Weeks 1-7 Flashcards
Describe what simple and main effects are?
simple effects are the statistical effects determined when analysing interaction effects, while main effects are the statistical effects of IVs
The SNK test is also known as….
Neuman-Kuells test
What is cluster sampling?`
Clusters are selected from the population, and then a random sample of individuals are taken from each of the selected clusters
What is Error Rate Per Comparison?
The probability of making a Type 1 error on any given comparison
In the case of two IVs we calculate three versions of _____, one for each IV and one for the interaction of the IVs treatment
What two types of samples can you obtain?
Probability samples, and non-probability samples
Stratified Sampling?
The population is divided intro strata groups (subgroups) and then a random sample is selected from each of the strata
The ___ is heavliy influenced by extreme scores
What are mean, median, SD, mode called in a sample?
A steep curve in kurtosis with a positive value is called
The difference between the largest and smallest value is called the ___
Ó2 is the symbol for _____ variance
How many F Values would you have if you had a factorial between groups ANOVA?
3: 2 IVs; 1 interaction
Is there always error in research?
What statistic do use receive from spss from ANOVAS
an F score
____ describes how many people there are in the extremes of the curve
Compared to the one way ANOVA, in a one-way repeated measures ANOVA the ___ is reduced by removing the contribution made by individual differences
A ___ is when the effect of one IV on the DV depends on the level of the other IV
What is the third MS variable in a repeated measures ANOVA
MS between subjects
s2 is the symbol for ____ variance
The repeated measures ANOVA is very efficient so long as the scores _____ substantially
The ‘test of within subjects effects’ table is the output in a …
One-Way Repeated-Measures ANOVA
In a mixed factorial ANOVA you ‘split’ the file by the ____-____ IV
If Ho is true, than MS error and MS treatment should be…
equal, or the same
When do you use a z test?
When you know the population standard deviation
What extra assumptions are their for some repeated measures analyses
Test of Sphericity
O 2 e is?
MS error
Generalisability of results, interaction effects, economy, and being a very useful, common design are all advantages of the …?
Mixed factorial design
Is a case study and survey method under the subgroup of descriptive research?
When looking at mixed factorial ANOVA interactions, what setting do you change in SPSS?
Split File
When would you use the Assumption of Homogeneity of Covariance?
When using a mixed factorial design
What does η2 Stand for?
Eta Squared
What does the Bonferroni correction calculate?
it adjusts the alpha level to equal alpha/ number of comparisons
What is a type 1 and 2 error?
1 when you incorrectly reject the H0, 2 when you incorrectly retain the HO
Is is most of the time easier to find a statistical difference within subjects?
When looking at mixed factorial ANOVA interactions, what setting do you change in SPSS?
Split File
Xij =μ+τj +eij What analysis uses this structual model?
ANOVA structual model
Sphericity is only useful when you have more than ___ level in your within-subjects variable with what test?
Mixed Factorial ANOVA
If MS treatment is a lot bigger than MS error than…?
there is a effect of the treatment, or manipulation
The ____ error is a common way of measuring sampling error?
standard error
To work out if there is a difference between several (more than two) groups, we calculate the population variance ____
______ of results is one of the major advantages of a Factorial Design
Homogeneity of Covariance is an assumption of the between subjects component of a …
Mixed factorial design
Xijk =μ+αi +βj +αβij +eijk What ANOVA uses this structural model?
Between Groups ANOVA
What 3 types of Factorial ANOVAS are there?
Factorial Between groups ANOVA, Factorial Repeated Measures ANOVA, Mixed (split-plot) Factorial ANOVA
The standard deviation of the sampling distribution of a statistic is called the ____ error
Standard Error
MS stands for?
Mean Square
When do you use a one-way repeated measures ANOVA?
When there is only one independent variable, more than three levels, and participants are tested twice
Descritpvie, predictive, and ____ research are the three types of Psychological research stratergies
What is the Kurtosis name for : 1 a normal distribution, 2 a very steeped curve distribution, 3 a flat curve distribution?
1 mesokurtic, 2 leptokurtic, 3 platykurtic
Xijk* =μ+α*i* +π*j*/*i* +β*k* +αβ*ik* +πβ*jk*/*i* +*eijk
Mixed Factorial ANOVA
What is the inter quartile range?
The middle 2, 25% sections, (without the outliers or the outer 25% on each side)
Xij =μ+πi +τj +eij This is the structual model for what ANOVA?
Repeated measures ANOVA
What is convenience (grab) sampling?
Sample is drawn from an accessible population
What analyses do you use to follow up Factorial ANOVA interactions ?
Simple effect analyses
What is linear contrast>
Linear contrasts can be thought of as like a t test where you can compare not just groups but sets of groups (you assign weights to groups)
Is it impossible to attain all data from a population?
What are the most appropriate follow up tests to use for a One-Way Repeated Measures ANOVA?
repeated-measures tests using the Bonferonni correction
What are the two types of data?
Numerical and nominal
What is the most stable estimate of central tendency across samples?