Weeks 1-4 Flashcards
What are the three phases of polymerization for cytoskeleton?
What is dynamic instability?
How do kinesin and dynein play a role?
Name a disease associated with cytoskeleton.
- 3 phases of polymerization
- Nucleation: assembly of monomers
- Elongation: rapid growth at (+) end
- Steady-state: equal rate of polymerization and de-polymerization
- Dynamic instability: rapid de-polymerization to cause separation of mitotic spindle.
- Polymerization and de-polymerization occurs at (+) end and nucleation occurs at (-) end
- Kinesin moves things to (+) end {cell surface is +}
- Dynesin walks things back to (-) end {centrosome is -}
- Disease: Hereditary Spherocytosis
Where do clathrin coats, COP I coats, and COP II coats transport to and from?
- Transport: PM to early endosomes and Golgi to lysosomes
- Transport: Golgi to PM and Golgi to ER
- Transport: From ER to Golgi
What is the assembly process of clathrin coats?
- Arf-GEF recruits Arf-ADP → Arf-ATP → inserts into membrane → fatty acid tail exposure → clathrin recruitment → dynamin pinches off vesicle using accessory proteins and PIP2
- Phorsphorylation of PIPs to PIP2s are also involved in recruitment
What is the disassembly process of clathrin coats?
- Heat shock protein (Hsp70) is an ATPase stimulated by Auxilin → ATP hydrolyzes into ADP → Hsp70 uses energy from ATP hydrolysis to peel off coat
- PIP2s are dephosphorylated to PIPs weakening coat-membrane interactions
What is the COP I assembly process?
- Arf-GEF recruits Arf-ADP → Arf-ATP → inserts into membrane → fatty acid tail exposure → COPI recruitment → dynamin pinches off vesicle using accessory proteins and PIP2
- Phorsphorylation of PIPs to PIP2s are also involved in recruitment
What is the COP I disassembly process?
- Heat shock protein (Hsp70) is an ATPase stimulated by Auxilin → ATP hydrolyzes into ADP → Hsp70 uses energy from ATP hydrolysis to peel off coat
- PIP2s are dephosphorylated to PIPs weakening coat-membrane interactions
What is the COP II assembly process?
- Sar1-GEF recruits Sar1-GDP → Sar1-GTP → inserts into membrane → fatty acid tail exposure → COPII recruitment → dynamin pinches off vesicle using accessory proteins and PIP2
What is the COP II dissassebly process?
- Heat shock protein (Hsp70) is an ATPase stimulated by Auxilin →ATP hydrolyzes into ADP →Hsp70 uses energy from ATP hydrolysis to peel off coat
- PIP2s are dephosphorylated to PIPs weakening coat-membrane interactions
What is the function, structure of SNARE proteins, and the fusion process?
- Function: acts as tethers to bring membranes together for fusion; this is a Ca++ dependent process
- Structure
- V-SNARE (transport vesicle made up of one polypeptide chain)
- T-SNARE (target membrane made up of three polypeptide chains)
- Fusion Process
- Energy from four helix bundle drives membrane fusion
What is the disassembly process of SNAREs?
- NSF (i.e. NEM sensitive factor) and accessory proteins react with two cysteine residue to block activity
- Hydrolyzes ATP to destabilize four-helix bundle
What is the process of RAB GTPases?
- Rab-GEF (could be a SNARE or tether) recruits Rab-GDP on donor membrane → Rab-GTP → Rab-GTP inserts into donor membrane → transport vesicle/budding forms/occurs → Rab effector binds Rab-GTP → fusion → Rab-GDP
What is the transport mechanism for lysosomal hydrolase?
- Acid hydrolases are only active at low pH
- Vacuole ATPase pumps H+ against gradient into lysosome
- M6P is used to tag lysosomal hydrolase precursors from ER in the Golgi
- M6P binds to M6P receptor in Golgi → early endosome → lysosome through Clathrin
- Addition of GlcNAc-P to M6P in the early endosome to release hydrolase precursor
- M6P receptor is recycled back to Golgi
What are the properties of amino acids and what are the amino acids under each property?
Non-Polar AAs
- GAVLIMP WF – “GAVin LIMPed with Warm Fingers”
- Glycine, Alanine, Valine, Leucine, Isoleucine, Methionine, Proline, Tryptophan, Phenylalanine
- STCYNQ – “SomeTimes Cats Yell Not Quietly”
- Serine, Threonine, Cysteine, Tyrosine, Asparagine, Glutamine
- DEKRH – “Dumb Evil Kings Rule Hell”
- Aspartate, Glutamate, Lysine, Arginine, Histidine
What effect do increases and decreases in pH, DPG, and temperature have on oxygen binding curves?
What is a competitive inhibitor and how does the lineweaver-burk plot look like?
- Competitive
- Competes with substrate at active site to bind enzyme
- Inhibitors have structures similar to the substrate or product
What is non-competitive inhibition and what is the lineweaver burk plot for it?
- Inhibitors bind to free E and ES at same affinity
- Can also be called a “mixed” inhibitor as it is both a competitive and non-competitive inhibitor
What is uncompetitive inhibition and what is the lineweaver burk plot for it?
- Uncompetitive
- Inhibitors bind only to the ES complex and block product formation
- Increase substrate affinity
Describe how amyloid fibrils form in protein folding diseases. What are the two types that were discussed?
- The amyloid itself is toxic where ever it accumulates.
- In AL, the many different light chains of an AB are misfolded and aggregate together to form amyloid fibrils.
- Familial transthyretin amyloidosis is caused by misfolded transthyretin monomers that denature and aggregate into amyloid.
- Mechanistically, the growth of the amyloid fibril can break cell membranes and kill cells due to its rigid “cross-bridge structure”.
What is the preganglionic receptor and its transmitter in the sympathetic nervous system?
What are the agonists and antagonists?
- Nicotinic (ACh) [NN]
- Agonist: nicotine
- Antagonist: curare
What is the agonist and antagonist to muscarinic receptors?
- Agonist: muscarine
- Antagonist: atropine
What are the agonists and antagonists to adernergic receptors?
- Agonists: NE, EPI
- Antagonists: Proponolol (B1/B2 nonspecific blocker)
What are the 3 types of Phase I biotransformation reactions and what do they do?
- Oxidation: CYP P450 are important oxidative enzymes occurring in the ER of liver cells; susceptible to induction and inhibition
- RH (active drug) + O2 + NADPH + H+ → ROH (polar drug metabolite) + H2O + NADP+
- Reduction: favors certain chemical groups (ex: nitro group); carried out by CYP enzymes
- Hydrolysis: uses water to break the parent drug into smaller pieces; carried out by CYP enzymes (ex: esterases)
What are the two main types of Phase II reactions and how do they work? What are the other four kinds of reactions possible?
- Glucuronidation: many side-groups (i.e. hydroxyl group) can be glucuronidated by UDPGA (uridine diphosphate glucuronic acid) to become more polar
- Glutathione Conjugation: glutathione readies drugs for excretion by binding to an intermediate (when glutathione is used up, necrosis of liver occurs)
- Sulfation
- Acetylation
- Methylation
- Glycine conjugation
What are the factors (6) that impact hepatic clearance and the significance of those factors on drug elimination.
- First pass effect: only fraction of drug reaches bloodstream after oral intake (bioavailability)
- Hepatic blood flow: increased blood flow increases clearance
- Free drug: binding of drug to plasma proteins (ex: albumin) → less free drug to be excreted
- Enzyme inhibitors/inducers: P450 inducers can increase excretion
- Enterohepatic Recirculation: estrogen is often glucuronidated in liver → bile duct → sugar is cleaved by gut bacteria in GI → estrogen is re-circulated in body
- Extraction Ratio: value close to 1 suggests efficient clearance by an organ; value close to 0 suggests inefficient clearance
- E = (Ca – Cv) / Ca
What is
- glomerular filtration
- tubular secretion
- tubular reabsorption
and how do they impact renal elimination of drugs?
- Glomerular filtration: free drug passively diffused into renal tube
- Limited by size
- Creatinine is used as measure of renal function (not reabsorbed or secreted)
- Tubular reabsorption: lipid-soluble drugs renter bloodstream (can be passive/active)
- Acidifying urine (aka: vitamin C) causes acidic drugs to be reabsorbed and vice-versa for basic drugs
- Tubular secretion: active transport (or secretion) from blood to tubules after glomerulus with saturation kinetics
- Para-aminohippuric acid (PAH) is used as measure since it is completely filtered and secreted
What is the difference in Area Under the Curve (AUC) between PO and IV in the context of bioavailability.
PO has less AUC compared to IV because IV is injected directly into blood, therefore having less bioavailability
Apply pharmacokinetic principles to make predictions about:
- how dose affects duration of action
- how changes to clearance
- or volume of distribution
affect half-life, etc.
- Lower dose → lower drug concentration → low duration of action
- Increasing Vd → increases half-life because greater [drug] in body requires elimination (50% of present drug is eliminated each half-life)
- Increasing Clearance → lowers half-life because less [drug] in body requiring elimination (50% of present drug is eliminated each half-life)
Apply knowledge from ADME lectures to describe elements that can alter a drug’s pharmacokinetic properties.
ADME: Absorption, Distribution, Metabolism, Elimination
- Absorption
- Increased absorption → increased Vd → increased half-life
- Distribution
- Increased tagging → increased reservoirs → decreased [drug plasma] → increased Vd → increased half-life
- Metabolism (biotransformation)
- Increased hepatic blood flow → increased biotransformation → Increased polarity → increased plasma solubility → increased elimination
- Elimination (clearance)
- Increased renal blood flow → increased secretion → increased elimination
Define/describe potency.
- A comparative term to compare drugs that work through the same mechanism (same maximal effect, shape of curve, and slope)
- A more potent drug has lower KD
Define/describe tachyphylaxis.
Unexpected physiological response due to desensitization (in presence of agonists).
Describe pharmacodynamic changes that occur with aging.
- Changes in
- [Drug at receptor]
- Receptor numbers
- Receptor affinity
- Post-receptor alterations
- Increased “sensitivity” to drugs (especially anti-cholinergics and CNS drugs)
What are the different lines/bands of the sarcomere?
- Z-line – anchor of actin
- Separate sarcomeres in series
- A-band – length of myosin and includes overlap of actin
- Does not change length
- I-band – actin only
- Shrinks during contraction
- H-band – area where myosin filaments are not overlapped with actin filaments
- Shrinks during contraction
- M-line – anchor of myosin
Define the steps in excitation-contraction coupling in skeletal muscle.
- Action Potential Travels into T-tubules
- L-Type Ca++ Channels Open
- Direct Coupling Between L-Type Channel and RyR causes Ca++ release from SR
- Ca++ stimulates contraction – most of the Ca++ that actually stimulates contraction is from the SR (as opposed to the Ca++ coming in through the L-Type Ca++ channels)
How is calcium-induced calcium release different than mechanical-induced calcium release?
- Calcium Induced Calcium Release – in cardiac myocytes, RyRs are ligand-gated, requiring calcium to bind in order to release calcium
- Mechanical Induced Calcium Release – in skeletal muscle, RyRs are voltage-gated, sensing conformational change in L-type calcium channel due to depolarization, releasing calcium
What are the steps in the myosin ATPase cycle?
ATP binds → myosin head detaches from actin → ATP hydrolyzes on myosin head into ADP + Pi → myosin head goes back to cocked position (“recovery stroke”) → myosin cross-bridges with actin → phosphate group is released → power stroke (“working stroke”) causes filaments to slide past each other → ADP released (rate-limiting step) → ATP binds
How are intracellular calcium levels maintained by the SERCA pump and plasma membrane pumps?
SERCA pump uses ATP hydrolysis on SR and NCX/NKX (sodium-calcium/sodium-potassium exchange) system on sarcolemma compete for Ca++ reuptake
How does calcium activate the actin thin filament with the three different toponin molecules and tropomyosin in skeletal muscle?
- Troponin C – binds calcium, causing conformational change allowing actin to bind to myosin
- Troponin I – covers the myosin binding site
- Troponin T – binds tropomyosin and TnC
- Tropomyosin – string-like protein that binds actin molecules
Define the structural, enzymatic, and functional features of the three major categories (fast-glycolytic, fast-oxidative-glycolytic, and slow-oxidative fiber types) of skeletal muscle fiber types.
What are the steps in muscle repair?
- Degeneration Phase: Injured fibers undergo rapid necrosis and degeneration – due to influx of Ca++ and activation of proteolysis
- Inflammatory Phase: Necrotic fibers activate an inflammatory response – invasion by inflammatory cell populations
- Regeneration Phase: Satellite cell (muscle stem cell) activation allows for regeneration of fibers – controversial how they are activated to differentiate into a muscle cell
- Can be altered by sarcopenia – muscle atrophy due to aging
- Remodeling/Repair Phase: is characterized by a maturation of the regenerated fibers, remodeling of the extracellular matrix, recovery of functional performance of injured muscle.
What are the steps of action in gap junction in cardiac myocytes?
- AP electrically stimulates the first cell – Na+ ions flow into the cell to depolarize
- Na+ also flows into the adjacent cell – they are attracted by the more negative ions in the adjacent cell as well as the low concentration of Na+ in the adjacent cell (down concentration gradient)
- The extracellular current is the capacitive current – the positive ions from inside repel the positive ions near the extracellular surface of the cardiac muscle cell – the positive extracellular ions move back toward the original cell (cell A)
What are the two phases of contraction.
- Phase 1: Tension Development – build up of passive elastic forces not yet high enough to move the afterload
- Phase 2: Muscle Shortening – when tension can overcome afterload → muscle shortens
Describe the differences in actomyosin regulation of smooth and skeletal muscle and indicate the structural similarities in their respective contractile units.
- Activity in skeletal muscle is regulated by troponin C uncovering myosin binding sites on actin, whereas smooth muscle regulates MLCK and
- Slow tension development – the kinase activity is slower than diffusion of Ca++ to troponin/tropomyosin in skeletal muscle
- The smooth muscle system allows for a graded control of muscle tension – the percentage of myosin crossbridges activated is directly proportional to muscle tension
- The response is more graded and not all-or-none like skeletal muscle, different amounts of Ca++ produce different levels of muscle tension
What is the equation of bioavailability?
What are the equations for loading dose?
What are the maintenance dose equations?
What are the equations for Ke and half life?
What is the clearance equation in terms of Vd and half life?
What is the Ct equation in terms of C0?
What are the equilibrium concentrations of Na+, Ca2+, Cl-, K+?
Diagram the two intracellular pathways that control contraction and relaxation in smooth muscle.
- Contraction using Myosin Light Chain Kinase (MLCK)
- 4 Ca++ ions bind Calmodulin → activates MLCK → MLCK phosphorylates myosin regulatory light chain (RLC) → activating myosin
- Is stretch-induced contraction and is not dependent on nerve stimulation
- Relaxation via Latch Bridge Mechanism
- The latch bridge occurs when there is an intermediate level of phosphorylation (and calcium) of the smooth muscle myosin regulatory light chain. Relaxation will occur when all of the RLC becomes dephosphorylated which will occur when the calcium levels drop to near baseline.
- Reducing [Ca++] → inactivates MLCK
Distinguish between electromechanical coupling and pharmacomechanical coupling.
- Electromechanical Coupling
- Voltage-gated L-type calcium channel can activate RyR by calcium-induced calcium release
- Pharmacomechanical Coupling
- GCPR can activate IP3, allowing IP3 to bind to SR receptor to release Ca++ from SR without depolarization
Hereditary Spherocytosis
- Description: Disease of the cytoskeleton. Type of hemolytic anemia.
- Mechanism: Defects in spectrin → loss of membrane stability.
Hutchinson Gilford Progeria Syndrome
- Description: Disease of the nucleus.
- Mech: Accelerated aging due to lack of synthesis of Lamina A (DNA/RNA synthesis)
Lysosomal Storage Disease (Tay-Sachs, Krabbe, Gaucher)
- Description: Seizures, developmental delay, movement disorders
- Mech: lack function of one or more lysosomal hydrolase → undigested material accumulates causing swelling → major impact on neuronal cells
Lufts Disease
- Description: weakness, excessive perspiration, increased basal metabolic rate, high caloric intake without increase in body weight
- Mechanism: Caused by defect in mitochondrial oxygen utilization → uncoupling of oxidative phosphorylation
Age Related Degenerative Diseases (Parkinson and Alzheimer)
- Description: Disease of the mitochondria.
- Mech: formation of free radicals (superoxides) that cause DNA damage
Zellweger Syndrome Spectrum
- Description: Disease of the peroxisome.
- Mech: Mutated PEX gene → inability to import proteins → impaired B-oxidation → increase in FAs
Dyskinesia (Kartagener’s Syndrome)
- Description: Disease of the cilia/flagella.
- Mech: Defect in motility of cilia → infections in mucus lining
- Note: May cause infertility in male. Think sperm.
- Description: effects mostly nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord.
- Mech: The lysosomal hydrolase not present is hexosaminidase A and therefore GM2 ganglioside does not get broken down. GM2 ganglioside is important in nerve cells.
Neiman Pick
- Description: This disease mostly impacts neuronal cells but also causes enlargement of liver and spleen.
- Mech: effects sphingomyelin forming cells, accumulation of sphingomyelin because of lack of sphingomyelinase. The sphingomyelin accumulates in lysosomes and results in cell death.
- Description: most prevalent LSD. Not just nerve cells altered (liver, spleen, white blood cells, kidney, bone marrow).
- Mech: A deficiency in glucocerebrosidase which results in the accumulation of sphingolipids
I-Cell Disease
- Description: Very severe because all lysosomal hydrolases are not localized to the lysosome and instead are secreted outside the cell. Many cell types altered.
- Mech: problem with the targeting of lysosomal hydrolases to the lysosome. Tagging with mannose-6-phosphate is disrupted.
Von Gierck’s Disease
Description: Severe hypoglycemia and weakness
Mechanism: deficiency in glucose-6-phosphatase (type 1a) or G6P transporter (type 1b) so glucose cannot be mobilized from liver
Treatment: Manageable through diet
Malignant Hyperthermia
Description: Increased temperature due to increased metabolic activity.
Mech: Mutated RyR is sensitive to anesthetic, causing extended opening of RyR, leading to increased hydrolysis of ATP
Treatment: RyR blocker
Pompe’s Disease
Description: heart enlargement leading to cardiac arrest by age 2; autosomal inherited
Mechanism: lose alpha(1-4) glucosidase activity in lysosomes leading to increased levels of glycogen accumulation in many tissues
Treatment: no treatment
Cori’s Disease
Description: hypoglycemia weakness
Mechanism: deficiency in debranching enzyme leads to short outer branches with non-reducing ends
Treatment: glucose infusion
Andersen’s Disease
Description: liver failure and death
Mechanism: deficiency in branching enzyme leading to long
Treatment: no treatment just death
McArdle’s Disease
Description: painful cramps because muscle can not utilize glucose
Mechanism: muscle phosphorylase deficiency → cannot degrade glycogen
Treatment: liver is unaffected so mild disease