week three - human resource information and control systems Flashcards
what is the concept of a human resource information system
a set of tangible/intangible media and people that collect, analyse and distribute relevant information for HR activity
what is the purpose of developing a HRIS
- to know the current situation and future evolution of HR
- to identify factors for success or failure for HR decisions
what are the types of HRIS
- informal and unsystematic
- formal and systematic
1) static and disaggregated HRIS
2) dynamic and aggregated HRIS
what is an informal and unsystematic HRIS
no formal systems for information storage, based on human memory and subjective interpretations
what is a formal and systematic HRIS
based on formal systems (e.g. database) and systematic analysis of hard data
what is a static and disaggregated HRIS
- the most common formal HRIS
- HR statistics: staff, firings, working hours, training hours
- HR ratios and graphics: turnover, university graduates, graphics with statistics
what is a dynamic and aggregated HRIS
statistics and ratios are analysed jointly and underlying dynamics and causes are investigated
what is the process of building a HRIS
1) identifying information needs
2) establish key sources of information
3) establish procedures for data collection
4) establish procedures for data analysis, ratios, graphics
5) identifying the potential users of information of the HRIS
6) establishing procedures for information distribution
what is the concept of HR audit
periodic review of the effectiveness with which a company uses its human resources
what aspects does a HR audit assess and monitor
- consistency
- effectiveness
- changes
what are the main HR audit goals
- HR strategy goals
- specific HRM functions/processes/practices goals (e.g. success of a recruitment plan)
- specific HRM support tools’ goals (e.g. resolution of conflict in teams)
- specific labour administration goals (e.g. successful agreement between unions)
what evaluation is necessary for a HRIS
- cost-benefit analysis
- speed of obtaining information
- appropriateness of information received by recipients
- accuracy and timeliness
the balanced scorecard model
check topic three, slide eleven
how should a company appear in order to appeal stakeholders
- broad revenue mix
- good operating efficiency
- good enterprise financial health
how should a company appear to its customers
- excellent service
- trusted business partner
what business processes should a company excel at
- develop new products
- reduce cycle time
- provide rapid response
- shift to the appropriate channel
how does a company sustain their ability to change and improve
- hire technical talent
- implement cross-training
- align personal goals
- increase employee productivity
the emergence of knowledge economy diagram
topic three, slide twelve
how does a company optimise knowledge as a strategic asset
- innovation
- unlearn what is obsolete
- learn faster in order to achieve a sustainable competitive advantage
what is the process of data –> information –> knowledge
smart talent management:
- the process of obtaining information
- the process of learning
what is information vs knowledge
- gives meaning to data
- input to the learning process
- objective
- basic requirement
- gives meaning to information
- output of the learning process
- subjective
- source of competitive advantage
what is organisational learning
- the process by which an organisation creates knowledge by selecting, interpreting and transforming information
- the created knowledge is institutionalised and embedded into organisational routines
what is knowledge management
a set of policies, activities, programmes, and projects aimed at optimising the use of knowledge as a strategic resource (e.g. creating/organising/integrating/applying knowledge from and between people)
what are the four complimentary pillars of an integrated approach to KM
hard aspects:
- information management
- IT tools (e.g. databases)
soft aspects:
- social interaction enhancement and structural change
- use of human resource practices that enable knowledge creation and sharing (e.g. talent attraction, training, performance appraisal)
what are some smart talent/knowledge management strategy success factors (people based_
- develop a friendly culture
- flexible and decentralised structures
- promote a climate of trust
- promote maximum employee participation
- align HR system with KM needs