Weimar Republic Flashcards
What happened in the Spartacist revolution?
1918-19. Captured HQ newspaper+telephone bureau, however, no support from other groups.
Crushed by Freikorps, leaders executed.
What happened in the Kapp Putsch?
Done by Dr Kapp Freikorps(groups of right-wing demobilised soldiers). Were unhappy with ToV, wanted to install new RW gov.
Mar 1920- marched to Berlin, to demand new gov. Army didn’t stop them(being ex soldiers)
Putsch collapsed, due to worker’s strike put in place by Elbert. Gov didn’t punish rebels as many judges sympathised w people like kapp
What are the roles in the Weimar constitution?
President- elected every 7 yrs by public. Head of state, appoints…
Chancellor- has majority of power, does everyday running. Must be supported by majority of Rstg to be appointed.
Reichstag- Parliament. Elected by public, prop rep. Makes laws.
Public- all adults can vote + have equal rights
What was article 48? what were it’s dis/advantages?
In an emergency President could make laws without going to Rstg.
+ in crisis good decisions can be made quickly, limit effects.
- bad pres could take over power in ‘crisis’, no one to stop them.
What were the dis/advantages of the constitution?
+ Prop rep- parties got seats in accordance with # votes. Fair
- Encouraged small parties with small # MPs. Xtrmst parties easily get power. No party get majority ∴ must form coalitions. Not strong.
What were the dis/advantages of the chancellor?
+ Supported by majority Rstg, fair.
- Pres could stop somebody from becoming chancellor, if didn’t like them.
What happened in the occupation of Ruhr?
G not paying reps, so F and Belgians marched into Ruhr, take raw materials for themselves. Legal. G’s responded Passive Resistance hwvr ➯ G earning nothing from region ➯ even poorer. Eventually PR called off ➯ business back to work, restarted economy.
Restarted reps ➯ F no right to be in G, as being paid back. Unpopular ➯ MBHP
What happened in the Hyperinflation?
G gov dealt with no money from Ruhr crisis by printing more=> hyperinflation, prices rose v quickly. Having job helped, but even sals didn’t rise fast as prices. Destroyed savings. Gas blamed Weimar gov, though Kaiser had begun it in WWI. In end, Streseman recalled worthless money + strictly limited new money(rentenmark). Prices stopped rising.
Who were the Spartacists and what did they want?
Left wing revolutionaries, run by Rosa Luxemburg/Karl Liebknecht. Wanted full social revolution, like Russia. Don’t trust Elbert/SDs look after working people. Rosa=> need to wait till workers get fed up with Elbert. Others=>Seize power from SDs straight away. Anti-war, all workers across Europe equal.
What were some of Streseman’s achievements?
D-Dawes Plan ‘24; America gave G money for reps
I-Inflation controlled Nov ‘23; recalled old money, made new money
F-French leave Ruhr Apr ‘24
F-Foreign affairs; Locarno ‘25, agreed to loss of A-L. Joined LoN ‘26
E- Economic growth; borrowed money, built roads, factories, etc.
R- Reforms; improved life for workers e.g.unemployment pay
S- Central strength; formed coalition between mod. parties ∴ resist criticism from xtrmst parties, overcome effects of prop rep
What were some of the cultural achievements of the Weimar period?
-Bauhaus school of architecture founded. Rejected trad style to create new and exciting building. E.g Walter Gropius at design college in Dessau
-Artist Otto Dix, known for realistic portrayals of Weimar society
-Actress and singer Marlene Dietrich
-Director Fritz Lang did films such as Metropolis
BUT not all approved. Some thought it was immoral, and unpatriotic e.g. cabaret culture, and wanted a return to traditional values
What happened in the revolution of 1918?
Oct 1918- navy mutinied. Unrest spread through country, lead to G dropping out of war. Kaiser Wilhelm II abdicated + fled. Weimar gov set up, with help from Allies, elections held. 1918- Elbert elected president.
How far did the Weimar Republic recover 1924-29?(Foreign policy)
+ perm member LoN. Allies forces withdrawn from Rhineland. Guaranteed borders w France+Belgium(Locarno).
Had Dawes and Young plans-> boosted economy
Rapallo treaty-> re-established diplomatic relations with USSR
- However no guarantee eastern borders.
How far did the Weimar Republic recover 1924-29?(Politics)
+More stable govs, 1924-9. Grand Coalition formed w SDs and other mod parties(Streseman)∴ people less suspicious of them. No more revs after 1923
-All govs coalitions, unstable. Parties suspicious of each other. Hindenburg made pres, even though criticised Republic.
How far did the Weimar Republic recover 1924-29?(Economy)
+Dawes plan(1924) economy moving, prosperity. Industrial production high. G leading exporting of goods. Hyperinflation stopped.
-Dependent on American loans which could be called in at short notice. Still high unemployment. Power in hands of a few big industrialists. ∴ Divisive economy. Peasants gained little as not enough demand for their food
what were the Weimar republic’s problems 1919-23?(ILRIM)
- ineffective constitution: prop rep, army led by RW General Von Seeckt and not under gob control fully (Kapp putsch). Judges otero RW and wanted to destroy gob.g. MBHP, after kapp putsch 700 tried for treason, 1 went to prison
- Left win rebellions: spartakists, 1920 after KP failed, paramilitary Red Army rebelled in Ruhr
- Right wing terrorism: KP, RW terrorist killing politicians, e.g. 1922 killed walter rathenau the SPD foreign minister for Rapallo
- invasion of Ruhr and hyperinflation: Rhineland declared itself independent 21-22 oct, in saxony and Thuringia comms took power