Week1 Flashcards
Referrals- Emergent
Cauda equina Infection Myopathy Fx Stroke Myocardial infarction
Additional questions to ask?
Concern about spine infection
Recently on antibiotics or other meds for infection?
Dx with immunosuppressive disorder?
Does pain ease with rest in comfortable position?
Primary OA of cervical spine usually involves?
4 common dx
Psoriatic arthritis
Septic arthritis
Serious conditions in lumbar region?
Red flag
- Tumor
- Spinal infection
- Vertebral fx
- Cauda equina
Additional questions to ask?
Concern about spine fx.
Recently have major trauma, car crash, fall from height?
Ever dx with osteoporosis or other disorders that could cause “weak bones?”
(Includes: hyperparathyroid, renal failure, chronic GI disorders, and long-term use of corticosteroids)
Visceral pain often described as
Aching Squeezing Gnawing Burning Cramping
RA of cervical spine usually involves?
Entire cervical spine
vs OA C5-6, C6-7
Referrals- urgent
Progressive neurological deficits
Additional questions to ask?
Colon cancer concern
Older than 50
Hx of colon ca in immediate family (1st degree relative)
Bowel disturbance (rectal bleed or black stools)
Unexplained weight loss
Back or pelvic pain unchanged by movement or positions
Additional questions to ask?
Concern Cauda Equina
Recent difficulty with retaining urine or starting urine flow?
Need to urinate more frequently?
Saddle paresthesia (numbness on bottom like a bike seat)?
Legs weak waking or climbing stairs?
LBP cancer red flags
50 yo or older
Hx of ca
Unexplained weight loss
Failure to improve with conservative care
What is medical screening?
Process of evaluating pt exam data for purpose of deciding whether pt referral is warranted
NOT synonymous with differential diagnosis
Vascular disorder pain often described as?
6 Common dx
- RA (usually symmetrical)
- Juvenile RA (May be asymmetric)
- Psoriatic arthritis
- Systemic lupus erithematosus (usually asymmetric)
- Ankylosis spondylitis (often asymmetric)
- Reactive arthritis (often asymmetric)