Welsh words and phrases beginning with H Flashcards
Hala. (Alt) Gwario.
Dw i’n hoffi hala amser yn siopa.
Wyt ti wedi hala arian yn y siop honno?
Mae Megan yn mwynhau hala amser yn y dre.
Do’n i ddim eisiau hala/gwario arian yn y siop honno.
I like spending time shopping.
Have you spent money in that shop?
Megan enjoys spending time in town.
I didn’t want to spend money in that shop.
Hanes Cymru
Welsh History.
Liciai hi hanner peint o seidr sych?
Would she like half a pint of dry cider?
Mae Dylan yn hapus, t’mod?
Dylan is happy you know?
Pryd cafodd y dynion eu harestio?
Mi Gaethon nhw eu harestio ar ffordd yn yr Almaen ddoe.
When were the men arrested?
They were arrested on a road in Germany yesterday.
Beth yw’r hashnod am y cyngerdd?
Wyt ti’n dilyn ei hashnod hi?
What is the hashtag for the concert?
Are you following her hashtag?
Mae rhedeg yn hawdd.
Running is easy.
Hawliau sifil.
Yr hawliau sifil newydd.
Oes hawliau sifil da yno.
Civil Rights.
The new civil rights.
Are there good civil rights here?
Heb fy nghamera allwn i ddim tynnu llun.
Without my camera, I could not take a picture.
Heddychwr dw i.
Heddychwr dych chi?
Heddychwr ydy Sioned.
I am a pacifist.
Are you a pacifist?
Sioned is a pacifist.
Mae’r claf yn heintus.
The patient is infectious.
Heol Fawr.
Mae siopau hyfryd ar yr heol fawr.
Yr heol fawr yw’r ail stryd ar y dde.
High Street.
There are lovely shops on the high street,
The High Street is the second street on the right.
Bydd yr heuldro wythnos nesa.
Heuldro’r Haf.
Heuldro’r gaeaf.
The solstice will be next week.
The Summer Solstice.
The Winter Solstice.
Pannas ydy hoff fwyd Owen.
Sioned oedd hoff gantores fy chwaer.
Fy hoff afal.
Hoff siocled Megan.
Fy hoff awdur ydy Dewi Lingo.
Parsnips are Owen’s favourite food.
Sioned was my sister’s favourite singer.
My favourite apple.
Megan’s favourite chocolate.
My favourite author is Dewi Lingo
Hoffai ** (3rd Person)
Hoffai Megan fod yn y gofod.
Hoffai Dewi Lingo yn ddwyieithog.
Hoffai Megan adloniant bwy.
Hoffai fo astudio ffisioleg a ffiseg.
Would like ***3rd Person.
Megan would like to be in space.Would
Dewi Lingo like to be bilingual?
Megan would like live entertainment.
He would like to study physiology and physics.
Hoffech chi?
Hoffech chi ymgyrchu gyda ni?
Hoffech chi ddyfalu canlyniad y gem?
Hoffech chi archebu tacsi nawr?
Would you like?
Would you like to campaign with us?
Would you like to guess the result of the game?
Would you like to order a taxi now.
Hoffen nhw.
Hoffen nhw ddod i’r parti wythnos nesa?
Hoffen ni edrych ar y llyfrau bob wythnos.
Hoffen nhw ddysgu mwy am hanes mathemateg.
Would they Like?
Would they like to come to the party next week?
We would like to look at the books every week.
They would like to learn more about the history of maths.
Hoffen ni / nhw
Hoffen ni edrych ar y llyfrau bob dydd.
Hoffen ni ystafell fwyta fwy.
We / They would like.
We would like to look at the books every day.
We would like a larger dining room.
Hoffet ti.
Hoffet ti ymgyrchu gyda ni?
Hoffet ti weld yr adloniant ar ôl cael cinio?
Would you like to.
Would you like to campaign with us?
Would you like to see the entertainment after having lunch?
Mae Owen yn hoffi gwyddoniaeth a ffrangeg.
Mae Megan yn hoffi addysg cyfrwng Cymraeg.
Mae hi’n hoffi tipyn bach o laeth.
To Like
Owen likes science and French.
Megan likes Welsh-Medium education.
She likes a little bit of milk,
Hoffwn i.
Hoffwn i Ennill yr arian ‘na.
Hoffwn i nofio heddiw.
Hoffwn i mo’r noson carioci o gwbl.
Hoffwn i weithio iddyn nhw’n rhan-amser.
I would like.
I would like to win that money.
I would like to swim today.
I wouldn’t like the karaoke evening at all.
I would like to work for them part time.
Yr hunangofiant newydd.
Mae Owen yn ysgrifennu ei hunangofiant.
The new autobiography.
Owen is writing his autobiography.
Hyd yn Hyn.
So far.
Dw i’n teimlo’n hŷn bob dydd.
I feel older each day.