Cards, Pulm Flashcards
Upper Respiratory Tract pul infections
ØAcute Epiglottitis
• Asthma : Diagnosis and Treatment
ØCystic Fibrosis
ØHyaline Membrane Disease – Respiratory Distress Syndrome of the Newborn
sounds assoc w/
Croup – cough and stridor
Epiglottitis- stridor
Bronchiolitis- wheeze
Pertussis- whooping cough
infecrtious vs noninfectious causes of Acute Epiglottitis
Infectious Causes:
- Strep Pyogenes – remember this is what causes strep throat
- Strep Pneumonia
- Staph
- less likely H Flu in pedi
Noninfectious causes:
thermal causes–
- crack cocaine & marijuana smoking
- throat burns of bottle-fed infants),
caustic insults–dishwasher soap ingestion
FB ingestion–ingestion & expulsion of a bottle cap
reaction to head & neck radiation therapy
define epiglotitis vs croup
epiglottitis - acute inflammation in the supraglottic region of the oropharynx with inflammation of the epiglottis, vallecula, arytenoids, and aryepiglottic folds
croup - Inflammation of the larynx, trachea- subglottic !
etiology of croup
Viral etiology (Distinguished from Bacterial Tracheitis)
- Parainfluenza 1,2,3
- Influenza A or B (A or B may be more severe depending on the year !)
- Adenovirus, RSV
rare complication of croup
Bacterial Tracheitis- a
•Bacterial infection of the trachea -> complete respiratory failure by blockage of the trachea with swelling and purulent drainage….
si/sx of Bacterial Tracheitis-
develop over 1-3 days
- Thick purulent exudate within trachea – may obstruct upper airway
- ++Fever à pt appears TOXIC
si/sx of acute epiglottiti s
RAPID ONSET = mild s/t, fever = TOXIC appearance (resp. distress)
Muffled voice (“hot potato”)
Drooling, Pain
Labored breathing
- •Neck hyperextended
- •Mouth open
- •Chin up- sniffing
- •Leaning forward
- •Outstretched arms
As illness worsens:
- •Air Hunger
- •Stridor is a LATE FINDING
- •Restlessness
- Pre apnea -> coma -> death
dx of acute epiglottitis
lateral neck film and look for THUMB PRINT SIGN
Direct visualization with intubation and endoscopy
tx of epiglottitis
Anesthesia Stat to the ED…
Use O2 if child will tolerate
Establish 2 lines IF the patient will TOLERATE
- Intubation (2-3 days)
- IV antibiotics
- Ceftriaxone or Cefotaxime x7-10 days
- Supportive care
family tx in epiglottitis
Tx of Family - NOT CONTAGIOUS !
- if unimmunized or immunosuppressed family
- or any child <6 mo without HIB vaccine complete—
- THEN….consider Rifampin for ppx
age of epiglottitis vs croup
epi - <6 mo
croup - 3mo-5yr (2 y)
si/sx of croup
URI Si/Sx: Day 0-2
- Rhinorrhea
- Low grade temp
- +/-Cough
- +/- pharyngitis
Barking Cough: Day 0-5
- +/- stridor insp/expir
- WORSEN Day 2 and 3 of the Barking Cough (inform parents)
progression of croup
Typically occurs: 10p-4a
Resolves by day: 5-7
URI –> Barking cough—>resolution
(Day 1-2) - (2-3) ( 5-7)
tx of croup also define (mild, mod, severe)
Mild (at home)- If not seen in the office for
- •Cold air, Open freezer door, Humidified air
- •No abx
Mild-Moderate- seen in office barking cough w/ NO stridor at rest
- •Decadron (IV solution given orally ) PO: 0.6mg/kg max 10-12+mg once
- •HOME if comfortable
- •Lasts 24-72 hours
- •Remind family this gets worse day 2 and 3 !
Moderate-Severe in (office-clinic-ED): stridor at rest
- •Decadron IV solution given PO:
- •RACEMIC EPI by nebulizer : duration of action approx 2 hours- repeat as/if needed
- •watch 2-3 hours for recurrence ..i
- •if recurrence : call anesthesia = consider admission
no improvement :
- After failed racemic epi –> continuous racemic epi, IM ep -> transfer to PICU
definition & etiology of bronchiolitis
Inflammation of the bronchioles, secretions into the inflamed bronchial tree kids < 2yo (LRI)
- >50% caused by RSV
- • (parainfluenza and adenovirus)
- •bacterial- mycoplasma
si/sx of bronchiolitis
Begins with URI
- •copious clear rhinorrhea
- •congestion
- •low grade fever (101/ 102F rectally)
Then develops WHEEZING +/- crackles (rales)
- ↓ breath sounds – impending doom
Worsens day 2-5 of illness (vs croup day 2-3)
Average course of illness 10-12 days
Bronchiolitids worsens day ____of illness
croup worsens day ____ of illness
bronch Worsens day 2-5 of illness
croup day 2-3
dx and imaging of bronchiolitis
CXR: Findings :↑perihilar markings
- •If first episode of wheezing
- •If pneumonia is a consideration
Nasal Washings : PCR for RSV
tx of bronchiolitis
outpatient vs inpatient
Bronchodilators: +/- helpful
- Albuterol- can make worse !
- Racemic epinephrine –rarely used…(vaponephrine) falling out of favor
Cool Mist +/- helpful –> Saline nebs
Steroids-PO (NO ICS) - Decadron, prednisolone (orapred)
Antibiotics= only if pneumonia superinfection
Inpatient: above +
Hospitalize if hypoxic :
- •awake <91-93%
- •if asleep <91%
If intubated / risk for intubation: needs a PICU available -> Impending respiratory failure
O2 to keep SpO2 above 94%
High flow 02 if sats <92% on 02
Vaccine pphx for bronchiolitis
Synagis(palivizumab) 0-6 mo indications
- Premie < 35 wks
- Chronic Lung Dz
- Cerebral palsy / other neuro dz
- CHD and/or heart transplant
- Cystic Fibrosis (CF)
- Severe immune compromise
- possibly native American Indians or Alaskans
Synagis(palivizumab) 12-24 mo indications
- Chronic Lung Dz with 02 requirement
- Heart transplant during RSV season
- Severe immune compromise
- CF with certain findings (not all CF’ers)
- Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia w/ hospitalization within 6 mo
Atopic Illnesses assoc. w/ asthma
- Atopic Dermatitis (AD) 80% have asthma or allergic rhinitis
- Food allergies: 30% have asthma
- Allergic Rhinitis
si/sx of asthma
Si/sx by age 5
Cough- dry
- •Nocturnal, cold air, seasonal, exercise, lasts >3 wks
wheeze - Pitch varies, expiratory but can be inspiratory
- Prolonged expiration is abnormal.
Could be: breathlessness, chest tightness, chest pain
Dx of asthma
Demonstration of variable/episodic expiratory airflow limitation that is reversible, w/ pre/post bronchodilators
- •An improvement >8% of FEV1
- •Must be able to perform peak flows
Exclusion of other reasons for this finding: CF, FB, RSV, etc….
first time wheezing differential
•Reactive Airway Disease (RAD)
tx of asthma 0-4
Mild -intermittent: SABA- Step 1
Persistent- step 2-6
- (2)Low dose ICS or cromolyn/ montelukast
- (3)Medium ICS
- (4)Medium ICS + LABA or montelukast
- (5)High dose ICS + LABA or montelukast
- (6)Add oral steroid
CONSIDER Pedi Pulmonologist at step 2 or step 3 !
tx of asthma 5-11
Mild- intermittent – Step 1: (1) SABA
Persistent Step 2-6
- (2) Low dose ICS or cromolyn, neocrodimil, montelukast or theophylline
- (3) low dose ICS + LABA or LTRA, theo, med ICS
- (4)medium ICS + LABA or Medium ICS + LTRA or theo
- (5) high dose ICS + LABA or high dose ICS + LTRA/theo
- (6) high dose ICS + LABA + oral steroid (or LTRA/theo and oral steroid
STEPS 2-4 consider allergy shots for allergic asthma patients
definition & etiology of pertussis
coccobaccilus that colonizes the ciliated epithelium - airborne transmission
Bortadella Pertussis in US
Para pertussis causes Sporadic Pertussis (Europe
3 stages of pertussis
3-12 day incubation
Catarrhal stage: most contagious (common cold sx lasting 1-2 wks
- •runny nose, sneezing, low-grade fever, and a mild cough
Paroxysmal stage: 1-6 weeks, up to 10 wks
- The characteristic symptom is a burst, of numerous, rapid coughs.
- patient suffers from a long inhaling effort characterized by a high-pitched whoop
- Infants and young children often appear very ill and distressed -> may turn blue and vomit.
Convalescent stage: last for months.
- cough usually disappears after 2 – 3 weeks, paroxysms may recur whenever the patient suffers any subsequent respiratory infection
dx of pertusssis
Nasopharyngeal swab - takes days –week to return
- High clinical suspicion= Clinical Diagnosis !
- TREAT and watch for results
si/sx of Children/infants w/ paroxysms in pertussis
Children/infants w/ paroxysms = Respiratory distress
- Tongue protruding
- Face purple
- Eyes bulging & Eyes watery
- Post tussive emesis and exhaustion
tx of pertusssis
Can use Erythromycin but 3 x per day for 10 days
Supportive care
complications of pertussis
Mild :
- •Ear infection, loss of appetite, dehydration. pneumonia (up to 5% of cases)
- •rib fracture from coughing (up to 4% of cases).
- •loss of consciousness
- •female urinary incontinence, hernias, angina, and weight loss
If hypoxic from paroxysm:
- Encephalopathy
- Seizures
Common Aspirated Objects
most common cause of FBA in infants vs older kids
•Peanuts! (approx 50% of all FBA )
•Seeds, nuts, popcorn, hardware, toys, batteries. Coins, hot dogs
- Food most common cause of FBA in i_nfants and toddlers_
- Non-food most common in older kids—> Coins, paper clips, pins, pen caps, coins
common causes of fatal FB aspirations
- BALLOONS, gloves, similar expandable items
- Balls
- Marbles
- toys
- anything strong, round, unbreakable
- Even ice cubes, cheese cubes
- Clumpy, sticky foods, hard candies, lollipop pieces
where do FB aspirations occur in lungs of children vs adults
In adults ==== R mainstem
- •Why: diameter of R mainstem and angle of departure from central mainstem
Kids ….proximal mainstem bronchus
- •no preponderance of occurrence R over L
- •R and L are close in diameter size and close in angle of departure
bronchi Right and Left equally
Can be in larynx if large enough
•Laryngeal fb associated with higher morbidity/mortality –> no air passing
dx and tx tool for FBA
Bronchoscopy is diagnostic tool and treatment
describe 2 types of bronchoscopy for FBA and their uses
Flexible Bronchoscopy: used when FB dx is known
- Done with chronic or recurrent pneumonia
- Chronic cough
Rigid Bronchoscopy: If suspected FBA
- If non emergent
- Typically used but requires anesthesia
- Less risk of dislodgement
definition and etiology of CF
secretions viscous secretions in???
↑ salt content in sweat gland secretions viscous secretions in
- • Lungs
- • Pancreas
- • Liver
- • Intestine
- • Reproductive Tract
Genetically driven disruption of the chloride channel
- Genetic mutation of CFTR *
- affects the transport of chloride
Meconium ileus - Kid doesn’t have their first poop by day 2 of life
CF patients have Colonization with:
in childhood-
young & adult?
•Colonization with
•Staph Aureus (and H flu) in childhood-
•pseudomonas can cause clinical disease in young CF patients!
•Pseudomonas Aeruginosa is ultimately found colonized in lungs of CF pts in adulthood
si/sx of CF:
name body areas affected
si/sx resp in CF
newborn , adults, suspicion raised with??
•Newborn :
- Respiratory symptoms not typical in newborn but if respiratory distress of unclear etiology, keep a suspicion
•Infants and Children:
- •Most likely presenting cc leading to dx of CF are respiratory sxs
- •Persistant or chronic uri
- •Wheezing of unclear etiology or recalcitrant
•Suspicion in setting of no CF dx should be raised with
- •Chronic productive cough
- •Recurrent Upper or Lower Resp Infections
- •Hyperinflation on CXR
- •PFT’s c/w obstructive disease
sinus si/sx in CF
- Panopacification of sinuses by the age of 8 mo
- Nasal polyposis found in approx 20 % of pts
pancreas si/sx in CF
- Exocrine function typically insufficient in all newborns with CF
- Insufficient digestive enzymes -> malabsorption–> failure to thrive, electrolyte abnl, anemia
- May also develop endocrine function abnormality -> Glucose Intolerance or CF related DM
billiary si/sx CF
- Focal biliary cirrhosis casused by inspissated bile
- Hepatomegaly
- Asymptomatic liver dz primarily
- If progressive, in rare instances, can cause periportal fibrosis, cirrhosis, portal htn, variceal bleeding and require liver trnplnt
- May see cholelithiasis (12% of pts with cf)
MSK si/sx in CF
•Reduced Bone Mineral Content
- •Poor bone growth
- •Higher bone loss
- •Use of steroids increases risk of osteoporosis
- •Poor absorption incr risk of osteoporosis
•Hypertrophic osteoarthropathy
- Abnl proliferation of skin and osseous tissue at distal extremities
dx criteria for CF
Clinical sxs c/w CTF in at least 1 organ systems if older than newborn (newborn no organ involvement neccessary for dx)
Evidence of CFTR *dysfunction by any one of the following tests
- ↑Sweat chloride (over 60mmol/L) on 2 occasions
- Presence of 2 disease causing mutations in the CFTR
- Abnormal nasal potential difference
primary dx test for CF
2 reasons we do it?
Sweat Test
- Dasxs(+) newborn screen, after 2 weeks of life and >2kg
- •meconium ileus after Day Of Life 2 (DOL 2)
Measured and reported as : DX vs Possible CF vs CF unlikely