Monopoly Flashcards
What is a Monopoly?
A firm with Total Market Power
-Price Setter
What is the main Constraint to a Monopoly?
Market Demand- still Downward Sloping
What are the 3 main causes for a Monopoly?
- Single owner of a Crucial Resource
- Gov. Policy - e.g. Nationalisation or Patents
- Natural Monopolies - E.o.S
For a Monopoly, where is MR in relation to AR?
MR is 2x as Steep as AR
Why is P = AR > MR?
To sell an extra unit, Monopoly must lower Price for ALL Previous units as well
=> Loses Revenue on ALL units they were already selling
What type of Profit does a Monopoly gain?
Supernormal Profits
What is the equation for MC in terms of P and PeD?
MC = P( 1 + 1/e )
What is the PeD equation?
e = (P/Q)(dQ/dP) < 0 –> Because Consumers are more Flexible
Price Elasticity of Demand
What happens to Price as Demand becomes Perfectly Elastic? (e –> 0)
P –> MC
Monopoly chooses Perfectly Competitive Price
Under a monopoly, P > MR. What does this cause?
Deadweight Loss to Society
What is the DWL to Society?
Units with Value > CoPs that are lost because Supply is restricted
Market Failure
How does a Monopoly affect the Market Equilibrium?
Increased Price
Decreased Quantity
Where is the Efficient Market Price?
D = S
How does Perfect Comp. and Monopoly differ?
PC: D = S = Sum of MC curves Pc - Efficient Market Price --> Maximised Surplus Monopoly: Increased Price to Pm Decreased Quantity to Qm --> Produces DWL
What are some Public Policies that can be used to prevent Monopolies?
Increase Competition–> CMA
Nationalisation- Public Ownership
Regulation- Max. Prices etc.
Do Nothing- prevent Gov. failure