Head and Neck Nerves Flashcards
All of the stomach points on the face go to what nerve?
Facial nerve (VII/7)
Facial n. (VII), infraorbital nerve (V), oculomotor nerve (III)
ST 2
Facial n. (VII), infraorbital nerve (V),
ST 3
Facial n. (VII), infraorbital nerve (V),
ST 4
Facial n. (VII), infraorbital nerve (V), buccal nerve (VII)
ST 5
Facial n. (VII), buccal nerve (VII)
ST 6
Facial n. (VII), masseteric nerve (V), great aricular n
ST 7
Facial n. (VII- zygomatic branch), auriculotemporal nerve
ST 8
Facial n. (VII- temporal branch), auriculotemporal nerve
ST 9
Facial n. (VII-cervical branch), hypoglossal nerve, vagus, cutaneous cervical
ST 10
cutaneous cervical , superior cardiac nerve
ST 11
ansa hypoglossi and supraclavicaular
LI 20
Facial n. (VII), infraorbital nerve (V),
LI 19
Facial n. (VII), infraorbital nerve (V),
LI 18
lesser ocipital nerve, cutaneous cervical., accesory nerve (XI), great auricular
LI 17
cutaneous cervical, supraclavicular, phrenic
REN 24
facial nerve (VII/7)
Ren 23
hypoglossal (XII), glossopharyngeal (IX), cutaneous cervical.
Ren 22
UB 1
Supratrochlear, opthalmic, infratrochlear, oculomotor
UB 2
frontal nerve (V), medial branch
UB 3
frontal nerve (V), medial branch
UB 4
frontal nerve (V), lateral branch
UB 5
frontal nerve (V), lateral branch
UB 6
frontal nerve (V), lateral branch, greater occipital
UB 7
greater occipital
UB 8
greater occipital
UB 9
greater occipital
UB 10
greater occipital
SI 19
Auriculotemporal n. (V), facial nerve
SI 18
infraorbital nerve, facial nerve
SI 17
great auricular nerve, facial nerve
SI 16
great auricular nerve, cutaneous cervical
SJ 23
Auriculotemporal n. (V), facial nerve
SJ 22
Auriculotemporal n. (V), facial nerve
SJ 21
Auriculotemporal n. (V), facial nerve
SJ 20
Auriculotemporal n. (V)
SJ 19
great auricular nerve, lesser occipital
SJ 18
great auricular nerve
SJ 17
great auricular nerve, facial nerve
SJ 16
lesser ocipital nerve
GB 1
facial nerve (VII), sygomatic temperoralm zygomatic facial
GB 2
facial nerve (VII), greater auricular
GB 3
facial nerve (VII), zygomaticofacial nerve
GB 4
Auriculotemporal n. (V)
GB 5
Auriculotemporal n. (V)
GB 6
Auriculotemporal n. (V)
GB 7
Auriculotemporal n. (V)
GB 8
Auriculotemporal n. (V), greater oiccipital
GB 9
greater oiccipital
GB 10
greater oiccipital
GB 11
greater oiccipital, lesser occipital
GB 12
lesser occipital
GB 13
frontal nerve (V)
GB 14
frontal nerve (V)
GB 15
frontal nerve (V)
GB 16
frontal nerve (V)
GB 17
frontal nerve (V), greater occipital
GB 18
greater occipital
GB 19
greater occipital
GB 20
lesser occipital
DU 28
Alveolar n. (V), superior branch
DU 27
Facial n. (VII), buccal branch; Infraorbital n. (V)
DU 26
Facial n. (VII), buccal branch; Infraorbital n. (V)
DU 25
Anterior Ethmoidal n. (V), external nasal branch
DU 24
Frontal n. (V)
DU 23
Frontal n. (V)
DU 22
Frontal n. (V)
DU 21
Frontal n. (V), greater occipital
DU 20
Great Occipital n. (C2)
DU 19
Great Occipital n. (C2)
DU 18
Great Occipital n. (C2)
DU 17
Great Occipital n. (C2)
DU 16
Great Occipital n. (C2), 3rd cervical
DU 15
Great Occipital n. (C2)