Wellness and Health Promo of the Older Adult: The Healthy Senior Flashcards
State or condition of being well.
- Synonyms:
- welfare
- happiness
- prosperity
- Synonyms:
- Relates to the behaviors and lifestyle patterns of an indiv.
Wellness Model of Health
- Positive concept and emphasizes efforts and programs geared toward the prevention of disease and the maintenance of optimum state of well-being
Improvement of the nation’s health…
Improvement of the nations health has little to do w/ medical care per se, but rather the indiv’s changes in health behavior and environmental quality.
Behavior can be mod’d thru educational programs and incentives directed at a target pop.
- No universally accepted definition of health.
- Commonly viewed as the absence of illness or disease
- This fits medical model BUT ignores health determinants (risk factors/conditions, wellness and health promo.
Society for Academic Emergency Medicine 1992
A state of phys and mental well-being that facilitates the achievement of indiv. and societal goals
*NOTE: this view recognizes the importance of acquiring harmony bw physiological and emotional dimensions
Health is a state of ________
State of being and wellness is a process of being
Wellness= keeping state of well-being
Quality of Life
QOL→ YOUR personal satisfaction (or dissatisfaction) with the cultural or intellectual cond’s under which you live (as distinct from material comfort)
- QOL→ defined as the extent to which basic needs are met and values realized→ Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
- QOL→ includes a sense of power and control by making meaningful informed choices
Complications resulting from medical procedures
*Remember “Do No Harm”
Prevention Medicine
*3 key components
- Proactive process that empowers individuals and systems to meet the challenges of life events
- Transitions by creating and reinforcing cond’s that promote healthy behaviors and lifestyles
Promotes an understanding about risks assoc’d w/ disease and health probs
- Strategies→ clinical screening, health promotion, education
Prevention Medicine
3 types:
- Primary
- Secondary
- Tertiary
Prevention Medicine
Methods to avoid occurrence of disease @ earliest stage (or from EVER happening)
*MOST population-based health promotion efforts are of this type
Ex. Vaccines
Prevention Medicine
Methods to dx and treat existing disease in EARLY stages BEFORE it causes sig. health change
ID things EARLY
Ex. breast screenings, mammograms, rectal exams
Prevention Medicine
Methods to reduce negative impact of existing disease by restoring function and reducing disease-related comps.
*Move back to how things were BEFORE problem
Screening for Health
PT’s Role
- PTs provide prevention services to detect functional decline BEFORE more intense care is needed
- timely screening tests or activities are conducted to det the need for prevention services or further intervent.
- Optimum health status is strongly related to an older adults ability to live indep. and reside successfully in the community
Screening Opportunities for the Older Adult
Healthy Lifestyles
- Healthy Lifestyles
- research shown that healthy lifestyles are more influential than genetic factors in helping older people avoid deterioration traditionally assoc’d w/ aging
- People who are phys active, eat a healthy diet, do not use tobacco, and practice other healthy behaviors reduce their risk for chronic dis’s and have half the rate of disability of those who do not.
- Screening programs need to address behavior patterns and receptiveness to change
- *Think Transtheoretical Model of Change
- where are they on the model?
Screening Opportunities for the Older Adult
Early detection of diseases
- Early detection of diseases
- Screening to detect chronic dis’s early in their course, when they are most treatable, can save many lives; however, many older adults have not had recommended screenings
- Primary (in front of it) and Secondary (something going on and you catch early) focuses on disorders such as HTN, vision/hearing probs, osteoporosis, DM, depression, colon, skin, prostate, breast cx and cog. dysfunction
Screening Opportunities for the Older Adult
Immunizations: Flu and PNA vaccines
- Influenza is responsible for an avg of 226,000 hospitalizations and anywhere from 3,000-49,000 deaths annually.
- Nearly 90% of deaths occur among people 65yo +
- Studies show that the flu shot can be up to 70% effective in preventing hospitalizations for BOTH influenza and PNA in those 65+
Screening Opportunities for the Older Adult
Injury and Accident Prevention
- Injury and Accident Prevention:
- Falls are the most common cause of injuries to older adults***
- More than ⅓ of adults 65+ fall ea. year, and those who fall, 20%-30% suffer mod-severe injuries that dec mobility and indep.
- Home mods can GREATLY REDUCE older Am’s risk for falls/fx
Screening Opportunities for the Older Adult
Self-Mgmt Techniques
*implementing them into peoples lives
- Self-Mgmt Techniques
- Programs to teach older Am’s self-mgmt tech’s can reduce both the pain and costs of chronic disease.
- For example, the Arthritis Self-Help Course, disseminated by the Arthritis Foundation, has been shown to reduce arthritis pain by 20% and visits to physicians by 40%
Substance Abuse
What is it?
Harmful/hazardous use of alc, tobacco, or other legal and illegal drugs and is a leading cause of death and disability in US
Substance Abuse:
Impact on Older Adults?
- Substantial and growing % of older adults knowingly or unknowingly misuse alcohol, OTC and prescription meds, and illegal subs
- 15% of community dwelling older adults have probs w/ drinking
- Up to 20% of older adults misuse a combo of alc and meds
- In older adults→ even sm amts of alc can have serious consequences by complicating or causing active medical cond’s
Substance Abuse:
Impact on Older Adults
Factors that contribute or the WHY
- changing roles such as retirement
- loss of family/friends
- mental decline, depression or anxiety
- insomnia
- family hx of subs. abuse
- reduced mobility that leads to diff walking, using public transportation or driving
The Well Elder
What constitutes Well Elderly?
Those who live independently and for the most part in the community and do NOT need rehab.
Well Elders have chronic diseases but the disease does NOT stop them from participating in phys activity
*Think ICF Model
Heres What We DO Know…
- Approx 15% of US adults engage regularly (3x/week for @ least 20 mins) in vigorous phys activity during leisure time
- Approx 22% of adults engage regularly (5x/week @ least 30mins) in sustained phys activity of any intensity during leisure time
- About 25% of adults report NO phys activity at all in leisure time
- Phys INactivity is more prevalent among Women vs men, among blacks and hispanics vs whites, among older than younger adults, and among the less affluent than the more affluent
The most popular leisure-time phys activities among adults are:
- walking
- gardening
- yard work
Heres More of What We Know
- Phys Activity has also been shown to benefit older adults w/ specific chronic cond’s:
- arthritis
- heart dis.
- DM
Studies show that reg. phys activity reduces risk of what……
- Reduces risk of:
- dying prematurely
- developing DM, HTN, colon cx
- Reduces feelings of:
- depression and anxiety
- Helps control:
- weight
- maintains bone mineral density
- Promotes psychological well-being
Activity Recommendations
- Older adults OR adults w/ chronic cond’s should develop an Activity Plan w/ a health pro to mng risks and take therapeutic needs into acct.
- This will maximize the benefits of phys activity and ensure your safety
- Put CARE into the time you are NOT w/ them
Key Recommendations for Older Adults:
Engage in regular phys activity and reduce sedentary activities to promote health, psycho well-being, and a healthy body weight
Key Recommendations for Older Adults:
To REDUCE the risk for Chronic Disease…
Reduce risk of chronic disease
- Engage in @ least 30mins of mod-intensity phys activity, ABOVE usual activity, @ work or home on most days of the week
Key Recommendations for Older Adults:
To help manage BW and prevent gradual, unhealthy wt gain in older adulthood
To help manage BW and prevent gradual, unhealthy wt gain in older adulthood
- Engage in approx 60mins of mod-intensity activity on most days of the week while NOT EXCEEDING caloric intake requirements
- HOWEVER, Men >40 and Women >50 who plan a more vigorous program or who have either chronic dis or risk factors for chronic dis should consult healthcare provider to design a safe, effective program
Key Recommendations for Older Adults
Ready to Exercise?
- Participate in regular phys act to reduce functional declines assoc’d w/ aging and to achieve the other bennies of phys act ID’d for all adults
- house chores
- Outside acts
- gardening
- shopping
- Community participation
- senior programs
- volunteering
- religious affils
- part-time jobs
Key Recommendations for Older Adults
Achieve Fitness
- Achieve phys fitness by including cardiovascular conditioning, stretching ex’s for flex, resistance ex’s or calisthenics for mm strength/endurance
- During leisure time, limit sedentary behaviors such as TV/videos and replace them w/ activities req’ing more movement
- Whatever works for them! Just get it into their lifestyle somehow!!!