Week1 Flashcards
Missing part for old CogPsy
Language acquisition. An immigrant child learns the language faster than his parents( against behaviorism
Rats, mazes and turning left at north. Cognitive maps
Frontal Lobe
Thinking, planning, decision making
Occipital Lobe
Visual Perception
involved in imagery!
Temporal Lobe
Complex perception, memory, language
Parietal Lobe
Controlling Action
Electrocorticography( ECoG)
Intracranial recordings. Electrode implantation.
High spatial, temporal resolution.
Only done to people who’s brain are working differently.
Single Cell Electrode Recordings
High spatial , temporal resolution
Highly invasive, can not be done to humans if it is not for clinical help to the individual
Electroencephalography ( EEG)
Less invasive
Electrodes on the scalp
Can be used for epilepsy
Wİdely used
Lİmited spatial resolution , high temporal resolution(miliseconds)
Event related potential(ERP)
Cheaper than fmri
Sums the brain activity
Functional Magnetic Resonance
Imaging (fMRI)
Functional brain imaging
popular for cognition
substraction method
less invasive than EEG
high spatial resolution ( less than single-neuron recoding)
reverse inference
limitation of brain imagining techniques. a causes b does not mean that if b then a .
correlation and causation problem
To demonstrate necessity, you need
to show that blocking face area activity will disrupt face perception.
Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS)
temporarily disrupt brain activity using focal
magnetic pulses targeted over different areas of the scalp
coil, Faraday`s principles.
temporal precise
highly causal relationships
clinical benefits (such as deep brain stimulation)
can not effect deep structures. not spatially good
Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS)
increase or decrease of likelihood of firing a neuron
computational level of analysis
the mind is trying to compute and why
what information the mind is trying to process, and for what purpose
algorithmic level of analysis
aims to understand the rules,
mechanisms, and representations the mind uses
eye movements to see how our familiarity with different
implementational level of analysis
seeks to understand the
“hardware”—that is, the brain—that physically enables the processes
of human cognition.
physiological and physical structures– what areas of the brain
stages( perception, decision , response prep.)
causal relationships
widely applicable (PET ,fMRI)
Disadvantage: assumes stages are independent .
Time-Line Cognitive Psychology
william james( functionalism)
watson- classical conditioning
skinner operant conditioning
Information Processing
Simon Task
compatible- incompatible
Neural code
*Physical features: orientation, shape, size, wavelength (color)
* Space: Where things are
* Time
* Semantics: What things mean
* Actions