Well-being across the lifespan Flashcards
What are the models to understand change in personality across the lifespan?
- growth or stage models.
- lifespan models.
- life course models.
Explain Erikson’s stages of development in relation to well-being.
- ego-integrity: predictors and correlates.
2. generativity: life narratives, commitment script and the good life.
Explain the developmental task theory.
Individuals move from one stage to another by completing developmental tasks. These developmental tasks are age-graded.
- which factors are important for well-being in which life stage.
- which factors predict well-being and life satisfaction.
- how to calculate SWB per life stage.
Explain positive youth development.
Positive process which fosters competence, confidence, connection, character, compassion and (contribution).
What are the general trends in well-being across the lifespan?
- well-being is not stable but does increase with age.
2. decline is SWB during the last years of life.
Explain Ryff’s dimensions of maturity.
Helson & Srivastava 2001
Maturity is divided into four groups based on the dimensions of environmental mastery and personal growth.
This leads to the following groups: conservers, achievers, seekers and depleted.
Explain adult emotional development
Labouvie-Vief & Medler 2002
There are two independent strategies for emotion development.
- affect optimization
- affect complexity
This leads to 4 groups of emotion regulation styles: self-protective, integrated, dysregulated and complex (over-differentiated).
Explain resilience.
Two strategies to resilience are benefit finding and post-traumatic growth.
- resilience is found in children.
- emotionally detached, autonomy, creative outlets, social skills and communication skills, optimistic, internal locus of control and meaning if life.
How can you promote resilience / post-traumatic growth?
- hardiness.
- sense of coherence model: a unique set of personality traits allows for positive growth; comprehension, manageable, meaningful.