Peds: Cardiology Flashcards
Abnormal S2 Sounds: Widely Split S2
electrical delay (RBBB) VSD repair (TOF) pulmonic stenosis
prolonged RV emptying
Abnormal S2 Sounds: Fixed Split S2
volume overload (ASD)
L–> R shunt/flow
excess flow from L heart to pulmonary bed
Abnormal S2 Sounds: Narrowed Split S2
pulmonary HTN (loud S2)
Abnormal S2 Sounds: Paradoxical Split S2
electrical delay (LBBB) aortic stenosis
prolonged LV emptying
split eliminated on inspiration
Abnormal S2 Sounds: Single S2
complex heart defect (TGA)
single ventricle defect
Adventitious Heart Sounds: S3 sound
low pitch
early diastole
best heard at apex
rapid ventricular filling/vol overload (pregnancy, MR/TR)
can be normal variant in children
Adventitious Heart Sounds: S4 sound
low pitch late diastole best heard at apex obstruction, dec ventricular compliance pathologic: HTN, CM, pulmonary stenosis
Other Sounds: Click
pulmonary stenosis (LUSB, changes w/ expiration)
aortic stenosis (apex, no change w/ respiration)
Other Sounds: friction rub
pericarditis (EKG: diffuse ST elevation)
Pulses: PDA
Pulses: aortic stensosis, HLHS
weak, thready
Pulses: coarcation
LE: poor, absent, delay
Innocent Heart Murmurs
still’s murmur (systolic)
venous hum murmur (continuous)
peripheral pulmonary stenosis (systolic)
Pathological Heart Murmurs
Murmur Radiation:
- neck
- back
- axilla
- neck: aortic stenosis
- back: pulmonary valve stenosis
- axilla: peripheral pulmonary murmur
Systolice Murmur: ejection
aortic/pulmonary stenosis HCM ASD Still's COA
Systolic Murmur: holocystolic
mitral/tricuspid regurgitation
Diastolic Murmur
early: semilunar valves
- aortic/pulmonic regurgitation
- mitral stenosis
Continuous Murmur
venous hum murmur
coronary fistula
Innocent Heart Murmurs: qualities
Systolic Soft intensity (Grade <4) Musical/vibratory Altered with positions or respirations NOT associated with adventitious heart sounds NO associated symptoms NO associated findings Louder with stress Fever, pain, anxiety
Pathological Heart Murmurs: qualities
Diastolic or continuous Increase intensity Grade > 4 (with thrill) Harsh No changes with position or respiration Louder with standing Clicks or S4 Gallop rhythm Abnormal physical exam Poor pulses Unequal UE/LE blood pressures Abnormal EKG Hypertrophy, arrhythmias Abnormal CXR: Cardiomegaly Cardiac symptoms Syncope Syndromes Trisomy 21 (Down syndrome)
Murmur: Supine Position
inc innocent
dec HCM
Murmur: Sitting Position
inc venous hum
dec innocent
Murmur: Standing Position
inc HCM, mitral valve prolapse
dec aortic stenosis
Murmur: Valsalva
dec innocent
inc HCM
What is the MC innocent heart murmur?
Still’s murmur
Still’s Murmur:
- age group
- evaluation
3-6yo - outgrow in adolescence
normal EKG
low frequency musical/vibratory LMSB, LLSB, apex loudest w/ supine, stress dec w/ sitting
Venous Hum Murmur:
- aka
- age group
- etiology
- evaluation
cervical hum murmur
turbulence due to jugular venous drainage
continuous (R>L)
loudest: upright
dec w/ supine/turning neck
Peripheral Cyanosis
aka: acrocyanosis
normal saturation and PaO2
normal transitional newborn physiology
due to vasospasm of sm arterioles
Central Cyanosis
blue lips, tongue
low saturations and PaO2
Patent Ductus Arteriosus:
- functional closure
- anatomic closure
functional closure: 12-90hrs
anatomic closure: 2-3wks
Pink Baby
normal baby
normal physiology
normal heart
PDA closed
Blue Baby
clue to CHD
PDA closing
Grey Baby
intracardiac shunt closed
need PGE to open PDA
no mixing of blood
Blue or Purple Baby
PDA patency open
palliation to provide PBF or systemic blood flow
saturation 75-90%
mixing of blood
CHD Symptoms: tachypnea
L to R shunt
CXR: pulmonary edema, cardiomegaly
CHD Symptoms: cyanosis
R to L shunt, obstruction to lungs
blue baby
low saturations
CXR: dec PBF
CHD Symptoms: grey baby
dec/no systemic blood flow
poor perfusion
lactic acidosis
CHD Physiology: volume overload
L to R shunt (ASD, VSD, PDA)
dilation of heart chambers
CXR: cardiomegaly, inc PBF
CHD Physiology: pressure overload
outflow obstruction (aortic, pulmonary)
hypertrophy of heart chambers
CHD Physiology: cyanotic lesion
R to L shunt
no PBF
poor mixing of blood
low saturations