Weeks 1/2/3 Flashcards
myofascial release
system of diagnosis/treatment which engages continual palpatory feedback to achieve release of myofacial tissues
direct MFR
restr. barrier engaged fro dysfunctional myofascial tissues, constant force until tissue release occurs
indirect MFR
postion of ease engaged for the dysfunctuional myofacisal tissues, guided alonf the path of least resitance untiil free movement
combined MFR
treatment whereby direct/indirect barriers are simultaneously engaged (more advanced technique)
what is embryo origin of fascia?
name 6 functions of fascia
packaging, proteection, posture, passageways, homeostasis, fasical continuity
hookes law
stresses/strain directly prop. to force applied (stretch/compression/etc) provided the bodies limit of elasticiy is not exceeded.
the object will return to original shape/size upon removal of the load
newtons 3rd law
every action = equal but opposite reaction
davis law
eery chabe in the form of the soft tissue, or in its function alone, is followed by certain definite changes in internal architecture and external conformations
contractility of muscle and fascia
ability to actively create tension b/w an origin and insertion
capability of solid to conitunally yield under stress with a measureable rate of deformation.
change equilinruim of the body by reaction of the body to the stress
change in shape by a body when acted on by na external force
ablillity to reduce tension b/w origin and insertion
viscoelastic change
stress is not only a funciton of strain, but also strain rate = speed at which a load (strain) is applied will affect the amount of stress in tissue