Week2 Flashcards
Which enzyme is secreted by juxtaglomerular cells of the kidney when circulating blood volume is reduced?
At the arterial end of capillaries, fluid moves from the intravascular space into the interstitial space because the
capillary hydrostatic pressure is higher thatn the capillary oncotic pressure
What is the major determinant of the resting membrane potential necessary for tramission of nerve impulses?
the ratio between intracellular K+ and extracellular potassium
When thirst is experienced, how are osmoreceptors activated?
by an increase in the osmotic pressure of the plasma
Physiologic PH is maintained around 7.4 because bicarbonate (HCO3) and carbonic acid (H2CO3) exist in a ration of
How does the loss of chloride during vomiting cause metabolic alkalosis?
loss of chloride causes retention of bicarbonate to maintain the anion balance
Which are indications of dehydration?
tachycardia and weight loss
Dyspnea is not a result of
decreased blood flow to the medulla oblongata
The most successful treatment for chronic asthma begins with
elimination of the causative agent
High altitudes may produce hypoxemia through
decreased inspired oxygen
Which inflammatory mediators are produced in asthma
histamine, prostaglandins, and leukotrienes
_____ is a fulmainant form of respiratory failure characterized by acute lung inflammation and diffuse alveolocapillary injury
acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS)
A (n) ___ is a circumsribed area of suppuration and destruction of lung parenchyme
Clinical manifestations that include unexplained weight loss, dyspnea on exertion , use of accessory muscles, and tachypnea with prolonged expiration are indicative of
Which of the following is a true statement?
Hyperventilation causes hypocapnia
Pulmonary edema usually begins at the pumonary capillary wedge pressure or left atrial pressure of ___ mm Hg
Kussmaul respirations may be characterized as respiratory pattern
with a slightly increased ventilatory reate, large tidal volumes and no expiratory pause
Clinical manifestatins of pulmonary hypertension include
peripheral edema and jugular venous distention
An accurate description of childhood asthma is that it is a (n)
obstructive airway disease characterized by reversible airflow obstruction, bronchial hyperreactivity, and inflammation
Which immunoglobulin is present in childhood asthma
Cystic fibrosis (CF) is caused by a (n)
autosomal recessive inheritance
The release of fibroblast growth factors affects ARDS by causing
pulmonary fibrosis
Which of the following statements about the advances in the treatment of RDS of the newborn is incorrect
administering oxygen to mothers during preterm labor increases their arterial oxygen before birth of the fetus
Which of the following types of croup is most comon
Chest wall compliance in infants is ___ in adults
higher than