Week4 Lectures Flashcards
high blood pressure + tremors WITH seizures + delirium is chr of ___ withdrawal (etOH, cocaine, heroine)
VOLES is used to dx? what does it stand for
metabolic(non strutural) cause for acute confusion + agitation (
Vitamin defc O2/CO2 hypoxia/hypercabia (pneumonia) Liver dmg Electrolyte ∆ (dehydration/Kidney) Substances
altered mental status + hallucination; seizures* + , tremors* + psychomotor agitation; 2-5 days after last drink, lasting 1-5 days; death by arrhythmia (hypovolemia + ∆ electrolytes)
Delirium Tremens from etOH withdrawal
hint: ↑HR, BP, temp + diaphoresis
how do you tx delirium tremens?
tw benzos EARLY; AVOID SGAs only* (grand mal seizures kills pt)
on imaging: lesions in medial thalamus and hypothalamus; atrophy of mamillary bodies; confabulation dt affected fornix + hippocampus (short term recall)
Wernicke-Korsakoff dz
pt presents with confusion + cogn deficits; lateral and conjugate gaze palsy/paralysis; and ataxia
classic triad for Wernicke Encephalopathy
(encephalopathy; ophthalmoplegia; ataxia)
Cain criteria: 2/4 (defc risk + triad)
in WK rx, Low does thiamine is for ___ and high dose thiamine is for _____
prevention; treatment
Naltrexone, and Acamprosate; and Disulfiram are used to treat?
relapse prevention in etOH use do
hint: Disulfiram is 2nd line
Out of the 3 below, which is a Mu antag; GABA/glutamate modulator; ALDH blocker
Mu Opiate antag = Naltrexone
Acamprosate = GABA/glu modulator
Disulfiram = ALDH blocker
3 methods to treating benzo dependence
- sub a short acting BZ with long acting BZ (clonazepam), then taper
- Phenobarb (less safe)
- anticonvulsants (Valproate + Carbamazepine?
how would you treat pt who is unresponseive, w/ miosis + resp depression?
heroin/opioid OD! tw Naloxone
pt with SNS arousal sx, GI distress; and flu-like sx (shivers, goosebumps, lacrimation + rhinorrhea) is most likely experiencing? (cocaine/etoH/opioid) ___ withdrawal
Opioid withdrawal
how to treat Acute opioid withdrawal,
mild = clonidine moderate = buprenorphine (partial agonist) severe = methadone
how to treat chronic opioid dependence:
opiate agonist?
partial opiate agonist?
opiate antagonist?
- opiate agonist = methadone maint.
- partial opiate agonist = Suboxone (buprenorphine + naloxone)
- opiate antagonist = Naltrexone (oral/IM)
sort the following efx among the 3 opiate rcps: euphoria, analgesia, dysphoria
Mu = euphoria + analgesia Kappa = dysphoria + analgesia Delta = analgesia ONLY
Top 3 illicit dugs used in order
- Marijuana
- Rx pain relievers
- Cocaine
Why is urine toxicology screen preferable?
drugs + metabs last longer in urine
hint: 72 hr (amphetamines, cocaine, opioids) 1wk-1mo (THC)
other useful tests for etOH screening (besides triglycerides + uric acid)
AST>ALT, inc MCV (>100)l CDT transferrin
Tox screens are avail for (4)
DARES is used for ____; what does it stand for?
Motivational Interviewing Principles;
Develop discrepancy Avoid Argumentation Roll with Resistance Express Empathy by reflecting Support Self-Efficacy
OARS is used for ____; what does it stand for?
Motivational Interviewing skills;
Open ended questions
Contraindication for Immunotherapy (Abs) for substance use do tx?
heart attack risk with over use
how is Amphetamine worse than Cocaine?
displaces DA from DAt and VMAT –> ↑DA gradient –> forcing DA into synapse via DAT (uncontrollable leaks) –> psychosis, agitation, aggressiveness
euphoria, hyperactivity, initial hypersexuality, anorexia; rigidity, seizures are chr in stimulant (withdrawal/intoxication)
hint: confusion is rare
apathy, irritability, craving, depression, fatigue, hypersomnia/phagia lasting <72 h are chr in stimulant (withdrawal/intoxication)
peristent psychocosis and hallucinogen persisting perception disorder are are ____
long term effects of hallucinogens
Varenicline (Chantix) is used for ____; SEs in addition to nausea, insomnia, and nightmares include (3)
nicotine gum is contraindicated in
TMJ and dental dz