week1 Flashcards
something that makes you feel more confident and happy, or that helps something increase or improve
desteklemek, kendine güvenli ve mutlu olmasına yardımcı olmak
Increased tourism was a major boost to the local economy.
to tie something together with string, rope, etc
bağlamak, balya yapmak, demet haline getirip bağlamak
His hands were bound behind his back.
something that encourages you to act in a particular way
teşvik, özendirme
[ + to do sth ] People had little incentive to save.
The government should provide incentives for young people to stay in school.
existing or happening before something else
…dan/den önce/evvel
The course requires no prior knowledge of Spanish.
to make people obey a rule or law
(yasa, kural) yürürlüğe koymak, etkinleştirmek
It is the duty of the police to enforce the law.
to destroy something completely
enkaza çevirmek, mahvetmek, perişan etmek
The explosion wrecked several cars and damaged nearby buildings.
someone whose job is buying and selling goods, usually in large amounts
a wine/grain merchant
something difficult or unpleasant that you have to deal with or worry about
ağır, yük, sorumluluk, zahmet, zor iş
the burden of responsibility
I’d hate to be a burden to you when I’m older.
an area where there is no light from the sun and so it is darker and not as hot
I’d prefer to sit in the shade.
to stop someone doing something, sometimes by using force
zaptetmek, engel olmak, frenlemek, alıkoymak, mâni olmak
He became violent and had to be physically restrained.
[ + from + doing sth ] I had to restrain myself from shouting at him.
to feel very happy because something good has happened
çok sevinmek, memnun olmak, büyük sevinç duymak
to increase in amount over a period of time, or to make something increase over a period of time
biriktirmek, artırmak, tasarruf etmek
The chemicals accumulate in your body.
to accumulate wealth/debts
to be the same or very similar
aynı/benzer olmak, birbirine uymak
The newspaper story does not correspond with/to what really happened.
in the time between two things happening, or while something else is happening
bu sırada, bu esnada, bu zaman zarfında, bu süre içinde
The mother is ill. The child, meanwhile, is living with foster parents.
honest, brave, and kind
dürüst, soylu, cesur, kibar
a noble gesture
He was a generous, noble man.
belonging to or done by two or more people
a joint statement
The project was a joint effort by all the children in the class.
to make a copy of something
kopyasını yapmak, taklit etmek
The diagram is reproduced by permission of the original author.
to control something using machines and not people
makinalar yardımıyla bir şeyi kontrol etmek, makineleştirmek
to try to make or change an agreement by discussion
müzakere etmek, konuşarak anlaşmaya varmak, pazarlık etmek
to negotiate with employers about working conditions
to try to make or change an agreement by discussion
müzakere etmek, konuşarak anlaşmaya varmak, pazarlık etmek
to negotiate with employers about working conditions
the roads or paths you follow to get from one place to another place
yol, güzergâh
an escape route
Crowds gathered all along the route to watch the race.
a situation in which you are in a hurry and do something more quickly than you should
acele, telaş, koşturmaca
In their haste to escape, they left behind all their belongings.