Well child, Growth and Development, Abuse Flashcards
Can incorporate solid foods at what age
6 months
Cup drinking at what age
9 mo
first dental checkup
12 month
Toilet training begins at what age
18 month
Playing w/ siblings and peers is discussed at what age
3 yr
•Acceptable & unacceptable behaviors from adults (ex. harm)
5 yrs
4 mo milestones
- No head lag sitting up
- Rolls front-to-back
- Shakes rattle
- LOL’s
6 mo milestones
- Tripod sitting- Sits momentarily propped on hands
- Rakes pellet
- Babbling
feed sself crackers
Stops for “no”
Gestures for “up”
7 mo milestones
Sits w/o support (steady)
Refuses excess food
Rolls back to front
Responds to name
Expresses anger
what age milestones
5 mo
9mo milestines
- Pull to stand
- Crawling
- “Mama” - non-specific
10 mo miletsones
Drinks (not sucks) from cup
Enjoys “peek-a-boo”
Waves “bye-bye” back
Says “dada” nonspecific
11 mo milestones
Walk, one hand held
Cruises furniture holding on w/ one hand
Says first word/vocalizes to songs
12 mo miletsones
Independent steps
Scribbles after demo
2 cubes
Cooperates in dressing- Takes hat off
Follows one step command w/ gestures
Recognizes name of 2 objects
Points in order to get desired object
•“Mama” – specific
- Stoops to pick up toy
- Point to 1 body part
milestone age?
15 mo
16 mo milestones
Walks backwards
Walks up stairs, one hand held
- Running
- Throws ball
- 4-cube tower
18 mo
Goes up stairs holding rail (both feet on each step)
Walks down stairs, holding rail, both feet on each step
Goes upstairs w/ rail alternating feet
Goes up stairs holding rail (both feet on each step) - 22 mo
Walks down stairs, holding rail, both feet on each step- 24 mo
Goes upstairs w/ rail alternating feet - 2 yr 6 mo
Parallel play
Follows 2 step command
Uses 2-word sentences (noun + verb)
50+ words in vocabulary- 50% intelligibility
24 mo
Makes 8 cube tower
2 yrs 6 mo