Welwyn Garden City Study Report Flashcards
Welwyn Garden City is……………miles away form London
25 miles
Welwyn Garden City ‘s geology is that of mostly…….and ……………………with a layer of …………….
chalk and limestone with a layer of flint
Welwyn Garden City is bordered by the river…………..to the ………….and the river………………..to the north
Lea to the south, and Mimram to the north
the shredded wheat factory was built in
the shredded wheat factory closed down completely in
plans to build………..new homes on the old shredded wheat factory site were put forward in…………..
1,340 new homes, 2014
……% of the town’s population are 0-17 years old while the national figure is……..%
23.4% in WGC, 15.1% nationally
Tesco pays £………. in business rates for its HQ in Shire Park
£1.5 million
Roche employs around ……………. people in its Shire Park buildings
1,400 people, a large portion of whom are in the quaternary and tertiary sector, though it is true that manufacturing is still a large portion of Roche’s workforce is involved in the secondary sector (manufacturing)
around …% of the commercial buildings in WGC are chain stores or restaurants
WGC’s quakers had a large influence on the town’s character, with very few …………………. being present.
this has impacted its character because:
- very few public houses
- people are more likely to meet in other places for social time, like local sports clubs, go to the cinema or attend charity events
in the late 1960s, there was a rise in the number of ……………. class people moving to WGC because of
more working class people moving out of London as poorer boroughs proved to be as bad as slum conditions this matches up to the ceration of the 'London Overflow Towns' and the expansion of places such as Stevenage. (New Towns Act 1946 led to 60,000 people moving there from London in the 1950s and 1960s)
wgc’s population is
50,000 in 2016
average income in wgc is £………….. per year while on a national level this is £………..
WGC: £31,018
England: £27,901
in ………….. WGC is celebrating the………………..of its creation
new signs with the words “…………………..” have been put up on the main roads into the town, to reflect…………..
“a true marriage of town and country”
this reflects how the local council wishes outsiders as well as insiders, to see WGC, and so attract people based on exogenous factors (countryside) and the town’s character (endogenous)
in …………….. a specially commissioned …….. was raised to celebrate the centenary
March 2020
celebratory flag
a Henry Moore statue, …………………. was loaned for the duration of the celebrations, as Moore was a ………………
Large Standing Figure: Knife Edge
Moore was a local artist and visited the town during the 1970s, being impressed by its wide green spaces