The Road Not Taken” poet Robert : FROST Flashcards
Atomic no 100
Ferm e um
Named after fermi - first American psychist who created worlds first nuclear reactor
Created in Chicago
In traditional biological taxonomy this is the F kingdom
2000 presidental election between who and decided by a little over 500 votes in this state
W Bush defeated gore
Gore conceded on Dec 12
Why is a knuckleball so wobbly
Lack of spin
Results in Non symmetrical lift leading to slow and randomly moving
CPAP machine ruses to treat
Sleep apnea
Continuous positive airway pressure
630 ft wide and tall
Gateway arch in St. Louis
Couscous is classified as this type of food
Crucible set during this event
Also a metaphor for this
Salem witch trials
Metaphor for red scare Joseph McCarthy
Arthur miller 1953
This country’s Medellin metro cable is one of worlds few aerial parts of a mass transit system
Med uh yeen
L train and a bus to Skokie are run by CTA short for this original name of the does anybody really know what time it is band
Chicago transit authority
Original name of Chicago band
Can’t get enough of charming but evil surgeons ?
Watch this true crime show on peacock
Dr death
Chase and rubble are 2 of the playful rescue dogs who use their unique talents to protect the town of adventure bay on this show
Paw patrol
Kristin Ritter starred as this reluctant ex superheroine suffering from PTSD and working as a NYc private eye
Jessica jones
Title of this 60s prime time soap opera became shorthand for a melodramatic complicated situation
Peyton place
Thank you for being a friend wqs the theme song for this sitcom starring Estelle Getty
Golden girls
Title of this 23 James McBride novel refers to a ship run by a women named chona
The heaven and earth grocery store
A lone astronaut has a lot of problems to solve in his novel project Hail Mary
Andy weir
Title character of this novel by Madeline miller is a sorceress and the daughter of Helios in Greek mythology
This international bestseller has everything; exotic locales a shipwreck and a Bengal tiger named after Richard Parker
The life of pi
Title of this 09 bestseller refers to the inked and pierced lisbeth salander
The girl with the dragoon tattoo
A homophone of a first name but probably derived from joint it’s Philly slang for almost any person place or thing
In597 BC this king II deported king jehoiachin to Babylon
Juh hoy uh kin
In philosophy prioritizes free will ; as a political philosophy it prioritizes individual freedom
Self hypnosis may make use of this, the planting of ideas into your subconscious
The name of 34X7 mile lake maggiore means this in relation to nearby lakes
Dave grohl said his life began when he was baptized by spit and sweat at a concert by naked raygun this kind of band
Her April 14 18 show as the first black woman to headline here has become legendary
Beyoncé at
Italian name for city of Dante and Machiavelli
Firenze fuh ren zay
The tour name has to be ninja when these 2 bands from the first lollapalooza joined forces again in 09
Nine inch nails and James addiction
Sforza castle a 15 c fortification commissioned by thr family that ruled over this city for nearly a century
On its a confusing spread of ruins ; during romes golden age this open area bustled with shoppers and lawyers
The forum
Last of the founding fathers to be president
Thr last cocked hat
John Quincy adams nickname
the accidental president
John Tyler nickname
His accidentcy
This president said 10 cents a day was fair wage
10 Cent him
Jimmy Buchanan
While cooking breakfast rep pat Schroeder had the idea to compare him to a Teflon frying pan
Indigenous Australians first meeting with Europeans wqs with the crew of the duyfken from
This country in 1606
Doof kin
Kaiser Vilhelm I watches over the doi chis eck or German corner in ko bletz where the mosel and this river meet
Logan county KY in 1800 is credited as the birthplace of the fervent religious gatherings called these 4 letter meetings
Named for Spanish explorer Hernando this Chrysler division made the airflow in 34 but eventually no so much the cash flow
Duh soto
“What obstacle race slash comedy slash reality show aired for seven seasons on ABC starting in 2009? This is by John Anderson and John Hens”
“Question one, in astronomy and cosmology, what length of time represents an aeon? Aeon. A-E-O-N.”
Billion years or 10^9
“what date is also known as Bisexual Day?
And I’m out.
It’s B-I-S-S-E-X-T-I-L-E.”
“The correct answer is February 29th.
So, in the original Julian calendar, what they did was to make the years match up correctly, basically to have a leap year. They took February, they decided, for some reason, that February 24th would just be 48 hours long.
So, the year actually technically still had 365 days. It’s just one of those days was 48 hours long. And the way they did their calendar reckoning, that was the sixth day before March.
So, they doubled the sixth day before March, which is why you’ve got bisexile day. But then later reforms added the 29th day to February, more or less, every four years.
That’s very cool.
Cool. So do you know what the exception to leap years is? Like, it’s every four years except for what?
No idea.
No idea.
Except for years that are also divisible by 400. So like, there wasn’t a leap year in the year 2000, or leap day in the year 2000.”
“Where would you most likely find a gnomon?
“The gnome is the part of a sundial that casts a shadow.”