Week Two - Developmental Coordination Disorder Flashcards
what is DCD
a motor impairment that presents in childhood and significantly impacts upon daily living activities
list criterion A of the DSM V for DCD
impaired skills requiring motor coordination: execution of coordinated motor skills is below expected level for age, given opportunity for skill learning
list criterion B of the DSM V for DCD
Impairment in motor skills that significantly interferes with the performance or participation in daily activities
list criterion C for the DSM V for DCD
onset of symptoms of developmental coordination disorder, must be early in developmental period
list criterion D for DSM V for DCD
coordination difficulties are not due to visual impairment, neurological condition
signs and symptoms in very early childhood
may take longer than other children to:
- sit
- crawl
- walk
- speak
- stand
- toilet training
- build expressive and clear language
signs and symptoms in early childhood
- difficulty with fine motor e.g. shoe laces
- difficulty dressing
- difficulties with playground and classroom movement
- difficulty processing thoughts and concentration
- fidget
- difficulty learning a new skill
- difficulty copying from board to paper
signs and symptoms in preschool age
- hard to keep friends
- hesitates most actions
- does not hold pencil with a good drip
signs and symptoms in school age
- avoids PE
- learn well one to one
- does not filter stimuli (reacts equally)
- maths and writing difficulties
- does not follow or remember instructions
- poorly organised
prevalence of DCD
5-10% of the population
- more prevalent in males
list the 3 hypothesised causes
- maturational
- cognitive and information processing approach
- dynamic systems perspective
list the comordbidities
- speech and language difficulties
- learning difficulties
list assessments for motor
- Movement Assessment Battery for Children
- Bruinicks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency (a.k.a the BOT)
- Peabody Developmental Motor Scales
- Test of Gross Motor Skills
list assessment for self care
- roll evaluation of activities of life
- ages and stages
- WeeFIM
- Vinelands Adaptive Behaviour Scale
List Visual Perceptual assessment for self care
- Development Test of Visual Perception
- Motor free test of Visual Perception
Berry Bucktenica Test of Visual Motor Integration - Test of visual perception skills
- Wide range assessment of visual motor abilities
List sensory assessments
- Sensory Profile
list handwriting assessments
- Detailed assessment of speed of handwriting (DASH)
- evaluation tool of children’s handwriting (ETCH)
- Minnesota handwriting assessment
list examples of bottom up intervention approaches
- sensory integration therapy
- process orientated treatment
- perceptual motor training
list examples of top down intervention approaches
- task specific intervention cognitive approach
- cognitive orientation to daily occupational performance ) CO-OP)