Week2 6671/6611 Flashcards
Moderate exercise
___ METS
3-6 METS
Congestive heart failure
Engorgement and distention of jugular veins
Increased fluid retention:
Weight gain
Dependent putting edema
Increased fatigue w/ activity
Parameters indicating lack of readiness for PT (ICU-AW)-
SaO2 < 88% OR 10% desaturation below resting SaO2
RR > 35 breaths/min
PEEP > 10 cm H2O
FiO2 => 0.6
Factors affecting heart rate-
Males < Females
Medical clearance and exercise testing- screening
Low/Mod/High Risk?
Men < 45, Women < 55
Only 1 risk factor and no symptoms
Men => 45, Women =>55
2 or more risk factors
Known CV, pulmonary or metabolic disorders, or s/s of CV disease (SOB at rest/mild exertion; syncope; ankle edema; palpitations)
Moderate risk and vigorous exercise or High risk = physician supervised testing
Becks anxiety scoring
0-21 low
22-35 moderate
36+ high/concerning
Normal adult resting breathing rate
10-20 breaths/min
Rate < 12 breaths/min (adult)
Parameters indicating lack of readiness for PT (ICU-AW)
Metabolic measures
Glucose levels <70 or >200 mg/dL
Factors related to dysrhythmias (8)
- Ischemia/hypoxia of myocardium
- Sympathetic discharge (anxiety; exercise)
- Acidosis
- Alterations in electrolytes (decrease K+)
- Excessive stretch of myocardium (ie. CHF)
- Pharmacologic agents
- Sympathomimetics (caffeine; anti arrhythmia drugs; digitalis)
CIP/CIM (critical illness polyneuropathy/myopathy)
Circulatory, cellular level, and metabolic changes
Impaired O2 delivery-total body microcirculatory issues
Impaired mitochondrial function- reduced ATP, energy production
Diaphragmatic weakness from ventilation (combined sedation)
Immobility- muscle wasting
Pulse Assessment Scale 0-3
0 : absent
1 : weak, thread
2 : normal
3 : full, bounding
CIP/CIM (critical illness polyneuropathy/myopathy)
Weaning difficultly Clinical presentation Imaging Labs Tissue studies
CIP/CIM (critical illness polyneuropathy/myopathy)
Not great: 22% die in hospital; 33% die w/in 6 mo
The younger, the better
Labored or difficult breathing
Rate > 20 breaths per minute (adult)
Do NOT mobilize the critically ill patient if…?
- Standard contraindication and precaution
- New onset of cardiac arrhythmias or s/s of MI
- New additions or adjustments to vasoactive medications
- Intermittent hemodialysis
- Intra-aortic balloon pump
Multi Organ Dysfunction Syndrome (MODS)
Progressive failure of 2 or more organ systems over 24 hours
Typically a complication of critical illness
Normal respiratory rate but decreased volume
Factors affecting heart rate-
Core temperature
Medical clearance and exercise testing- Low/Mod/High Risk screening
Risk factors?
- Family hx of CV disease (before age 55 in father or first-degree male relative; before 65 in mother or first-degree female relative)
- Smoking (current or quit w/in 6 mo)
- HTN (SBP => 140; DBP => 90; or in HTN rx)
- Dyslipidemua (LDL > 130, HDL < 40; total cholesterol > 200)
- Fasting glucose => 100 on 2 separate occasions
- Obesity (BMI > 30)
- Sedentary lifestyle