Weight Balance / Landing Performance Flashcards
What is the Max T.O.W
Weight related
Maximum Take off Weight
Never to be exceeded.
Legal requirement.
What is the Z.F.W ( Zero Fuel Weight)?
Basic Empty Weight + Payload
What is the R.W( Ramp Weight)?
Z.F.W + Fuel
What is the landing Weight?
T.O.W - Trip Fuel
What are:
Basic Weight
Variable Weight
Dry Operating Weight
Payload Weight
Basic = Fixed Equipment + Oil + Unusable fuel
Variable = Crew + Crew Gear + Supplies
Dry Operating Weight = Basic + Variable
Payload Weight = Passengers + Luggage + Freight NOT Fuel
Conversaion Factor - AVGAS Litres to KG
US Gallons to Litres
ISA Hpa and temp?
1013 and
15 degrees C
Calculate Pressure Altitude
1013 - QNH = diff
diff * 27
Impacts on Pressure and temp for ISA variations
Pressure: 1 hpa = 27ft
Temp: 2 degrees = 1,000
Temp variation = 1 deg in difference = 120 ft.
Calculate density Altitude
- Calc expected ISA Temp at the Altitude
2 * (Altitude / 1000) - Calculate difference in actual temp from ISA
- Multiple difference by 120
- Add result to Pressure Altitude
Group ratings for Aircraft and runways
If the aircraft group is <= runway group, landing calcs are not required.
Legal take off and landing
Total distance available assume aircraft at 50 ft at threshold.
What is the Blade Angle?
What is the blade twist ( and why )?
Blade angle, angle between rotation plane and chord of the prop.
Blade twist - to keep the AoA consistant along the blade.
Fixed pitch prop
What is the most efficent AoA for the blade?
How does efficencty of the prop change compared to airspeed?
AoA - 2 - 4 degress
The shape of a fix pitch prop has a peak efficiency. This means different props for different purposes. E.G Short field performance would have less AoA to give more Thrust at lower airspeeds.
What happens to Airflow and AoA when a prop speed increases?
Increasing speed results in a high angle of attack.
Which increases Torque
Which increases airflow
And therefore then decreases AoA ( not back to where it was )
What is Total Reaction Force for a propellor?
Thrust + Prop Torque
Prop Torque is resistance to motion in the plane of rotation and it is equal and opposite to engine torque
How does a constant speed prop work?
Today - CSU ( Constant speed unit ) will adjust prop angle to keep RPM constant.
Power is controlled by Throttle
Prop Speed by Pitch Control
Constant Speed Prop
What order does power/pitch need to be adjusted and why?
There is a risk of overspeeding either the engine OR the prop
Prop is fine (full forward).
Power needs to be managed
Throttle First
Then Pitch back ( to coasre )
Approach to Land
Throttle decrease
Wait for speed to come down
Prop control, slowly toward fine.