Welcome To New York Taylor Swift Flashcards
Famous painting depicting Jesus and 12 apostles
The last supper
Leonardo da Vinci
First leg of thr triple crown
Location and date
Churchill downs in Kentucky
First sat of may
Name of thr winged horse in Greek mythology who carried Zeus thunder and lightning according to the poet Hesiod
This is an Iconic photo taken by him of marines raising flag on this mountain on this island
Raising the flag on iwojima
Joe roseenthal
Mount ser uh boche
Second flag as first wqs too small
On March 14 51 after celebrating his birthday 72nd he left the party to go home
Feeling tired and approached by photographers he did this to make for an iconic photo of a serious man
Einstein stuck out his tongue
Dom uh neck o dreg uh net E s an Italian virtuoso and composer best known for concertos which shine a rare spotlight on this otherwise common orchestral instrument which was too difficult to hear until the advent of more modern instrument making techniques
(Upright ) base
Thick strings did not get loud when made out of cat gut
World lope it ski federation has 20 long distance cross country ski races in 20 different countries
Name the American race which shares name with this other country race and named after a group of rebels
Also name location
Northern Wisconsin
Birk uh biner
How many species
Also closest living relative
Seals Carnivore; look cuter but prob don’t want a kiss from a rose -seal song
Triple crown of hiking
Pacific crest trail - known from Cheryl straid book wild
Appalachian trail
Continental divide - runs along rim of Rockies
Spans 8000 miles
One of thr more significant figures in western history
924 AD inherited royal title from father
927 conquerored Viking kingdom called your vick and consolidated crown with his own becoming the first this
Ethelstan first king of England
Yore vick now known as York
How many Hercules labors
And first one
Slay the knee me in lion using technique of choking
Had to channel a different tv dad because couldn’t get foot behind the tail - Homer Simpson
Name Hercules 3rd labor which shares its name with a ship captained by this explorer who didn’t let circumnavigating the globe stop him
From extensively plundering Spanish ports and ships along west coast of the Americas
Also his knighthood was precursor
To this war
Capture the golden hind
English explorer sir Francis drake
Anglo Spanish war
From 1989-01 a German bank note featuted this prolific mathematician and physicist
Important contributions to algebra geometry and astronomy
Significant contributions to electricity and magnetism resulting in this being named for him in 36
SI unit of magnetic induction
Carl free drick gouse
De gouse monitors
In Jan 20 astronomers reported evidence that current volcanic activity on this extraterrestrial planet could be source of nutrients for atmospheric life
STEVE stands for this and is similar to this not completely understood atmospheric phenomena
Strong thermal emission velocity enhancement
Auroras (borealis north and aw stral yis south )
Bone flutes dating to 40-50K years ago have been found in a cave near this second longest river in Europe
Volga longest
Jacksonville Florida
Sponsor of stadium
Previously all tell then
Not Camping world
Coldest NHL game Played here in 2003
Also success led to this game
Edmonton - heritage classic -18 C
Outdoor game
Winter classic played on New Year’s Day
This cardinal was hit illegally in end zone in 08 game and had multiple fractures to his para nasal sinuses returning 3 weeeks later catching 9 passes for 2 TDs
Ann quan boldin
Country in Europe with Most Olympic medals
UK 950
Germany 922
France 889
Italy 759
Soviet Union 1024
In Harry met sally thr pair are in this delicatessen when a woman at a Nearby utters the famous line I’ll have what she’s having
Barry trap what was she having for meal
Turkey sandwich
Shakespeare play location
Midsummer nights dream
Athens Greece
Shakespeare play location
Alls well that ends well
Edmund Spencer wrote this epic poem - one of thr longest in English language and published in 1590s
Thr fairy queen
Seven habits of highly effective people
Stephen cove E
Allison - Stephen Stephen
Andy - wow Allison
Allison - I only put Steve because that wqs the category name
Wrath is the name of a Grammy nominated album by this biblically named heavy Metal band
Lamb of god
Longest running sports event in US
Not single event that took longest to complete
Kentucky derby
Cookie Monster real
First name
Rapper with a triple platinum hit in 18 with breakout single envy me
Cal boy
In November 20 2/3 of thr legislature wqs voted out of this country’s parliament
Shares land borders with Saudi Arabia and Iraq
Maritime border with Iran
This mountain range forms thr border between Norway and Sweden
Scandinavian mountains
Aka The scandies
In 1905 Norway dissolved its union with this country
Fyi only legit land border kinda touches Finland and Russia
Type of figure called cag uh nay is a popular addition to cat uh Lin nativity scenes
Generally a male figure doing this highly inappropriate activity
Aka taking a deuce
Shakespeare works divided into these 4 types
Histories - 10 plays that cover English history from 12th-16 century : each one named after and focuses on Reigning monarch of Period
Fruit that may be served with sticky rice
Fruit that may be served with sticky rice