End Of WWI and Treaties Flashcards
Why did the Russians stop fighting and how did this help the Germans?
Their economy wasn’t ready for total war, so there was a revolution. The Bolsheviks under Lenin signed a peace treaty with v. harsh terms. The Germans could now move all their troops to France for one final attack (Ludendorff offensive), which broke through allied trenches.
How did the allies win after the Ludendorff Offensive? What was Germany like?
The Americans arrived, with a huge fresh army, which meant all the allies could now launch an attack on the German trenches, with aircraft and tanks, which broke through. War ended nov 11 1918 Many Germans surrendered, and the situation in Germany as bad as Britain had blocked German supplies, and some revolutionaries took over.
What effect did WWI have on Germany?
Political: ended up rules as military dictatorship by Kaiser and his generals. No opposition to Kaiser, opp. leaders imprisoned
Anarchy: demobilised soldiers held demonstrations against war + Kaiser
Physical: couldn’t import food, farming disrupted, people starving
Psychological: Germans angry and bitter, looked for somebody to blame
What did Clemenceau want for the treaty of Versailles?
Very hardline view. He wanted to cripple Germany so it wouldn’t be a threat to France, to stop France being invaded, to make Germany pay for the suffering it had caused, and to rebuild France, which would cost a lot.
What did Wilson want for the Treaty of Versailles?
He had a generous approach, as US had not suffered too much ∴ impartial. Wanted to weaken Germany but not so far that they wouldn’t recover. He proposed the 14 points for what he wanted to happen. Access to sea for all. Everyone disarms. Self-determination for people of E Europe. LoN set up
What did Lloyd George want for the Treaty of Versailles?
Quite realistic. Wanted to weaken Germany, but not too much, so that Britain and Germany could trade soon, and to rebuild France, so can be strong enough to help UK, but not too strong as to rival them. Get rid of Germany’s empire, as it’s a threat to Britain, avoid future European wars. Under pressure from public and gov. to treat them harshly, so he’d get their vote in upcoming election.
Where did the big three clash?
Clemenceau thought LG was lax on land, where France was at risk, but harsh at sea, or in colonies where UK’s at risk.
Wilson disagreed with others over Rhineland and Saar, though he gave way, in return for doing what he wanted in Eastern Europe.
LG didn’t like allowing all nations to access seas, out of self-interest, and he didn’t like Wilson’s views on people ruling themselves.
What were the terms of the Treaty of Versailles?
- Germans had to solely accept blame for starting war. (Article 231)
- Armed forces limited to 100,000, no conscription, tanks, subs or planes, Rhineland demilitarised.
- LoN set up as international ‘police force’, Germany banned till 1926.
- Germany had to pay £6.6bn in reparations.
- Foreign territories taken away + looked after by LoN, Alsace-Lorraine given to France, forbidden to ally with Austria.g
How did Clemenceau feel about ToV?
Likes: France got Alsace-Lorraine and Saar, LoN, Germany pays large reparations, demilitarisation of Rhineland(near France).
Dislikes: Had to compromise with Wilson, Britain harsh at sea where it matters to them, but lax on land where it matters to me.
Verdict: Achieved almost all of my aims, France happy :)
How did Lloyd George feel about ToV?
Likes: Colonies taken away, army limited and navy destroyed, LoN, war guilt blamed on Germany.
Dislikes: Large reparations, could take ages to rebuild economy + trade.
Verdict: Achieved most of my aims, but worried about economy.
How did Wilson feel about ToV?
Likes: LoN, overseas territories taken away, Eastern European countries govern themselves.
Dislikes: Large reparations, Germany won’t recover and will hate us, Britain and France govern German territories, war guilt too harsh.
Verdict: Achieved some of 14 points, but fines too large and there are still empires. I wasn’t listened to as much as other countries.
What happened in the Treaty of St Germain?
Austria 1919.
• Lost lots of land to Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia(croatia, bosnia, Serbia), some to Italy and Poland(Galicia). Separated from Hungary. Lost valuable industrial land
• Agreed reps, but bank collapsed 1922 ∴ nothing paid. Much industry went to Czechoslovakia.
• Military limited, can’t ally with Germany.
Impact: Country reduced, and they have severe economic problems. Most new states made up of dissatisfied minorities. Italy unhappy with what they received. Several small weak states where had been one big strong state.
What happened in the Treaty of Trianon?
Hungary 1920. Lost land to Romania, Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia, e.g Croatia. Lost valuable industrial land
• Were meant to pay reps, but economy weak, so didn’t.
• army limited to 35,000
Impact: Became tiny, and lost 3m people. Very weak economy. Communist state established in 1919 (Béla Kun) then overthrown that year by Admiral Horthy, military dictator
What happened in the Treaty of Neuilly?
Bulgaria. 1919. Not so badly treated as hadn’t played a big part in war
• Some land lost to Greece and Yugoslavia, lost access to Mediterranean. Received some land from Turkey
• £100m reps paid.
• Military limited to 20,000.
Impact: Treaty less harshly, though by 1920 many Bulgarians were now ruled by other countries.
What happened in the Treaties of Sevres and Lausanne?
Sèvres 1920: Turkey. ottoman empire split up. Lost land to Greece(Smyrna). In Europe left w only small land near Constantinople. Syria, Morocco and Tunisia looked after by French. Iraq, Jordan and Palestine British Protectorate. Lots control of Black Sea. No reps. Army limited to 50,700. Independent Armenian state set up.
Impact: Effectively crippled, most of it’s land taken away.
Turks outraged ∴ gov overthrown by Mustapha Kemal. Rather than fight him, allies amended Sevres + they all signed Lausanne in 1923.
Lausanne: • Turkey recovered land from Greece. • regained control over straits of Dardanelles and Bosporus • no reps • no military limits
What was the impact of the peace treaties on Czechoslovakia?
Good: Got many industrial areas from Hungary and Austria -> economically strong. Had mountains around Bohemia to defend itself. ‘Buffer’ state between Russia and Germany.
Bad: Many different nationalities, eg. Hungarians, Slovaks, Germans, Czechs, not loyal and unified, could revolt. Czech industry can only work with cooperation of Germany. They’re not happy as they lost land and industry.
Verdict: Excellent. Benefitted them. However, could disagree with other nations.
What was the impact of the peace treaties on Yugoslavia?
Good: South-Slavs wanted to be free from Austria-Hungary, now they were. A quite big and powerful state could be pacifying in turbulent Balkans.
Bad: Smaller Balkan countries didn’t have independence, solely part of bigger country. Many people of different languages and religions in one country.
Verdict: Quite well, Balkan countries got independence from Austria-Hungary, though not very unified.
What was the impact of the peace treaties on Poland?
Good: Access to sea(Polish corridor), good for trade. Weakens Germany. Acts as barrier against threat from Russia/Germany.
Bad: No natural frontiers, fighting around eastern border. 30% not ethnically Polish, might resent being part of Poland.
Verdict: Alright. Though it helped Poland, lots can go wrong as resentment among other countries.
What were the German reactions to the Treaty of Versailles? (War guilt and disarmament)
War guilt: should be shared at least. Reps too harsh, as economy shaky. However, their economic failure was partly self inflicted.
Disarmament: Annoyed, as no other countries disarmed to such an extent. Upset, as army symbol of national pride. Therefore Hitler welcomed, as he rebuilt army.
What were the German reactions to the Treaty of Versailles?
Territories and LoN
Territories: Lost lost of land, bad for national pride and economy. Aggravated that whilst they were losing their empire, France and Britain were expanding theirs. Lost lots of industrial areas and couldn’t rebuild
LoN: Felt their treatment wasn’t in keeping with 14 points, annoyed they couldn’t join LoN
Reasons why the ToV was fair
- Still had their industry, so they can use this to pay back reps.
- Treaty of Brest Litovsk was v. harsh on Russia, (lost 1/3 land) so if Germany would be this harsh on allies if they had lost.
- Although harsh, could be much worse. Little territory lost.
- Public demanded a harsh treaty. E.g. Clemenceau voted out for not being harsh enough.
- They thought G had to be made weaker to avoid war again
- German delegation seemed arrogant, formed a bad impression.
- Aims of Big 3 too incompatible, this was best that could be achieved. If German involved nothing would have happened.
Reasons why Treaty of Versailles was unfair
- Not all Germany’s fault for starting war.
- A blow to their pride- they might seek revenge.
- Mortal wound to their economy- G couldn’t afford reps
- Only Germany forced to disarm, leaves them at a disadvantage.
- Didn’t solve anything. Not generous nor harsh enough. Leaves them angry+powerful.
- Denied their place in LoN until 1926.
- Hypocritical, Germany disadvantaged compared to 14 points.
- Germany not involved in discussions, just forced to sign.
- France got most of what they wanted just bc they had moral high ground as suffered most
- G didn’t get self-determination, against 14 points. Polish Corridor + Saar taken away
How did the ToV effect Europe?
- Europe couldn’t recover properly while countries like G poor
- self-determination difficult in countries, e.g. Poland, Czechoslovakia, as many different nationalities thrown together
- without G, R or US in LoN hard to keep peace
- German anger at ToV will cause trouble. ‘dictat’ ➯ forced to sign it
What were the 14 points?
- put forward by Wilson Jan 1918 when Gs asking for truce, but they declined them
- they later wanted to base the peace settlement over them, but allies rejected them as G had rejected them before
- however imp part of peace process, esp 14- LoN and 10- self-determination for ppl of E. Europe