Weeks 1-3 Flashcards
What are the FITT Principles?
Key components which outline an effective exercise program.
Frequency: how often you exercise e.g. 5 times a week
Intensity: how hard you exercise e.g. max heart rate
Time: length of physical activity e.g. 1 hour session
Type: specific activity chosen to devlop particular components of fitness e.g. cardiovascular endurance > longer drills
What is periodisation?
The planning of training variables to achieve optimal performance at most crucial times. Involves varying volume and intensity.
Shortest training cycle lasting a week with the goal of a focused block of training.
A specific block of training which is designed to accomplish a specific goal and typically 3-4 weeks long
Longest of the three incorporating one year or an annual plan.
Principle of Progressive Overload
The gradual increase of a workload e.g. 10% to avoid injury
Principle of Specificity
The training of specific energy systems, fitness components etc. within a given sport e.g. training for swimming doesn’t improve cricket skills
Principle of Reversibility
Fitness strength and flexibility will be lost if training ceases or scales back
Recovery Principle
Allowing body to adapt and replenish for high intensity training e.g. after a high intensity session have a 48 hours break to recover allowing for optimal performance again
What is the Component of Fitness: Cardio-respiratory Endurance?
The ability for the body to work continuously for extended periods of time. Efficient body allows for submaximal levels for extended time. Also known as aerobic endurance or cardiovascular endurance.
What are factors affecting Cardio-respiratory Endurance?
Level of physical conditioning: being physically active increases their physiological capacities
VO2 max: largest amount of oxygen body can process, larger your VO2 max longer you can exercise
Muscle fibre type: greater percentage of slow twitch (red) fibres allows body to work submaximally for longer periods. Fast twitch (white) fibres allow for explosive efforts of energy
What is the component of fitness: Muscular Strength?
Maximal force a muscle can generate for a single maximal effort e.g. determined by completing one rep max like 80kg bench
What are factors affecting Muscular Strength
Age: Muscle strength loss is 1% per year after 25 but by exercise you can delay
Cross Sectional Area of Muscle (CSA): the larger size of a muscle the more potential to generate force
Muscle fibre type: fast twitch fibres experience greater increases in muscle size and strength
What is the component of fitness: Muscular Endurance?
Refers to the capacity of a muscle to work continuously e.g. the continued use of legs & arms in a marathon or stomach muscles (core) in situps
What are factors affecting Muscular Endurance?
Muscular Strength: greater amounts of strength produces larger amounts of force for longer periods
Muscle fibre type: slow twitch (red) fibres allow for muscle groups to exercise for longer periods
Aerobic fitness: being physically active can improve longer muscular endurance
What is the component of fitness: Flexibility?
The range of motion (ROM) around a joint and can be either static and stationary dynamic. This can promote healthy muscles and joints leading to freedom of movement and potential for greater force production
What are factors affecting Flexibility?
Age: aging decreases join range of motion but can be lessened with increased exercise
Gender: females are usually more flexible
Warmup: as tissue temperature increases, elasticity increase improving up to 20%