Weimar society Flashcards
Were people more productive in the workplace?
- Between 1923 and 1928, the amount being produced in Germany’s factories improved to what it had been before World War One.
- Better production of goods out of factories was supported by the Dawes Plan.
- Better production in the factories was supported by less disruption because of less political violence / political murders than there had been during 1918 - 1923.
Why were strong Nationalists in politics still not happy with German recovery in the 1920s?
- Nationalists felt that economic recovery was only made possible because of the government accepting they had to pay reparations for the long-term.
- Nationalists felt their pride damaged because the Germany they were so proud of was needing to be “carried” by the USA.
Why were more people able to be “middle class” in the 1920s and therefore enjoy wealth and ‘good times’?
- Lower taxes were introduced to encourage people to spend more money they earnt and new art and new experiences.
2. Investment in businesses meant there was more opportunity for people. More opportunity = more people getting rich = a richer class of people.
- The Young Plan directly made it possible for lower taxes as the money for Reparations was not as urgently needed.
What was New Objectivism and expressionism as a form of art?
- New Objectivism was a form of art that stated the artist should try to reflect the truest bits of real life / real emotion.
- Expressionism was a form of art that stated emotions and the feelings of the artist should be shown in a bold and direct (even shocking) way.
How did architecture reflect a society trying to be confident and looking towards a brighter future?
Architecture was based on the Bauhaus movement which stressed designing beautiful buildings with simple designs but the most modern technology available.
How did film become a much bigger part of German society?
- Economic recovery after 1924 created wealth which the government could invest in film and the arts.
- German film developed its own distinctive style, with directors being some of the earliest to experiment with sound on film.
- The German film industry developed the first ever sci-fi film in 1926. It was called “Metropolis” and became a global sensation.
What created a “surge” of artistic energy in Weimar Germany?
- Economic recovery after 1924 created wealth which the government could invest in film and the arts.
- There was not a strict autocratic regime in Germany like there had been in the days of the Kaiser. Expression was easier.
- The new Weimar democratic Constitution promoted things like freedom of speech and freedom of expression.
How was the freedom people felt in 1920s Germany helped by the Weimar Constitution?
- Freedom of speech was put into the rules and principles of the country.
- The country was very democratic. Everyone over 21 could vote, so people felt it was their right to have their say.
- The Weimar Constitution deliberately tried to make the country very different from the autocratic country it had been with the Kaiser in charge.
How did the Weimar government directly support art becoming a big part of German society?
- Economic recovery after 1924 created wealth which the government could invest in film and the arts.
- The government wanted to spend money in diverse ways in order to maximise the growth of the economy so encouraged the setting up of art galleries and film studios.
How did living standards get better in the middle of the 1920s?
- Benefits were introduced for the unemployed with the Unemployment Insurance Law of 1927.
- The average hours a week people spent in work went down to 47 from 50, leaving more time for leisure.
- Over 100,000 new homes were built right across Germany.
- Hourly wages went up every year between 1924 and 1928 (with a 10% increase in 1928 alone).
How did life not actually improve for people during the middle of the 1920s?
- Many people worked in jobs on short-term contracts, so could quickly become unemployed.
- The Middle Class tended to benefit more than the working class. Lots of the wealth around benefitted creative industries more than industries like coal mining.
Who did life improve for during the 1920s?
- The Middle Class (the Bourgeois) enjoyed more leisure time out of work.
- People who wanted to own their own and were able to find work enjoyed stability that had not existed in the earlier 1920s.
- Artists and filmmakers were able to benefit from exciting “scenes”, especially in Berlin which became known for its art and parties.
Who did life not actually improve for during the middle of the 1920s?
- The Working Class (the Proletariat) felt that more needed to be done to make sure American loans benefitted the working class of Germany.
- German traditional nationalists felt that the country was being ruined. They thought new art and culture was destroying traditional German values and the proud history of the country.
Did the role of women change in Weimar Germany in the 1920s?
- Due to the economic recovery, there were more jobs, so women were welcomed in the workforce.
- 7million more women in work in 1925 than 1907.
- Women enjoyed the right to vote on equal terms with men due to the Weimar Constitution.
This was at a time when this was not the case in any other country in Europe.
Did the role of women not change in Weimar Germany in the 1920s?
- Some women were actually attacked by men who complained at a more liberal and “risky” attitude to ladies fashion.
Fashion was heavily influenced by the American “flapper” style of the 1920s. - Despite the liberal and equal nature of the Weimar Constitution, women did not have much say in law making. Even by 1930, women made up less than 5% of the seats in the Reichstag.