibodies that continuously stimulate the thyroid gland as TSH agonists
- autonomously fx’ing thyroid nodules- discrete and fx independently of pituitarty-thyroid negative feedback loop
- thyroiditis is inflammation with thyroidal damage leading to release of T4 & T3 w/o their active formation (transient hypothyroidism typically follows)
- symptoms: nervousness, emotional lability, fatigue, heat intolerance, weight change, increased appetite, myopathic symptoms, increase frequency of gm’s, sweating, irreg menstruation, cns disturbance, palpitations, staring eyes
common drug used to treat hypothyroidism
Levothyroxine (L-T4) is the drug of choice, which will produce normal plasma levels of T4 & T3
tension pneumothorax
Tension pneumothorax occurs when air accumulates between the chest wall and the lung and increases pressure in the chest, reducing the amount of blood returned to the heart.
-Symptoms include chest pain, shortness of breath, rapid breathing, and a racing heart, followed by shock.
-Doctors can usually diagnose the injury based on the person’s history, symptoms, and examination results.
-Doctors immediately insert a large needle into the chest to remove the air.
In an ordinary pneumothorax, injury to a lung allows a certain amount of air to enter the space between the lung and the chest wall (pleural space). Typically, the air stops accumulating. However, in tension pneumothorax, air continues to enter the pleural space as the person breathes and pressure rises inside the chest. The rise in pressure reduces the amount of blood returning from the body to the heart because the blood cannot force its way into the chest and back to the heart. As a result, the heart has less blood to pump to the body, resulting in shock.
main features: 1. reversible airflow obstruction
- nonspecific airways hyper reactivity
- airway inflammation
- considered a disease of chronic fluctuating airways inflammation with a lethal potential
- inflammation in lower airways
- overtime structural changes in the airway (remodeling): muscle hypertrophy & thickening of the basement membrane decreasing oxygenation of body
- acute causes: airway muscle contraction, edema & sloughing of mucus; this degrades airway fx causing respiratory symptoms and possible suffocation.
When the germs that cause pneumonia reach your lungs, the lungs’ air sacs (alveoli) become inflamed and fill up with fluid. This causes the symptoms of pneumonia, such as a cough, fever, chills, and trouble breathing.
When you have pneumonia, oxygen may have trouble reaching your blood. If there is too little oxygen in your blood, your body cells can’t work properly. Because of this and the infection spreading through the body, pneumonia can cause death.
Pneumonia affects your lungs in two ways. It may be in only one part, or lobe, of your lung, which is called lobar pneumonia. Or, it may be widespread with patches throughout both lungs, which is called bronchial pneumonia (or bronchopneumonia).
Etiology: pulmonary parenchyma (functional tissues of organs vs. “soma” body of organ) assoc with symptoms of infection and accompanies, presence of a new infiltrate on a chest radiograph or auscultatory findings
Altered breath sounds or localized rales, crackles
From Strep or (Table 18-1)
Lower respiratory tract is constantly exposed to bacteria
Development of CAP indicates deft in defenses
Presentation: fevers, chills, elderly/immunocompromised (neutropenic: reduction of white blood cells) may not present with classic symptoms, instead: low grade fever, decreased appetite, lack of responsiveness , increased respiration/heart rates, hypoxia (lack of O2 in blood stream), use of accessory muscles trying to get O2 into the body, decreased breath sounds, rales, egophony (goat sound)
*Cough is the hallmark of pneumonia
lung condition in which tiny air sacs in the lungs - alveoli - fill up with air. As the air continues to build up in these sacs, they expand, and may break or become damaged and form scar tissue. The patient becomes progressively short of breath. Emphysema is a type of COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease). The main cause of emphysema is long-term regular smoking.
The alveoli turn into large, irregular pockets with holes in them. The surface area of the lungs is gradually reduced, resulting in less oxygen entering the bloodstream.
The small elastic fibers that hold open the small airways leading to the alveoli also become destroyed. When the patient breathes out they collapse, i.e. the patient has problems exhaling air.
Emphysema is not curable, the condition cannot be reversed. However, treatment may slow down its rate of progression and alleviate symptoms.
mucus membrane in the lungs’ bronchial passages becomes inflamed.
As the irritated membrane swells and grows thicker, it narrows or shuts off the tiny airways in the lungs, resulting in coughing spells that may be accompanied by phlegm and breathlessness.
The disease comes in two forms: acute (lasting from one to three weeks) and chronic (lasting at least 3 months of the year for two years in a row).
People with asthma may also have asthmatic bronchitis, inflammation of the lining of the bronchial tubes.
temporary loss of consciousness or fainting
5 major risks of hypertension
- high blood pressure accelerates atherogenesis (forming of lesions on artery walls) increasing cardiac risk 2-3 times
- level of systolic and diastolic bp is associated with cardiac risks in a continuous, graded and independent fashion, more so systolic than diastolic
- risk for cardiovascular disease couple with each increase of 20/10 mm Hg starting at 115/75
- often occurs with other atherogenic risk factors (dyslipidemia, glucose intolerance, hyperinsulinemeia & obesity)
- association of with other risk factors increases risk in a multiplicative rater than additive fashion
Causes of Secondary Hypertension
diabetes, renal disorders, pregnancy, drug or diet induced, adrenal disorders, neurologic disorders, parathyroid & thyroid disorders, coarctation of aorta, sleep apnea, obesity
normal blood pressure
stage 1 hypertension
140-159/ 90-99