Weimar Constitution Flashcards
German left-wing parties
SPD - moderate, USPD - raices
dical, KPD - communist
working class typically voted for these parties
greater economic and social equality
wealth redistribution
more taxation to spend on public services
greater workers’ rights
German centre parties
DDP, BVP, Zentrum (Z) - catholic parties with wide range of supporters who were generally pro-Weimar
liberal ideas - individual and economic freedom
equal distribution of wealth
some taxation on public services
German right-wing parties
DVP, DNVP conservative preferred authoritarian leaders low taxation traditional values less equality most supported monarchy
spartacist revolt
USPD - left government in Dec 1918
Spartacist revolt - took Berlin from 4th to 15th of Jan, 1919
it was suppressed by the army and freikorps, supported by Ebert - over 100 workers killed
Ebert’s actions - divided left wing parties
KPD never forgave SPD
USPD split, with some going SPD and others KPD
Elections - Jan. 1919
for German Constituent Assembly boycotted bt KPD 77% voted in favour of the constitution SPD - 38% Z and BVP - 20% DDP - 19%
Reichstag = parliament
democratic, parliamentary republic
everyone over 20 could vote every 4 years for new parliament, and every 7 for new president
Political Representation
gave influence to minority views, encouraged political participation - usually resulted in coalition
government changes
more frequent than every 4 years, and government change didn’t necessarily mean an election
Lander (local states)
ran major services, e.g. eduction and police
federal government could intervene in Lander in an emergency
second chamber of federal government
67 members from 17 lander
Reichsrat advised reichstag and rejected new law
could be overruled by reichstag
party leader
could persuade other parties to work with them
lots of compromise involved
deals could break down
elected every 7 years
powers - appointing/dismissing chancellor, dissolving reichstag, calling new elections, commanding army
Article 48
in emergencies, article 48 was invoked, allowing president to rule by decree
reichstag had to be informed of measures taken under article 48 and could revoke them
‘emergency’ was never defined or specified