Weight control Flashcards
Can a soldier who has been flagged for being overweight or an APFT failure receive an award?
A soldier flagged for being overweight cannot receive an award.
A soldier that is flagged for APFT failure can receive an award
What are three reasons why the Army is so concerned about excess body fat?
- Connotes a lack of personal discipline
- detracts from military appearance
- may indicate poor health, physical fitness, or stamina
Define tape test.
Method of determining the body fat percentage on a soldier
What is meant by the term “overweight”?
A soldier is considered overweight when there body fat percentage exceeds the standards specified in AR 600-9
How often should soldiers in the weight control program weigh in?
Monthly to measure progress
How often should soldiers be weighed?
When they take the APFT or at least every 6 months
If circumstances prevent the weighing of soldiers immediately following the APFT, when can they be weighed?
Within 30 days of the APFT
What sites are measured on the taping of male and females soldiers?
Male- abdomen and neck
Female- neck, waist, and hip
How many times is each measurement required to be made?
3 times. Must be within 1/2 in.
How many people are used in the taping of soldiers?
Two. One to record and ensure proper measurement and the other to tape measure
When is a determination of percent body fat requires to be made on personnel?
- when their body weight exceeds the screening table weight
- when the unit commander or supervisor determines that the individuals appearance suggests that body fat is excessive
What are the primary objectives of the Army weight control program?
Ensure that all personnel:
- are able to meet the physical demands in combat situations
- present a trim military appearance at all times