Week two Flashcards
Zeus' consolidation of power, Olympians, Syncretism,
True or False: Hesiod’s Theogony begins with a matriarch (Gaia) and ends with a patriarch (Zeus)
After defeating Kronos, what is Zeus’ first act?
Release the Cyclopes imprisoned by Uranus
What do the Cyclopes give Zeus in gratitude?
Thunder, thunderbolt, and lightning
Who agreed to divide the cosmos by drawing lots? What did they each get?
Zeus: ruler of the sky, Poseidon: ruler of the sea, Hades: ruler of the underworld
What does Hades’ cap do?
Makes the wearer invisible, he sees but is unseen
To what punishment is Prometheus subject after trying to trick Zeus?
Chained to a peak in the Caucasus mountains as an eagle is sent each day to peck out his liver, condemned to this for eternity
Why was the war between the Titans and Olympians fought?
To decide which generation of gods would rule the cosmos.
Who is Typhoeus? What power does he have?
Chaos monster from from Gaia and Tartaros. Has the ability to undo the fabric of creation.
What would have happened if Tyhphoeus won against Zeus?
There would be no communication, ordered sound, speech, language, and music
Which wife of Zeus is fated to bear a son greater than him? Who was the child?
Metis, Zeus’ first wife. Athena.
Like Athena, who also brought concern to the gods with their power?
Hestia and Roman counterpart
Hearth and home. Vesta.
Hermes and Roman counterpart
Messenger and communication. Mercury.
Aphrodite and Roman counterpart
Sexual love and beauty. Venus.
Ares and Roman counterpart
The spirit of battle. Mars.
Demeter and Roman counterpart
Harvest and agriculture. Ceres.
Hephaistos and Roman counterpart
Fire and craftsman. Vulcan.
Hera and Roman counterpart
Marriage, proper care of children, and women. Juno.
Poseidon and Roman counterpart
Sea, earthquakes, and horses. Neptune.
Athena and Roman counterpart
Wisdom, crafts, and city. Minerva.
Zeus and Roman counterpart
Sky, lightning, and thunder. Jupiter.
Artemis and Roman counterpart
Hunt, wild animals, the moon, and nature. Diana.
Apollo and Roman counterpart
Archery, music, and prophecy. Apollo.
Hades and Roman counterpart
Underworld. Pluto.
Dionysos and Roman counterpart
Wine and ecstasy. Bacchus.
Who makes up the Capitoline Triad?
Juno, Jupiter, Minerva
Who supported the Greeks in the Trojan war?
Hera, Athena, Poseidon
Who supported the Trojans in the Trojan war?
Aphrodite, Ares, Apollo
Who did Zeus give to Hades to marry?
Persephone, daughter of Demeter.
What did Demeter do in revenge?
Caused a famine
What is syncretism?
Assimilation or blending between cultures or within a culture.
Reasons for Zeus’ success?
Exploits those useful to him, exploits female power, uses trickery rather than brute force