Welfare Flashcards
What kind of questions is Welfare Economics interested in?
Normative Questions
Tries to Evaluate Outcomes in an Economy
What two things can Evaluation look at?
Efficiency + Equity
What can be used to distinguish between Efficiency + Equity?
Standard Efficiency benchmark
e.g. Pareto Efficiency
What is Pareto Efficiency?
Allocation/Outcome is Pareto efficient when No one can be Better Off without making someone else worse off
What is Pareto Gain?
Where a change makes at least One person Better Off without making anyone else Worse Off
Why does Pareto Efficiency often Conflict with Equity?
If one person owns ALL Resources- Pareto Efficient
–> BUT Pareto Gain Impossible- can’t move without making ‘Rich’ Worse off
In a Perfectly Competitive Economy, how much Pareto Gain is there?
NO Pareto Gain
If Pareto Gain is impossible, then what must the Original Equilibrium be?
Pareto Efficient
what are the 5 Main Market Failures?
Information Failure Public Goods Externalities Lack of Competition Genuine Equity Concerns
What is Information Failure?
Adverse Selection + Moral Hazard
Market Participants can’t see each other- hard to price effectively
What are Public Goods?
Goods where there is NO Incentive to reveal True Willingness to pay- as others are also willing to pay
–> Demands, Pi = MUi- NOT Revealed
Free-Rider Problem
What are Externalities?
Where Private Costs & Benefits ≠ Social Costs & Benefits
MUi & MCi - NOT Accurate measures of Society’s True Preferences + Costs
Why is Lack of Competition a Market Failure?
Pi ≠ MCi
Why is Gov. Policy not always the answer to Market Failure?
Gov. Failure- makes situation worse
How do Externalities arise?
When Parties do NOT face Social Costs of their Actions
-OR Parties do NOT receive Social Benefits of their Actions
What are Positive Externalities?
Under-provided in the Market
- Market provides the wrong incentives
e. g. Education, Some Security Systems, Tech. Spillovers
What are Negative Externalities?
Over-provided in the Market
- Market provides wrong incentives
e. g. Pollution, Cigarettes, Noise
What does a Negative Externalities graph look like?
DWL- points to Socially Optimum point
What does a Positive Externalities graph look like?
DWL- points to Socially Optimum point
What two things can POSITIVE + NEGATIVE Externalities be found in?
Production + Consumption
What are the 4 Main Solutions to Externalities?
Coase Theorem
Pigovian Taxes/Subsidies
Tradeable Pollution Permits
Standards + Regulations
What is the main argument of Coase Theorem?
We don’t need Policy- People will bargain around Externalities
Assign Property Rights to One side of Market
What is Coase Bargaining (1)?
Non-Smokers have Property Rights- Smoking Prevented
- Smokers can pay Sum, S, to smoke + Both Better off
- At E- Smokers Net Benefit = 40 = SMC
- Beyond E- Smokers Net Benefit > SMC- No scope to Bargain
What is Coase Bargaining (2)?
Smokers have Property Rights- Smoking Allowed
- Non-Smokers can pay Sum, S, for Smokers to NOT smoke + Both Better off
- At E- Smokers Net Benefit = 40 = SMC
- Below E- Smokers Net Benefit > SMC- No scope to Bargain
What is the Pigovian Tax Graph?
PMC + t > PMC
–> PMC + t Intersects SMC = SMB
What are Tradeable Pollution Permits?
- Gov. decides quantity of Pollution allowed + give Firms a number of ‘Permits’- allow them to produce certain level of Pollution
- Firms can then Trade Permits with each other
- Firms whose Pollution Reduction is more Costly–> Prepared to Buy extra Permits
- Firms whose Pollution Reduction is Cheaper–> Prepared to Sell Permits
- Firms whose Pollution Reduction is more Costly–> Prepared to Buy extra Permits
- Desired Pollution Reduction achieved at Lowest Possible Cost
How do Standards work?
Gov. tells Firms quantity of Pollution allowed- individually (Qs)
–BUT- Gov. must also be Believed to be able to Detect + Punish Non-Compliance with Standards- Credibility matters
What happens if Gov. does NOT have Info to set appropriate Standards?
Does NOT Guarantee Least-Cost Pollution Reduction
e.g. Same standard applied to Heterogenous Firms- Ignores different costs faced to hit Target