Legal and Ethical Issues Flashcards
Often the laws and ethics ovelap, as their concerns are similar but their scopes and processes are different
- Blended into common standards of conduct and almost w/out exception, what constitutes a breach of ethics will constitute a breach of the law and vice versa
Law→ foundation of statutes, rules, and regulations that govern people
- GOAL→ resolve disputes w/out violent action, and protect citizen’s health, safety and welfare
Ethics→ covers the analysis and employment of concepts such as right, wrong, good, evil, and responsibility
- Professional ethics provide rules by which practitioners decide HOW they act toward their pts, other prof’s, and one another
PT Code of Ethics
Document in Notability
READ IT!!!!!
Ethical Terms:
Systematic reflection and analysis of morality
Ethical Terms:
Morality is concerned w/ relations bw people and how we can live in peace and harmony
*Human values
2 Subgroups of Morality
- Moral responsibilities or demands
- they stem from specific social relationships
- Ex. maintaining confidentiality
- they stem from specific social relationships
- Moral responsibilities or demands
- The entitlement to act in a certain way.
- If you have the right to do something, then someone has the duty to act on that
Ethical Principles:
- Promote GOOD
- To be in the pos. to bring about good in your interactions w/ pts/clients
- Bring about a positive good
Ethical Principles:
- First, do no harm
- Refrain from doing harm to yourself or to others
- Thought to be a nexus of trad. healthcare ethics and is often attributed to the author of the Hippocratic Oath
Ethical Principles:
- Promise-keeping
- Principle of Fidelity comes from the Latin root, fides, which means faithful
- Being faithful to pt means meeting the pts reasonable expectations
Ethical Principles:
- Fair distribution
- The duty to be treated fairly and w/out bias
Ethical Principles:
- Duty to respect persons and their rights of self-governance and self-determination
- Sometimes ethical principles are @ odds w/ ea. other
- Respect for older adults autonomy may be in conflict w/ the therapists desire to prevent harm or do good
*Be the BEST you can be!!!
Ethical Dilemmas in Geriatrics
Principles related to this:
Ethical Dilemmas in Geriatrics
What is it?
- form of an Advance Directive (AD)
- Request to NOT have CPR if a pts heart stops or if they stop breathing
- unless given specific direcions→ you should try to help all pts whose hearts stopped/stopped breathing
How can pts use this?
- Pts can use Advanced Directive form OR tell their Dr. that they do not want to be resuscitated.
- DNR order put into med record
- accepted by Drs and hospitals in ALL STATES
- DNR order put into med record
Ethical Dilemmas in Geriatrics:
Other Directives such as Living Will, Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care
Principles related:
Other Directives or
Document indicates w/ some specificity the kinds of decisions the pt would like made should he be unable to participate
Instructive Directive
Spells out specific decisions
Ex. Living Will
Proxy Directive
Designate a specific person to make HC decisions for them
Ex. Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care
Major argument for use of Instructive Directives
Ex. Living Will
- allows an indiv to participate indirectly in future med care decisions even if they are unable to make informed decisions
- extends indiv autonomy
- ensures that future care is consistent w/ previous desires
- helps prevent unwanted and ultimately futile invasive medical care at the end-of-life
Ethical Dilemmas in Geriatrics:
Withdrawing or W/holding life-sustaining interventions
Principles related:
Ethical Dilemmas in Geriatrics:
Withdrawing or W/holding life-sustaining interventions
- Right to refuse or request the w/drawal of, unwanted med tx
- Pts also have right to change their minds about HC values and goals
Quality end of life care includes managing pain, avoiding prolonged process of dying, achieving self-control, relieving burdens of care, improving relationships w/ loved ones
- NOT same as euthanasia or suicide
Ethical Dilemmas In Geriatrics:
Ensuring Confidentiality
- Autonomy
pts need to control their HC info
- ex. HIIPA
Ethical Dilemmas in Geriatrics:
Breaching Confidentiality
- Nonmaleficence
- Obligations to breach confidentiality may be req’d when the clinician feels that the pt is in danger (elder abuse) or pt impaired decision making abilities or safety (driving)
Ethical Dilemmas in Geriatrics:
Responding to Requests for Interventions
- Beneficence
- Nonmaleficence
- Justice
- Autonomy
- Pts make requests for medical interventions
- Many are reasonable and some are outside the standards of care
- Clinicians are NOT obligated to grant requests for interventions that are not effective or that violate their conscience
How to Avoid Ethical Dilemmas
Effective Communication
- elicit pts concerns via pt interview
- give pts adequate time to discuss goals, issues, needs
- pay attn to sensory/cognitive impairs
How to Avoid Ethical Dilemmas
Effective Communication
*Relationship building mnemonic: PEARLS
- P: Partnership
- E: Empathy
- A: Apology
- R: Respect
- L: Legitimization
- S: Support
Legal Issues in Geriatrics
What is a BIG ONE?
Legal Issues in Geriatrics:
Informed Consent
- Process by which a fully informed pt can participate in choices about their HC
- Legally, pt has right to direct what happens to their body and ethically, it is the duty of the HCP to involve pt in that HC
It is gen’ly accepted that complete informed consent includes a discussion of the following:
- alternatives to proposed intervention
- risks, benefits, uncertainties related to ea alternative
- assess of pt understanding
- acceptance of the intervention by pt
Legal Issues in Geriatric Practice:
Patient Self-Determination Act
- Most hospitals, nursing homes, home health agencies, and HMO’s routinely provide info on advanced directives @ the time of admission
- Req’d to do so under a federal law called Patient Self-Determination Act (PSDA)
W/ the PSDA, pts can specify if they want to accept or refuse medical care…
- Can ID a legal rep (HCPOA) for urgent HC decision purposes
- Pts wishes have been clearly doc’d for future care
- Guaranteed in the 14th Amendment
Legal Issues in Geriatric Practice
Nursing Home Care Quality
Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1987
Ex. using restraints
- Brought about landmark quality assurance to the nursing home industry under the Medicare and Medicaid sections of SSA
- Phys/chem restraints
- Resident abuse
- NH staffing and nursing aide training
- 75hrs for Cert
- State inspection + enforcement
Elder Abuse NOTE
Elder Abuse
Who are the perpetrators 90% of the time?
Family members***
90% perpetrators in elder abuse are family members
½ of perps are_____, ____
Adult children
Freq forms of elder abuse
- Neglect→ 48.7%
- Emotional/psych abuse→ 35.4%
- Financial exploitation→ 30.2%
- Phys abuse→ 25.6%
- Abandonment→ 3.5%
- Sexual abuse→ .3%
Elder Abuse:
Legal Issues
- All states have some form of elder abuse prevention laws
- Laws/defs vary but all states have reporting systems
Adult Protective Services (APS)
- receive and investigate reports of suspected elder abuse
*NOTE: Better to say something and be wrong vs. NOT reporting at all!!!
Elder Abuse Types:
Sexual abuse
- Non-consensual sexual contact
- Also sexual contact w/ person incapable of giving consent
Elder Abuse Types:
Desertion @ institution, public place or responsibility
Elder Abuse Types:
Physical Abuse
Ex. Wife who’s husband has dementia
- Non-accidental phys force results in injury
- Willful infliction of phys pain or injury that may result in bodily injury, phys pain or impair
Elder Abuse Types:
Financial or Exploitation Abuse
- Unauthorized use of funds or property
- ex. access to bank acct
- May involve theft or conversion of money or property accomplished by force, misrepresentation or other legal means
Elder Abuse Types:
2 Types
- Active Neglect→ “I’m not caring for you”
- Self Neglect→ Stop caring for yourself
Active Neglect
“I’m not caring for you”
- Failure of caretaker to provide goods or services necessary to avoid phys harm, mental anguish or mental illness
Self Neglect
Not caring for yourself
- Failure of individual to care for themself
Elder Abuse:
- *Emotional/Psychological Abuse**
- **not often intentional**
- Infliction of mental anguish by intimidation, verbal threats, humiliation, isolation
frustration often involved
- Ex. progressive cond’s, palliative decline
frustration often involved
Elder Abuse
Spotting the Signs Resources
see pics
Detecting Abuse in Elderly
Signs to look out for w/:
Older adult vs. Abuser
Older Adult
- ashamed
- confused
- concerned about living in nursing home
- answer all questions
- cancel appts
Elder Abuse
Detecting Elder Abuse
More on the abused person
- won’t come out and say their being abused
- they change how they act
- can be misinterpreted as confusion***
- actively changing behavior due to abuse
Elder Abuse
Reporters of abuse
*ANY HCP is obligated to report!!!!
- family members
- social work
- friends/neighbors
- victim
- caregiver
- law enforcer
- anonymous
- Me, the student****
Elder Abuse
PT Involvement
- Interview elder in private (attempt to)
- 60% all reported cases are substantiated aka actual issue!!!
- MUST doc reports and abide by state laws
- Be aware of protected services and resources for intervention and advocacy
- 800-792-8820
Signs of Nursing Home Abuse
- Unusual bruising
- Sudden changes in Wt.
- Staff refuses or delays access to see loved one
- Staff monitoring visits or employees refusing to leave room during visits