Welsh words and phrases beginning with G Flashcards
Cafodd y gath ei dangos i’r plant.
Cafodd Alys ei magu yng Ngogledd Cymru.
The cat was shown to the children.
Alys was brought up in North Wales.
Canu Gwerin.
Caneuon gwerin.
Roedd llawer o bobl yn canu yn y neuadd ddoe.
Folk Song.
Folk Songs.
There were lots of people singing in the hall yesterday.
Beth ydy enw dy gartref di.
Beth yw enw ei gartref e?
What’s the name of your home?
What’s the name of his home?
Costus, Gostus.
Oedd y prisiau yn y farchnad yn dda?
Mae dy ddillad di’n gostus.
Were the prices in the market good?
Your clothes are costly.
Bydd rhai wedi gadael erbyn y haf.
Wyt ti wedi gadael y bag yn y car?
To leave, Left.
Some will have left by the summer.
Have you left the bag in the car?
Gadawodd Hi.
Gadawodd e’n sydyn.
Gadawodd hi ar frys.
Gadawodd hi’n dawel.
He / She Left.
He left suddenly.
She left in a hurry.
She left quietly.
Gadawodd hi.
Gadawodd hi’n dawel.
To Leave, Left.
She left.
She left quietly.
Tymor y Gaeaf
The winter term
Gael (I)
Ga i.
To have.
May I Have.
Gaeth Alys ei thalu bore ‘ma?
Gaeth Siân ei gweld ddoe?
Was Alys paid this morning?
Was Sian seen yesterday?
Gaeth Siân ei gweld ddoe?
Gaeth Owen air gyda Dylan.
Was Siân seen yesterday?
Owen had a word with Dylan.
Gafodd Megan ei hanafu?
Gafodd hi ei hanafu yn y llyfrgell?
Was she injured at the library?
Was she injured at the library?
Gaiff hi.
Gaiff hi fynd nawr?
Gaiff hi aros.
May she go now?
May she stay?
Gair am Air.
Word for Word.
Dylai pob disgybl weithio’n galed.
Hard/ Difficult.
Every pupil should work hard.
Gall pelydrau X fod yn beryglus iawn.
X-rays can be very dangerous.
Gallech chi.
Gallech chi fod wedi mynd gyda nhw ddoe.
You could have.
You could have gone with them yesterday.
Gallen nhw.
Gallen nhw brynu car.
Gallen, gallen nhw fynd adre ar ol y cyfarfod.
They could.
They could buy a car.
Yes, they would be able to go home after the meeting.
Mae hi’n gallu rhedeg mor gyflym.
Dw i ddim yn gallu dod gyda ti ddydd Sadwrn.
She can run so fast.
I can’t come with you Saturday.
Bydd Megan yn galw ar Owen yfory.
Call. (phone or visiting)
Megan will be calling on Owen tomorrow.
Galwodd hi i ddweud bod nhw’n gyffrous iawn.
Excite, Excited.
She called to say that they were very excited.
Mae Owen yn methu mynd i’r gampfa yfory.
Owen can’t go to the gym tomorrow.
Gân nhw.
Gân nhw fynd nawr?
Gân nhw ddefnyddio’r car yfory?
May they go now
May they use the car tomorrow??
Ganolfan Iechyd.
Ble mae’r ganolfan iechyd?
Health Centre.
Where is the health centre?
Mae gas gan Megan gerddoriaeth yr wythdegau.
Mae’n gas gen i chwain!
Megan hates eighties music.
I hate fleas!
Ydyn nhw’n casglu hen lyfrau am gerddoriaeth?
Mae Sian yn casglu llyfrau.
Do they collect old books about music?
Sian collects books.
Gawn ni.
Gawn ni’r fon, os gwelwch chi’n dda?
May we.
May we have the phone please?
Mae Alys eisiau’r gegin newydd.
Alys wants the new kitchen.
Enillodd y Blaid Geidwadol.
The Conservative Party won.
Geith (Megan).
Geith Megan fynd i’r sŵ?
Geith hi weld y dillad newydd?
Geith o bedwar tocyn i’r gêm yn erbyn Aber?
May (Megan)
May Megan go to the zoo?
May she see the new clothes?
May he have four tickets for the game against Aber?
Gen ti.
Mae cant o esgidiau newydd gen ti.
You Have.
You’ve got a hundred new shoes
Mae Megan yn gwrando ar gerddoriaeth bop.
Mae’n gas gan Megan gerddoriaeth yr wythdegau.
Mae Owen yn gwrando ar gerddoriaeth bop ac yn bwyta pannas.
Megan listens to pop music.
Megan hates eighties music.
Owen listens to pop music and eats parsnips.
Ges i.
Ges i fy ngeni yng Nghymru neu yn yr Alban?
Was I.
Was I born in Wales or in Scotland?
Gest ti?
Gest ti dy eni yng Nghaerdydd?
Gest ti dy eni yn ne Cymru?
Gest ti dy gweld yn y clwb.
Were you?
Were you born in Cardiff?
Were you born in south Wales?
Were you seen in the club?
Mi gaeth Dewi ei gicio gan Owen.
Mewn gêm o bêl-droed, rhaid i ti gicio’r bêl.
Mae’r ddraig eisiau cicio’r bêl.
Kick, Kicked.
Dewi was kicked by Owen.
In a game of football you have to kick a ball.
The dragon wants to kick the ball.
Dyma gigydd da.
Cer at y cigydd.
Cer at gigydd arall.
This is a good butchers.
Go to the butcher.
Go to another butcher.
Byddan nhw’n edrych yn llai glamoraidd y bore ar ôl y parti mawr!
Wel, ar ôl y parti mawr ‘na, dyn nhw ddim yn edrych mor glamoraidd o gwbl!
They will be looking less glamorous the morning after the big party!
Well, after that big party they don’t look so glamorous at all.
Yn syth ar ôl glanhau’r tŷ ces i baned.
To Clean
Straight after cleaning the house I had a cup of coffee.
Oes llawer o gleifion yn yr ysbyty ar hyn o bryd?
Are there many patients in the hospital at the moment?
Dw i’n methu’n glir â chodi pwysau.
Mae Owen yn methu’n glir â chodi pwysau.
At all.
I can’t lift weights at all.
Owen can’t lift weights at all.
Gobeithio, codi di cyn bo hir.
Hopefully, you will get up before long.
Ydy hi’n anodd i godi pwysau?
Pa mor aml wyt ti’n codi pwysau?
Dw i’n methu codi pwysiau bob dydd.
Is it difficult to lift weights?
How often do you lift weights?
I can’t lift weights every day.
Godith yr athro mewn pryd yfory?
Get up.
Will the teacher get up in time tomorrow?
Roedd yr ail goeden yn dal iawn.
Ydy’r goeden yn hen iawn?
The second tree was very tall.
Is the tree very old?
Mae Owen eisiau byw yn y goedwig.
Mae’r coed yn tyfu yn y goedwig.
Owen wants to live in the forest.
The trees are growing in the forest.
Gofod (y)
Hoffet ti fynd i’r gofod?
Mae Sioned yn teithio o’r ddaear i’r gofod i weld y sêr.
Space (outer)
Would you like to go into space?
Sioned is travelling from the Earth into space to see the stars.
Cafodd y rhaglen ei gohirio am fis.
Mae clwb rygbi Aber wedi gohirio’r gêm yn erbyn Aberdaron.
The programme was postponed for a month.
Aber rugby club have postponed the game against Aberdaron.
Am gôl wych.
Doedd hi ddim yn gól.
What a great goal.
It wasn’t a goal.
Golchwch y ffrimpan.
Wash (dishes)
Wash the frying pan.
Es i ar goll yn y dre.
Pam est ti ar goll yn y dre?
Wyt ti ar goll, ble mae dy gartref di?
I got lost in the town.
Why did you get lost in the town?
Are you lost, where’s your home?
Dim ond y bardd gorau fydd yn ennill.
Pwy ydy’r chwaraewyr gorau?
The Best.
Only the best poet will win.
Who are the best players?
Mae Dylan wedi gorffen ei arholiadau.
Mae e wedi gorffen y cerflun newydd.
Ydy pob disgybl wedi gorffen?
Dylan has finished his exams.
He has finished the new statue.
Has every pupil finished?
Yn y gorffennol roedd nifer o bobl yn nofio yma.
The Past.
In the past there were a number of people swimming here.
Mae Owen yn gorfod rhedeg ar ôl Gorffeny ddraig.
Rwyt ti’n gorfod bod yn heini i chwarae pêl-droed.
Rwyt ti’n gorfod gwneud ymarfer corff bob dydd.
Got to, Has To. Must.
Owen has to run after the dragon.
You must be fit to play football.
You have to do exercise every day.
Mae Eleri wedi bwyta gormod o hufen iâ heddiw.
Mae gormod o blant yn yr ystafell ddosbarth.
Too Much, Too Many
Eleri has eaten too much ice cream today.
There are too many children in the classroom
Mae Megan yn gorwedd wrth yr afon.
Lying, Lying Down, To Lie down.
Megan is lying by the river.
Mae’r gost yn anhygoel.
Dydy’r gost ddim cynddrwg a hynny.
Beth ydy’r gost?
The cost is amazing/incredible.
The cost isn’t as bad as that.
What is the cost?
Mae gradd mewn addysg gan Hefin. (alt)
Mae gan Hefin gradd mewn addysg. (alt)
Hoffwn i wneud gradd mewn Cymraeg o Saesneg
Hefin has a degree in education.Hefin has a degree in education.
I would like to do a degree in Welsh and English.
Dw i wedi graddio nawr.
Ydy Megan wedi graddio eto?
Mae gradd mewn addysg gan Hefin.
Hoffwn i wneud gradd mewn Cymraeg o Saesneg
I have now graduated.
Has Megan graduated yet?
Hefin has a degree in education.
I would like to do a degree in Welsh and English.
Beth yw pris y grawnffrwyth?
Ga i brynu grawnffrwyth, os gwelwch chi’n dda?
Dw i’n licio grawnffrwyth i frecwast.
What’s the price of a grapefruit?
Can I buy a grapefruit please?
I like grapefruit for breakfast.
Mae’r grempog yn hyfryd.
Dw i eisiau tair crempog.
The pancake is lovely.
I want three pancakes.
Oes cwpwrdd o dan y grisiau?
Mae’r lolfa ar ben y grisiau.
Stairs. Steps.
Is there a cupboard under the stairs?
The lounge is at the top of the stairs.
Oes cwpwrdd o dan y grisiau?
Stairs, Steps.
Is there a cupboard under the stairs?
Gryf. Gryfach.
Ydy’r signal yn gryf?
Mae’r signal yn gryfach yn y gegin.
Dyn ni angen signal cryfach na hyn.
Strong (signal) Stronger.
Is the signal strong?
The signal is stronger in the kitchen.
We need a stronger signal than this.
Mae’r ci yn gwaedu.
Mae Megan angen profion gwaed. Megan needs some blood tests.
The dog is bleeding.
Oes Siopau gwahanol yn y dre nawr?
Mae dillad gwahanol yn y siopau.
Are there any different shops in town now?
There are different clothes in the shop.
Paid â gwahodd pawb.
Pwy sy wedi gwahodd Owen a’r ddraig?
Dw i wedi gwahodd yr athro newydd i’r parti staff.
Don’t invite everyone.
Who invited Owen and the dragon?
I’ve invited the new teacher to the staff party.
Dyw’r gwaith ddim dan reolaeth.
Ydy Dylan wedi gorffen y gwaith cartref?
The work is not under control.
Has Dylan finished the homework?
Tymor y gwanwyn.
Spring (The Season)
The Spring term
Gwariodd hi.
Gwariodd hi bum punt ddoe.
Gwariodd Megan dros gant o bunnau ar fwyd ddoe.
Gwariodd Alys gant o bunnau ar ddau lyfr ddoe.
She spent.
She spent five pounds yesterday.
Megan spent over a hundred pounds on food yesterday.
Alys spent a hundred pounds on two books yesterday.
Mae Megan yn y gwasanaeth.
Bydd gwasanaeth heno yn yr eglwys.
Ydy’r gwasanaeth iechyd gwladol yn gweithio’n dda?
Megan is at the service.
There will be a service tonight in the church.
Does the National Health Service work well?
Mae’r offeiriad yn arwain gweddi.
Mae hi wedi dweud ei gweddi.
The priest is leading the prayer.
She has said her prayers.
Mae Megan wedi gwefru’r batri.
Ble dw i’n gallu gwefru fy ffôn clyfar?
To Charge (a battery)
Megan has charged her battery.
Where am I able to charge my smartphone?
Ydy hi’n gweithio dramor ar hyn o bryd?
Mae Dylan yn gweithio fel nyrs dros dro.
Mae hi’n gweithio mewn canolfan iechyd.
To Work.
Is she working abroad at the moment?
Dylan is working as a temporary nurse.
She works in a health centre.
Roedd gweithred Dylan yn beryglus.
Dylan’s action was dangerous.
Ydy hi wedi gweld y ffilm?
Has she seen the film?
Rhaid bod nhw’n gwella erbyn hyn.
Getting Better. Improving.
They must be improving by now.
Gwenais i.
Gwenais i ar y dyn.
Gwrandawodd Gareth ar raglen radio neithiwr.
I smiled.
I smiled at the man.
Gareth listened to a radio programme last night.
Mae Owen yn hoffi canu gwerin.
Owen likes folk music.
Gwers, gwersi.
Mae nhw wedi gwerthu eu lori nhw.
They have sold their lorry.
Ydy hi’n hoffi gwisgo dillad lliwgar?
Gwisga i ddillad newydd yfory.
Gwisga i ddillad cynnes.
Gwisga i ddillad cynnes yfory.
Does she like wearing colourful clothes?
I will wear new clothes tomorrow.
I will wear warm clothes.
I will wear warm clothing tomorrow.
Cer o gwmpas y siopau.
Ewch o gwmpas y dre gyda fy mab Dewi.
Go around the shops.
Go around the town with my son Dewi.
Gwna i.
Gwna i balu’r ardd prynhawn ‘ma.
Gwna i baned o de i ni nawr.
Gwna, do i i helpu’r ambiwlans.
I Will do / Make.
I will dig the garden this afternoon.
I will make a cup of tea for us now.
Yes, I will come to help the ambulance.
Gwnaeth Owen gerflun pannas yn ei stiwdio.
Gwnaeth Siân ddweud dylen ni gael to newydd cyn bo hir.
Gwnân nhw. They will make.
Gwnân nhw ymlacio gatre yfory.
Owen made a parsnip sculpture in his studio.
Siân said that we ought to get a new roof before long.
They will relax at home tomorrow.
Gwnaiff Owen.
Gwnaiff e bont yfory.
Gwnaiff Celyn a
Sioned bont dros do.
Gwnaeth Owen roi arian i Megan.
Will Do
He will make a bridge tomorrow.
Celyn and Sioned will make a temporary bridge.
Owen gave money to Megan.
Gwnan daw.
Gwnan daw’r, frigad dan i’r ddamwain ar unwaith.
Yes, the fire brigade will come to the accident at once.
Gwnân Nhw.
Gwnân Nhs ymlacio gartre yfory.
They Do.
They will relax at home tomorrow.
Gwnân nhw.
Gwnân nhw ymlacio gatre yfory.
Gwnân nhw’r model gyda ti nos yfory.
They will make / They will make.
They will relax at home tomorrow.
They will make the model with you tomorrow evening.
Gwnawn ni.
Gwnawn ni model arall.
Gwnawn ni ymarfer ar ol y gwaith yfory.
Gwnawn ni ferwi’r wyau am bum munud.
We will Make .
We will make another model.
We will practise after work tomorrow.
We will boil the eggs for five minutes.
Gwnei di.
Gwnei, gwnei di gawl i ni heno.
You Make.
Yes, you’ll make some soup for us this evening.
Gwnes i.
Gwnes i’r bocs a morthwyl.
Gwnes i gau’r drws yn dynn.
I Made.
I made the box with a hammer.
I closed the door tightly.
Mae e’n gwneud llawdriniaeth bwysig heddiw.
Mae Megan yn gwneud ei bancio ar y ffôn.
Mae hi’n gwneud ffilm animeiddio yn ei stiwdio hi.
Paid â gwneud gormod o ioga a chodi pwysau.
Do / Does / Make.
He is doing an important operation today.
Megan does her banking on the phone.
She is making an animated film in her studio.
Don’t do too much yoga and weight lifting.
Gwnewch chi
Gwnewch chi ymarfer gyda Megan a Dewi prynhawn yfory.
You will practise with Megan and Dewi tomorrow afternoon.
Mae Megan yn gwrando ar gerddoriaeth bop.
Megan listens to pop music.
Dych chi’n hoffi gweithio fel gyrrwr?
Do you like working as a driver?
Mae Owen yn gwybod am y clwb.
Ydy Megan yn gwybod amdano fe?
Ydyn nhw eisiau gwybod y sgôr?
Pwy sy’n gwybod yr ateb?
Dych chi’n gwybod enwau’r brodyr?
Owen knows about the club.
Does Megan know about him?
Do they want to know the score?
Who knows the answer?
Do you know the brother’s name?
Gaiff Megan y gwyddoniadur.
Gaiff e’r gwyddoniadur sy ar y bwrdd?
Will Megan have the encyclopaedia?
May he have the encyclopaedia that is on the table?
Wyt ti’n hoffi dysgu gwyddoniaeth?
Mae Owen yn hoffi gwyddoniaeth a ffrangeg.
Wyt ti’n hoffi dysgu gwyddoniaeth?
Do you like teaching science?
Owen likes science and french.
Do you like teaching science?
Mae ci gwyllt yn y cae.
Mae hi’n mwynhau gwylio’r adar gwyllt.
There is a wild dog in the field.
She enjoys watching the wild birds.
Gyda chi?
Pa emyn sy’n well gyda chi?
Oes problem gyda’r to?
Oes calon iach gyda Dylan?
With you.
Which hymn do you prefer?
Is there a problem with the roof.
Does Dylan have a healthy heart?
Gyda ni.
Hoffech chi ymgyrchu gyda ni?
Mae gyda ni ddigon o bethau.
With us.
Would you like to campaign with us.
We’ve enough things.
Gyda ti.
Oes llwy gyda ti?
Oes plât gyda ti?
Dw i’n methu mynd gyda ti ddydd Sadwrn.
With You.
Have you got a spoon? (with you)
Have you got a plate? (with you)
I can’t go with you Saturday.
Gyda ti.
Gyda fi.
Does dim bwyd gyda fi.
Mae’n well gyda fi siocled na losin.
With. Has.
There is no food for me.
I prefer chocolate to sweets
Wnei di gyfarch nhw?
Will you greet them?
Ydy’r gadair yn gyfforddus?
Ble mae’r gadair gyfforddus?
Is the chair comfortable?
Where is the comfortable chair?
Dwedodd hi fod y nofel yn gyffrous.
Galwodd hi i ddweud bod nhw’n gyffrous iawn.
She said that the novel was exciting.
She called to say that they were very excited.
Ydy hi’n gyfleus i’r ymwelwyr?
Mae’r siop yn gyfleus iawn.
Mae hi’n gyfleus i fi fyw yn Aber.
Is it convenient for the visitors?
The shop is very convenient.
It is convenient for me to live in Aber.
Ddown ni’n ôl yfory i gyfnewid popeth?
Will we come back tomorrow to exchange everything?
Mae Megan, cyfnither Dewi, yn yr ysgol gynradd.
Ysgrifennodd Sioned am ei chyfnither, Alys.
Cousin (female)
Megan, Dewi’s cousin, is in the primary school.
Sioned wrote about her cousin, Alys
Pwy oedd yn gyfrifol am yr weithred ‘ma?
Who was responsible for this action?
Pryd cafodd y Beibl ei gyhoeddi yn Gymraeg?
When was the Bible published in Welsh?
Pryd bydd y gyhydnos nesa?
When will the next equinox be?
Yr hen gymdeithas.
The old society
Gwna i gymryd neges rŵan.
Ydy Dylan yn cymryd llaeth mewn coffi?
I will take a message now.
Does Dylan take milk in coffee?
Cymysgwch y cynhwysion yn dda.
Mae gormod o gynhwysion.
Mae gen i gynhwysion ar gyfer cacen.
Mix the ingredients well.
There are too many ingredients.
I’ve got ingredients for a cake.
Gynnon. Mae gormod o
Maen well gynnon ni’r ysgol gynradd Gymraeg.
Mae gynnon ni ddigon o bethau.
Mae gyda ni ddigon o bethau.
We have.
We prefer the Welsh primary school.
We have enough things.
(Alt) We’ve enough things.
Gynradd (ysgol)
Aeth Sioned i ysgol gynradd y pentre.
Mae’n well gynnon ni’r ysgol gynradd Gymraeg.
Mae’n well gyda ni’r ysgol gynradd Gymraeg.
Oes ysgol gynradd yn y pentre?
Primary (school).
Sioned went to the Welsh primary school.
We prefer the Welsh primary school.
(alt) We prefer the Welsh primary school
Is there a primary school in the village?
Gyrraedd, Gyrhaeddiff
Yn ffodus (lucky) gwnes i gyrraedd y
Gyrhaeddiff y bws i Aberystwyth ar amser? Will the bus to Aberystwyth arrive on time?
Arrived, Will arrive.swyddfa mewn pryd. Fortunately, I reached the office in time.
Faint ohonyn nhw sy’n gyrru yno’n gyson?
Mae Owen yn gyrru car trydan.
How many of them drive there regularly?
Owen drives an electric car.
Gyrrwch yn ofalus!
Drive (imperative)
Drive carefully.
Gyrrwr bws dach chi? Ia.
Gyrrwr bws dych chi? Nage, athro dw i.
Gyrrwr bws dych chi? Nage.
Are you a bus driver? Yes
Are you a bus driver? No, I’m a teacher.
Are you a bus driver? No.
Mae Megan yn rhedeg ar ôl Owen yn gyson.
Ydy Owen yn bwyta pannas yn gyson?
Megan runs after Owen regularly.
Does Owen eat parsnips regularly?
Beth ydy enw’r gystadleuaeth?
Bydd tîm Owen yn ennill y gystadleuaeth.
Mae hi’n gystadleuaeth fawr rhwng Caerdydd ac Abertawe.
Competition.What’s the name of the competition?Owen’s team will win the competition.It’s a big competition between Cardiff and Swansea.
Mae Megan newydd gysylltu’r bysellfwrdd.
Megan has just connected the keyboard.
Mae’r teclyn yn gweithio’n gywir.
Oedd y dosbarth yn ateb yn gywir?
Dw i newydd sylweddoli bod chi’n gywir.
Correct, Correctly.
The gadget is working correctly.
Were the class answering correctly?
I have just realised that you are correct.