Welfare State Flashcards
What’s the welfare state?
A system in which the state takes responsibility for protecting the health & welfare of its citizens, & for meeting social needs
What happened after the Industrial Revolution?
British society was poor - filled with illness & mass overcrowding
The government had a ‘Laissez Faire’ attitude. What does this mean?
Laissez Faire - the government believed they should have no involvement in British lives
What did William Beveridge do in 1942?
He challenged the government
What did the Beveridge report do?
Provided the basis for the modern welfare state
What were Beveridges 5 evils & what were they?
- Squalor: population living in slums
- Idleness: high unemployment levels, lead to higher crime rate
- Disease: Little available help from hospitals, working class suffered
- Ignorance: children left school at 14, no education = unemployment
- Want: absolute poverty (essential needs not being met)
What are means tested benefits?
Identifies those who are in great financial need. Individuals income is assessed to decide whether or not they receive financial help & how much they receive