Weekly Vocab - Quarter 3 Flashcards
Week 1: Garish (adjective)
gaudy, flashy
Garrulous (adjective)
talkative, wordy
Genial (adjective)
friendly, affable
Grandiose (adjective)
on a magnificent or exaggerated scale
Guile (noun)
deceitful, cunning, sly behavior
Week 2: Hackneyed (adjective)
unoriginal, trite
Hapless (adjective)
Harangue (noun)
a ranting speech
Harrowing (adjective)
greatly distressing, vexing
Hedonist (noun)
one who believes pleasure should be the primary pursuit in life
Week 3: Idiosyncrasy (noun)
a distinctive behavior or thought peculiar to an individual
Idolatrous (adjective)
excessively worshiping one object or person
Illicit (adjective)
forbidden, not permitted
Imperative (adjective)
necessary, important
Impertinent (adjective)
rude, arrogant