weeks 4-6 Flashcards
What are the 3 most common clefts?
Cleft lip, cleft palate, cleft nasal deformities
What are some surgical techniques used to reinforce facial fractures?
mini plates, micro plates, titanium screws and absorbable implants
What is considered to be the ‘critical opening diameter’? (cm)
3 cm
What are the cranofacial clefts? (5)
naso-ocular, oro-ocular, oro-aural, mandibular, mid-line/paramidline clefts.
what does it mean by a cleft?
the lack of fusion between cranofacial bones and soft tissue.
For larger areas being treated with filler, what technique is used?
fanning or cross hatching
injecting collagen contains what type of collagen?
type 1 & 2
What type of collagen is the most resilient?
what % of people will develop an allergy to bovine?
if you are allergic to bovine what other collagen can you have?
what is the collagen suspended in?
saline with lidocaine
when is injected collagen usually degraded by?
6 months
What is hyalauronic acid indicated for?
giving facial volume
What are some contraindications for hyalauronic acid?
breast feeding pregnancy, inflammatory skin conditions or infections, around the eyes and clients prone to hypertrophic scaring.
Where is hyalauronic usually sourced from?
bacteria or avian sources