week seven - training and developing HR Flashcards
define training
the process of providing employees with specific competencies and/or helping them correct deficiencies in their performance
define development
the process of providing employees with the competencies that the organisation will need in the future
what is talent development
phases of the training process
what is the purpose of a needs assessment
to determine if talent development is needed and provide the information needed to design the training programme, three levels of analysis:
1) organisational
2) task
3) person
what is organisational analysis
examination of broad factors such as organisations culture, mission, climate, strategy, goals, environment
what is task analysis
examination of the job to be performed, usually through job analysis that provides information needed to understand job requirements
what is person analysis
determining which employees need training by examining their performance
talent development objectives should be
- based on the previous phase of needs assessment
- linked to specific competencies, value, tasks, duties and responsibilities
- stated in behavioural terms
- as specific as possible
- realistic and attainable with time and resources
- used as a basis for assessing training effectiveness
what is the purpose of implementation
carrying out talent development activities as a direct response to organisational problems or needs in order to achieve the training goals
what is on-the-job training
trainees work in the actual work setting usually under the guidance of an experienced worker
what are some methods of on-the-job training
- job rotation: aim of gaining experience in different kinds of jobs
- apprenticeships: learning period for skilled blue-collar jobs
- internships: learning period for skilled white-collar jobs
advantages of on-the-job training
- high relevance to the job
- lower expenses and use of resources
- while learning, the employee also contributes to the organisations’ goals
disadvantages of on-the-job training
- costs related to the trainees’ lack of expertise
- lower work performance of trainees’ coworkers who teach trainees
- safety risks
what are some off-the-job training
- classroom instruction: lectures, talks, case based problem solving
- teletraining and computer supported training
- simulations
how can we implement off-the-job training
- virtual reality
- outdoor training
off-the-job training advantages
- minimal distractions and interruptions
- can minimise safety risks
- investments may be required, where the benefits outweigh the costs
- can be effective motivational and commitment building tools
off-the-job training disadvantages
- risk of low or no immediate transferability of what is learned
- higher expenses and use of resources
define evaluation
assessing the effectiveness of the talent development activities implemented
what is the four level framework for talent development evaluation
1) trainee reaction
- usually consisting of ratings on a satisfaction scale
2) trainee learning
- usually consists of competency exercises
3) trainee behaviour
- assessed by observing work operation
4) training results
- usually assessed by financial measures of ROI