Weird points on final Flashcards
On the anterior side of the thigh and on the line connecting the anterosuperior iliac spine and the superiolateral corner of the patella, on the level of the perineum when the thigh is fixed, in the depression lateral to the sartorius muscle.
ST 31
At the junction of the lateral 1/3 and medial 2/3 of the distance between the prominence of the great trochanter and the hiatus of the sacrum (Du-2). When locating the point, put the patient in lateral recumbent position with the thigh flexed.
GB 30
Superior to the lateral end of the inguinal groove, lateral to the pulsating external iliac artery, at the level of the upper border of symphysis pubis, 3.5 cun lateral to Ren-2.
SP 12
Lateral to the pubic tubercle, lateral and inferior to S-30, in the inguinal groove where the pulsation of the femoral artery is palpable, 2.5 cun lateral to the anterior midline.
LV 12
2 cun directly below S-30, at the proximal end of the thigh, below the pubic tubercle and on the lateral border of m. abductor longus.
LV 11
3 cun directly below S-30, at the proximal end of the thigh, below the pubic tubercle and on the lateral border of m. abductor longus.
LV 10
On the anterior midline, in the center of the sternal manubrium, 1 cun below Ren-
Ren 21
In the center of the suprasternal fossa.
Ren 22
Between the anus and the root of the scrotum in males, and between the anus and
the posterior labial commissure in females.
Ren 1
In the depression on the lower border of the clavicle, 2 cun lateral to the anterior
KD 27
On the lateral side of the chest and on the middle axillary line, in the 6th intercostal
Sp 21
1.3 cun below SP-15, 4 cun lateral to the anterior midline, on the lateral side of m.
rectus abdominis.
SP 14
4 cun below the center of the umbilicus, 0.7 cun superior to SP-12, 4 cun lateral to
the anterior midline.
SP 13
Directly below the nipple, in the 6th intercostal space, 4 cun lateral to the anterior
LV 14
On the lateral side of the abdomen, below the free end of the 11th rib.
LV 13
On the mid-axillary line when the arm is raised, 3 cun below the axilla, in the 4th
intercostal space.
GB 22
Directly below the nipple, in the 7th intercostal space, 4 cun lateral to the anterior
GB 24
In the lateral side of the abdomen, anterior to the anterior superior iliac spine, 3 cun
below the level of the umbilicus.
Gb 27
Anterior and inferior to the anterior superior iliac spine, 0.5 cun anterior and
inferior to G-27.
GB 28
In the depression of the midpoint between the anterosuperior iliac spine and the
prominence of the great trochanter.
GB 29