Well Child Exam Flashcards
AAP recommended well visit schedule
birth 1mo 2mo 4mo 6mo 9mo 12mo 15mo 18mo 2yr annually
What is the Apgar score?
When is it done?
assessment of newborn immediately after birth
scored 1 and 5 min after birth
continue at 5min intervals until score > 7
Newborn Screen:
- what is it
- when is it done
testing for metabolic and genetic diseases
blood sample collected from heel stick
- before discharge
- again at 7-14d
Newborn Exam: general
cry (strong, weak, abnormal)
respiratory effort (nasal flaring, accessory muscle use, RR)
posture/tone (abnormal: low, floppy)
color (cyanosis, peripheral cyanosis, jaundice)
Newborn Exam: skin: vernix caseosa
cheesy white covering
rich lipid matrix
dec as term approaches
Newborn Exam: skin: milia
- what are they
- etiology
- common location
- course
pinpoint white papules w/out erythema
caused by blocked sebaceous glands
nose, chin, forehead, cheeks
appear: 1st few weeks
disappear: several weeks
Newborn Exam: skin: mongolian spot
- aka
- what is it
- common locations
- course
- common populations
congenital dermal melanocytosis
blue patches of pigment
lumbar area, buttocks, extremities
fade w/ time
asian, native american, hispanic, east indian, african
Newborn Exam: skin: erythema toxicum
- what is it
- common location
- course
yellow eosinophilic papules on red base
appear: 2-4th day of life
disappear: w/in a week of birth
Newborn Exam: head:
widely split sutures can be a sign of…
elevated ICP (meningitis, hydrocephalus)
Newborn Exam: head:
a raised bony ridge at a suture line can be a sign of…
Newborn Exam: head: bulging fontanelles may indicate…
inc ICP (bleed, meningitis)
Newborn Exam: head: sunken fontanelles may indicate…
Newborn Exam: head:
a large fontanelles may indicate…
Newborn Exam: head: when do the fontanelles close?
anterior: 9-18mo
posterior: 1-2mo
Newborn Exam: head: cephalohematoma:
- what is it
- course
swelling/collection of blood over one/both parietal bones
does NOT cross suture lines
resolves in wks-mos
Newborn Exam: head: caput succedaneum:
- what is it
- course
edema of the scalp
CAN cross suture lines
resolves in days
Newborn Exam: face
facial symmetry (facial palsies)
Hypetelorism: definition
abnormally wide eye spacing
Newborn Exam: nose
<1mo: nose breathers
ensure no obstruction
Newborn Exam: eyes
eye spacing subconjunctival hemorrhages (common from birth trauma) red reflex (present, symmetric)
Newborn Exam: ears
- how to get the best view
- common findings
under 2/3: pull auricle downward
common: preauricular pits, tags
always screen for hearing loss
Newborn Exam: mouth: Epstein’s Pearls, Bohn Nodules
epstein’s pearls: sm white benign inclusion cysts, palate
bohn nodules: yellow white cysts, gingival ridge
**seen bt 2-4mo, resolve spontaneously
Newborn Exam: mouth: ankyloglossia
- what is it
- complications
- treatment
congenital short lingual frenulum
can lead to: limited tongue movement pain w/ nursing speech difficulty dental problems
frenotomy/frenulotomy in neonatal period
Newborn Exam: neck: congenital torticollis
- etiology
- presentation
- course
bleeding in the SCM muscle during stretching of birth
firm, fibrous mass within muscle w/in 2-3wks after birth
disappears: months
Newborn Exam: chest
clavicle fracture pectus excavatum (sternal depression) pectus carinatum (pigeon chest deformity)
Newborn Exam: lungs:
diminished breath sounds in one side of the chest suggest…
unilateral lesions (congenital diaphragmatic hernia)
Newborn Exam: cardiovascular:
diminished femoral pulses may indicate…
coarctation of the aorta
Newborn Exam: cardiovascular: common non cardiac findings in patients with cardiac disease
poor feeding, FTT, irritability
tachypnea, hepatomegaly, clubbing
poor overall appearance, weakness
Newborn Exam: cardiovascular: normal auscultation finding
normal sinus dysrhythmia (inc insp - dec exp)
Newborn Exam: cardiovascular: MC dysthymia in infants
paroxysmal supra ventricular tachycardia
Newborn Exam: abdomen: umbilical granuloma
-what is it
pink granulation tissue formed during the healing process
Newborn Exam: male GU:
-what is it
abnormal ventral placement
**check before circumcision